Here you can find a complete overview of the publications by our research group.

The equal treatment provision of Article 4 of Regulation 883/2004: its friends and foes

Liber amicorum Bernhard Spiegel: reflections on EU coordination of social security systems: bridging academia and public administration (Belgian Journal of Social Security, Special Edition)-p. 103-108

Law is trapped in history and history is trapped in law? Historical narratives in illiberal legal practices in Hungary and Poland

Comparative Law and Language - ISSN 2785-7417-3:3 (2024) p. 60-79

Op zoek naar een Salomonsoordeel: herstel en verbetering van de Poolse rechtsstaat

Ars aequi - ISSN 0004-2870-05 (73) p. 423-426

Juridische aspecten van koolstofverwijdering, koolstofafvang en de “industrial carbon management strategy"

Jaarboek energierecht 2023 / Deketelaere, K. [edit.]; Delvaux, B. [edit.]-p. 51-81