Here you can find highlighted news from the Government and Law research group. For the most recent news and updates from our group, please follow our LinkedIn page below.
Retirement Celebration of Ingrid Opdebeek and Inaugural Lecture by Stéphanie De Somer

Government and Law to organise the 2023-2024 International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition

On 10 October Stéphanie De Somer organised a seminar with Professor Henk Addink (retired Utrecht University) to present his new book 'Algemene Beginselen van Bestuursrecht'. Professor Addink has published a lot of inspiring work on good governance and good administration, among which, a book on Good Governance published by Oxford University Press. A transcript of his seminar (in English) can be found at the link.

Annual Research Group Day 2023

This year's annual PhD event "How to Grow Confidence in Conducting and Presenting your Research”

Two SBO projects awarded to members of the Research Group

Friday (17 March 2023) Stéphanie De Somer and Annelien Stijleman organised an international expert seminar on the proof of the facts in administrative law.

Innaugural event with the University Of Essex Law School (10 March 2023)

Stéphanie De Somer becomes cosupervisor of the RESONANCE project and appointed as member of DigiTax

Goverment and Law researchers (Patricia Popelier, Susana Coroado, Jakob Frateur, and Peter Bursens [GOVTRUST Centre of Excellence]) begin work on the HORIZON Europe LEGITIMULT project
![Goverment and Law researchers (Patricia Popelier, Susana Coroado, Jakob Frateur, and Peter Bursens [GOVTRUST Centre of Excellence]) begin work on the HORIZON Europe LEGITIMULT project](/thumb/10a54eab20dd50cd6b6b3f28085fcd5f/assets/img/images/6761/w1460-h758-cc/972a38e9-4087-4963-9ac0-b25ca851a0a1.jpg)
Jonathan Schenk continues working on a draft for a European Regulation on international property law

Cedric Jenart wins the Frans Van Cauwelaert Prize 2022 for 'Outsourcing Rulemaking Powers - Constitutional limits and national safeguards'