PhD Candidate | PhD Title | Promoter(s) |
ATHANASIOU Georgios | Respect for national identity and essential State functions in EU migration and free movement law | D. Vanheule |
DE ANDRADE Felipe | The Role of Free Trade Agreements in building a Resiliant Normative Framework for International Technology Transfer | E. van Zimmeren K. de Feyter G. Van Calster |
DE ROECK Lisa | Conflict in Transformations (CONTRA) | W. Van Dooren (FSW) E. van Zimmeren T. Coppens (Design Sciences) |
DENS Catherine | De rol van de beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur in de relatie tussen Vlaamse hoger- en secundaire onderwijsinstellingen en hun studenten of leerlingen: een juridisch en empirisch onderzoek | S. De Somer S. Pauwels (Fac. Ontwerpwetenschappen) |
FONTEYN Floris | Rechterlijk toezicht op de buitenlandse betrekkingen | C. Jenart |
FORNOVILLE Claire | Accountability of Belgian State-Owned Enterprises: An assessment of the accountability mechanisms for the non-financial aspects of their functioning on the basis of public and corporate law good governance principles and a comparative analysis with Germany and the USA | S. De Somer M. Wyckaert (KU Leuven) |
FRATEUR Jakob | Legitimate crisis management and multilevel governance: the role of trust in governments in democratically legitimate crisis governance (Interdisciplinary doctorate Law and Social Sciences) | P. Popelier P. Bursens (FSW) |
GHYS Naomi | De actieve verantwoordelijkheid van de Belgische Staat voor de sociale bescherming van personen met een handicap | F. Louckx |
| Copyright governance in AI systems through the EU AI Act and the EU copyright legislation: The challenges of the current AI and IP framework in the EU | E. van Zimmeren |
HAI Anh Le | Towards a Resilient Framework of High Level Passenger Rights Protection: Adaptations for Platform-based Mobility Solutions and the Future of Sustainable Urban Mobility | W. Verheyen E. van Zimmeren |
HERREBOSCH Nathan | GOBAREG Project | P. Popelier S. De Somer K. Verhoest (PPG) |
KANYAMIHANDA Adeodata | Enhancing international protection and safeguards, through acomparative legal approach, for climate-displaced individuals seeking refuge in the EU | J. Meeusen |
KUBIŃSKA Aleksandra | Capturing the Dynamics of Semi-Authoritarian Regimes. Analyzing political discourse concerning societal ac-tors as democratic indexicals | P. Popelier C. Van de Heyning T. Van Hout (FLW) |
LARI-WILLIAMS Seun | Towards a Competitive, Fair and Sustainable Copyright System: Developing an Effective Dispute System Design | E. van Zimmeren S. Rutten |
LUINING Michiel | Trojan Horse Discourse: The Use and Abuse of Contemporary Constitutional Discourse for Fundamental Rights Prorection (Interdisciplinary doctorate Law and Linguistics) | P. Popelier C. Van de Heyning T. Van Hout (FLW) |
LUKU Helga | Continuity of civil status for mobile citizens in a diverse European Union: balancing freedom of movement, fundamental rights and national identity | J. Meeusen |
NAITHANI Daanish | Trust in Specialized Courts: The Unified Patent Court as a Case Study to Disentangle Trust Dynamics | E. van Zimmeren P. Popelier B. Kleizen |
RICIFARI Rebecca | Private International Law and International Corporate Mobility: Directive (EU) 2019/2121 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions (Incoming double doctorate with the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italië) and UAntwerp) | J. Meeusen S. Bariatti (Università degli Studi di Milano) |
SAMI Rana Touseef | Coping with Urban Overtourism in Europe: EU Law as a Facilitator or an Impediment? | S. De Somer |
SANDRI Emilia | Enforcing Vertically Imposed Rule-of-Law Requirements Through Horizontal Judicial Cooperation: The Role of National Courts in Upholding the Rule of Law | J. Meeusen M. Leloup (UGent) |
SAXENA Devanshi | Geographical Indications and Sustainable Development: Preparing Gls for the future | E. van Zimmeren K. De Feyter |
SCHENK Jonathan | A choice of law rule for the proprietary aspects of B2B transactions as a step further in the EU harmonisation process. | N. Carette J. Meeusen |
SMEETS Yannick | De toetsingsintensiteit en beslissings- en beleidsvormende rol van de bestuurlijke omgevingsvergunningenrechter. | C. Jenart |
STEVENS Chelsea | De rechtspositie van de hoofdarts in het ziekenhuis | F. Dewallens S. De Somer T. Vansweevelt |
STIJLEMAN Annelien | Naar een theorie over algemene beginselen van bewijs in het bestuursrecht | I. Opdebeek S. De Somer |
SUORSA Heidi | Unity in diversity of European health care systems: A fundamental legal perspective on common values, organizational and financial principles | F. Louckx |
TANRIVERDI Ülkü | The Smart Transition of Urban Mobility Towards Sustainable, Accessible, Inclusive, and Safe Mobility: Developing Models for Regulation, Policy, and Governance | E. van Zimmeren W. Verheyen |
VAN DER SMISSEN Jana | The Legal Value of the Principle of Solidarity in EU Asylum and Migration Law | D. Vanheule |
VAN DURME Florence | Environmental justice advocates navigating the legal space: A dual Belgian case study on environmental pollution and the just transition
| K. Van Aeken T. Ferrando S. De Somer |
VAN HEEREBEEK Amber | From Rule-Based to Goal-Based Regulation: Interest Group Involvement and Legitimacy in Hybrid Regimes | P. Bursens (FSW) S. De Somer L. Frehen (FSW)
VAN REEMPTS Fien | The effectiveness of directives in horizontal situations: a reassessment in the post-exclusion/substitution dichotomy era | J. Meeusen |
VAN STEENBERGEN Jasper | De vrijheid van meningsuiting van het overheidspersoneel in het algemeen en van magistraten en veiligheidspersoneel in het bijzonder | S. De Somer C. Van de Heyning I. Opdebeek |
VERRELST Mieke | Evidence in Belgian migration law | D. Vanheule |
WIJNS Julia | A Collaborative Approach for inventions based on Genetic Resources: Aligning Intellectual Property Rights with Access and Benefit Sharing
| E. van Zimmeren I. Huys (KU Leuven) T. Lalova Spinks (KU Leuven) D. Muyldermans (3BIO) |
WILLEMS Cassandra | Principle-based Regulation and Trust: Explaining Beneficiaries' and Regulatees' Trust in Hybrid Regulatory Regimes | K. Verhoest (PPG) P. Bursens (FSW) P. Popelier |