GOVTRUST excellence consortium
Koen Verhoest (research group Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: public administration & management, organization and governance of public tasks, autonomy and control of agencies, regulation of liberalized markets public-private partnerships coordination of wicked issues
Esther van Zimmeren (research group Government & Law)
Expertise: intellectual property law, innovation policy, technology transfer, contract law, European institutional and economic law, international trade law, interdisciplinary research
Peter Bursens (research group Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: Europeanization, multilevel governance, territorial politics, legitimacy of multilevel political systems
Stijn Oosterlynck (research group CRESC)
Expertise: urban sociology, local social innovation and welfare state restructuring, the political sociology of urban development, urban renewal and community building, new forms of solidarity in diversity, urban diversity policies, civil society dynamics and the relationship between cities and states
Patricia Popelier (research group Government & Law)
Expertise: federalism, the field of multilevel governance, constitutional review, legitimacy, and legal certainty
Piet Van den Bossche (research group Edubron)
Expertise: learning in organisations, team learning and professional development, how learning and performance is established through social interactions
Michel Walrave (research group Media, ICT and interpersonal relations in Organisations in Society)
Expertise: individuals’ self-disclosure in interpersonal online communication, privacy, reasons for entrusting personal information to organizations, consumer responses to personalized interactive communication
Jan Wynen (Department of Management; research group Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: organizational change, public sector reform, organizational adaptation
Research Manager
Sophie Op de Beeck (research group Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: public administration & management; trust in multi-level governance; research funding strategies; public personnel administration; HRM implementation
Core academic members
Hans Bruyninckx (research group Politics & Public Governance; former Executive Director of the European Environment Agency)
Expertise: environmental governance, international relations, international environmental policy
Charlotte De Backer (research group MIOS)
Expertise: social food studies, social talk, celebrities, dating behaviour, interpersonal relations
Dirk De Bièvre (research group International Politics, affiliated to Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: trade policy, interest groups, the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Carolyn Declerck (Antwerp Center for Evolutionary Demography)
Expertise: neuro-economics, behavioral economics, neuro-imaging, hormone administration studies
Stéphanie De Somer (research group Government & Law)
Expertise: administrative law, more specifically planning and environmental law, aesthetic regulation
Marijn Hoijtink (research group International Politics, affiliated to Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: digitalisation; security; military technology; militarism; the changing character of warfare
Ria Janvier (research group Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: public administration & management, working conditions, public sector, labor unions, HR management, psychological contract, diversity management, workforce, administrative law
Petra Meier (research group Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: political representation, equality policies, gender issues, social groups, the reproduction of inequality, discursive approaches to the study of normativity in policies, ethnofederations
Karolien Poels (research group MIOS)
Expertise: advertising, advertising processing, personalisation, native advertising, advertising effects, online privacy
Heidi Vandebosch (research group MIOS)
Expertise: cyberbullying, (new) media audiences and effects, health communication, serious games, entertainment-education
Catherine Van De Heyning (research group Government and Law)
Expertise: protection of fundamental rights, protection of procedural rights in the interaction between the domestic and European courts, cybercrime
Wouter Van Dooren (research group Politics & Public Governance)
Expertise: public administration & management, performance; performance management, performance measurement, collaboration complexity, accountability
Affiliated core academic members
Joseph A. Hamm (affiliated to research group Politics & Public Governance, UAntwerpen; main affiliation to Michigan State University, USA)
Expertise: trust and governance, legitimacy of legal authorities, latent construct measurement and modeling, vulnerability
Dominika Latusek-Jurczak (affiliated to research group Politics & Public Governance, UAntwerpen; main affiliation to Kozminski University, Poland)
Expertise: management practices in interorganisational relations, the theory of social networks, trust and distrust
Frédérique Six (affiliated to research group Politics & Public Governance, UAntwerpen; main affiliation to VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Expertise: public governance, trust and control, wicked problems, collaborative relationships
Postdoctoral researchers
Chesney Callens
Expertise: collaborative innovation; networks and partnerships; ICT-enabled service delivery
Andreas Corcaci
Expertise: Multilevel (Judicial) Governance, Policy Implementation, Environmental, Energy, and Climate Policy, Concept Structures and Set Theoretic Multi-Method Research (SMMR)
Dr. Serena D'Agostino
Expertise: Anti-(Roma) Racism, Civil Society, Europe, Europeanization, (In)equality & Non-discrimination, Intersectionality, Intersectional Activisms, Minority Politics, Queer Politics & Theory, Romani Politics & Roma Rights, Social Movements.
Lise Frehen
Expertise: legitimacy and legitimation, European policy preparation, regulation, evidence-based policy-making, stakeholder inclusion
Rik Joosen
Expertise: bureaucratic authority, stakeholder engagement, lobby groups, bureaucracy, regulation, EU policy
Bjorn Kleizen
Expertise: public management, organizational psychology, EU law
Christoph Niessen
Expertise: comparative politics, multi-level governance, democratic innovations, deliberative citizen participation, sub-state autonomy
Dominika Proszowska
Expertise: multi-level governance, (political) trust, vaccine hesitancy
Bastiaan Redert
Expertise: interest groups, European policymaking, (regulatory) agencies, legitimacy of stakeholder involvement
Doctoral and junior researchers
Affliated researchers
Jan Boon (main affiliation to Hasselt University, Belgium)
Expertise: bureaucratic reputation; mediatization of bureaucracy; public sector communication
Elena Escalante Block (affiliated to PPG, main affiliation to University of Oslo, Norway)
Expertise: politicisation of EU trade agreement negotiations
Susana Duarte Coroado (affiliated to PPG, main affiliation to Dublin City University, Ireland)
Expertise: corruption, regulation, regulatory entities, lobbying, ethics
Moritz Kappler (affiliated to PPG)
Expertise: trust, governance
Rinat Merkovich (affiliated to PPG)
Expertise: Behavioral Public Policy; Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Ethics; Voluntary Compliance
Bernardo Rangoni (affiliated to PPG, main affiliation to University of York, UK)
Expertise: regulatory governance, public policy, political economy, trust, nature of regulation, financial regulation
Dionys Zink (affiliated to PPG, main affiliation to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Expertise: public administration, public policy, international organizations, comparative politics
Other members
Researchers from the four research groups.
Former members
Monika Glavina
Toon Jansen
Olivier Sempiga
Lucas Brants