GOVTRUST Webinar Series on Trust & Public Governance

The GOVTRUST Webinar Series seeks to bring to the stage leading academics and experts to explore the meaning of trust in public governance settings. Bringing together cutting-edge research findings, insightful discussions, and real-world examples, the GOVTRUST Webinar Series aims to deepen our collective understanding of the dynamics, causes and effects of trust and distrust in and within public governance. Each session will offer fresh perspectives and insights, encouraging (interdisciplinary) exchange and building a vibrant community on Trust & Public Governance.

Find out more about the upcoming webinars

Francqui Chair Professor Petra Meier - Lecture Series

12 February, 12 March, 25 March, and 28 May 2025 at UCLouvain, Belgium

Professor Petra Meier has been awarded the Francqui Chair at UCLouvain, Belgium. The Francqui Chair is a recognition for academics from other universities who excel in their field. The holder gives a series of lectures, shares their expertise, and stimulates academic collaboration.

The mission of the Francqui Foundation is to promote excellence in the disinterested fundamental research by fostering higher education and scientific advancement in Belgium. The Francqui Chair, existing since 1933, is one of the cornerstone initiatives of the Foundation. This Chair encourages collaboration and exchanges between (mostly Belgian) universities. This, in turn, enriches academic environments, advances academic excellence and interdisciplinary research, and also contributes to strengthening the different universities’ reputations.

You are welcome to join the lecture series. Register here.


Leçon Inaugurale: "Démocratie et pouvoir de la représentation"

  • Wednesday, 12 February 2025 - 11h00 to 12h30
  • Petra Meier
    Ouverture de la séance : Olivier Servais
    Présidence de la séance : Florence Degavre et Min Reuchamps
  • Venue: Aula Magna, Foyer royal - Place Raymond Lemaire 1, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

"Fédéralisme et démocratie"

  • Wednesday, 12 March 2025 - 10h45 to 12h45
  • Petra Meier
    Accueillie par Jehan Bottin et Min Reuchamps
  • Venue: Auditoire MONT01 - Place Montesquieu 1, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

 "Mobilisations anti-genre et démocratie"

  • Tuesday, 25 March 2025 - 18h00 to 21h00
  • Petra Meier
    Accueillie par Florence Degavre
  • Venue: Ateliers de l’UCLouvain en Hainaut - Chaussée de Binche 151, 7000 Mons

Conférence et Workshop: "Diversity, gender and SOGI in academia in Belgium"

  • Wednesday, 28 May 2025 - 9h15 to 13h30
  • Petra Meier et Nathalie Grandjean
    Accueillies par Marie Carlier, Florence Degavre, Min Reuchamps, Katharina Seeber et Clémentine Teboulle
  • Venue: Palais des Académies - Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles

REGISTER for the lecture series

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Past activities

​Please find an overview of our past activities here.