Jasper Van Steenbergen is a PhD Candidate at the University of Antwerp, where he is part of the research group Government and Law. In this capacity, he is writing a doctoral thesis about the freedom of expression of civil servants. He holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Antwerp. In his capacity as a teaching assistant, he teaches the administrative law practicum. His research interests lie in administrative law, human rights law, and the deontology of the civil service. He publishes in administrative and human rights law in general, and in civil service law in particular. Before joining the academy, he worked as a lawyer in environmental law and public procurement law in a Belgium law firm.
Areas of Expertise:
- Administrative Law
- Constitutional Law
- Human Rights Law
- Law of the Civil Service
- Dentology of the Civil Service
Selected Publications:
- Van Steenbergen, J. (2022) De loyauteitseis van het overheidspersoneel versus het spreekrecht en het recht op toegang tot de rechter.
- Van Steenbergen, J. (2022) The freedom of expression of the judiciary as a special case of state personnel : a European human rights perspective.
- Van Steenbergen, J. (2021) Liking Facebook posts by an employee: freedom of expression versus the duty of loyalty.
Full Publication List: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/20402/N
Selected Projects:
- 2021 - 2025 - De vrijheid van meningsuiting van het overheidspersoneel in het algemeen en van magistraten en veiligheidspersoneel in het bijzonder.