The following doctoral dissertations have been completed by members of GaP or under the guidance of a member of the GaP team:

2025, MAGDA SERWADCZAK: "Actual words were not included: Orality, literacy, and entextualization in historical crime records (1700-1900)" (supervisors: Rik Vosters & Mieke Vandenbroucke)

2024, FIEN DE MALSCHE: "Language and globalization in Belgian corporate contexts: Institutional, individual, and interactional perspectives" (supervisors: Mieke Vandenbroucke & Els Tobback)

2023, PIERO IANNELLO: "Performing 'Italian-ness' in school settings: challenges and opportunities for Chinese and American students in a multicultural city in Italy: Prato" (supervisors: Dieter Vermandere, Mieke Vandenbroucke & Ching Lin Pang)

2022, YINCHUN BAI: "Towards Discourse Markers: A Cross-linguistic Study of Grammatical Constructionalization" (supervisors: Johan van der Auwera & Frank Brisard)

2022, XIAOHONG LIU: "An interpersonal metapragmatic account of the Chinese formulaic disclaimer 'bushi wo V(P) ni'" (supervisors: Mieke Vandenbroucke, Jef Verschueren & Xinren Chen) 

2022, SOFÍA PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ: "What can variation tell us about insubordination? A corpus-based constructional analysis of the variation of insubordinate complement constructions in Spanish" (supervisors: Frank Brisard & Pedro Gras) 

2022, RUI GUO: "When chopsticks meet forks: A linguistic landscape study on Chinese communities in multilingual Antwerp and Brussels" (supervisors: Mieke Vandenbroucke & Rik Vosters)

2021, ERIC MIJTS: "The situated construction of language ideologies in Aruba: A study among participants in the language planning and policy process" (supervisors: Reinhild Vandekerckhove, Pol Cuvelier & Michael Meeuwis) 

2021, WENJING FENG: "Investigating Identity Work by Chinese Police Officers in Police Mediation Discourse" (supervisors: Mieke Vandenbroucke, Jef Verschueren & Xinren Chen) 

2021, WILLIAM STANDING: "lt-cleft Change across the Lifespan in Early Modern Authors: Variation Rhetoric and the Individual in Constructional Change" (supervisor: Peter Petré) 

2021, JESSICA VAN DE WEERD: "Le conditionnel de reprise en français: Une étude de son origine et de son évolution de sens" (supervisor: Patrick Dendale & Anne Vanderheyden) 

2021, DILER ABA: "Pragma-linguistic and socio-pragmatic perspectives on intercultural communicative competence within mobile and non-mobile higher education contexts: examining Turkish and Belgian higher education students' speech act products in English" (supervisor: Tom Smits) 

2021, SOFIE VAN DE GEUCHTE: "Bridging language barriers in psychiatry: The effect of lingua franca and interpreters on communication" (supervisors: Leona Van Vaerenbergh, Jef Verschueren & Greet Vanaerschot) 

2021, SARA BUDTS: "On periphrastic do and the modal auxiliaries: A connectionist approach to language change" (supervisor: Peter Petré) 

2020, RUI ZHANG: "Shifting meaning potential in interpreter-mediated formal interaction: The case of The Chinese premier's presse conference in China" (supervisors: Ching Lin Pang & Jef Verschueren) 

2020, GOSSE ROMKES: "Verandering in professioneel taalgebruik in stagelessen als mogelijke indicator voor de groei van de beroepsvaardigheid bij tweedegraads leraren in opleiding" (supervisors: Elke Struyf, Jef Verschueren & Sigurd D'hondt) 

2020, WIM CAERS: "The re-autonomization of the modal auxiliaries in Dutch" (supervisor: Jan Nuyts)

2020, SUNE GREGERSEN: "Early English modals: Form, function, and analogy" (supervisor: Jan Nuyts)

2020, LYNN ANTHONISSEN: "Special passives across the lifespan: Cognitive and social mechanisms" (supervisor: Peter Petré) 

2019, MARINA VULOVIC: "Metacognitive awareness and academic literacy skills in English as a foreign language: The case of summarising" (supervisor: Kris Van de Poel)

2019, ELKE RUELENS: "Learner Autonomy in the Acquisition of Advanced Academic Literacy" (supervisor: Kris Van de Poel)

2019, SEPIDEH KOOHKAN: "The Typology of Modality in New West Iranian Languages" (supervisor: Jan Nuyts)

2019, JOANA PORTIA SAKYI: "Modality and evidentiality in Akan" (supervisor: Jan Nuyts)

2019, DAVID CORREIA SAAVEDRA: "Measurements of grammaticalization: Developing a quantitative index for the study of grammatical change" (supervisors: Peter Petré & Martin Hilpert)

2018, CHRISTINE FOURIE: "Metacognition in healthcare communication training: a critical analysis of blended second language learning" (supervisor: Kris Van de Poel)

2018, MARILIZE PRETORIUS: "Accommodative competence: A Communication Accommodation Theory approach to language and communication training in nursing" (supervisor: Kris Van de Poel)

2018, WARD PEETERS: "The Networking Power of Web 2.0 in the Foreign Language Classroom: Affordances of the Online Peer Interaction Process" (supervisor: Kris Van de Poel)

2018, FERGAL TREANOR: "Rationality and rhetoric: Higher education policy reform in Germany, 1992-2013" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2017, MARIE REETZ: "Idéologie et discours autoritaire au Japon 1931-1945: Métaphore et marques discursives dans les médias et les écrits personnels militaires pendant la guerre" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2017, BRAM VERTOMMEN: "Coding cognition: A cse-study of Dutch-Turkish and Dutch-Moroccan Arabic language users in the Netherlands" (supervisors: Karen Lahousse & Jef Verschueren)

2017, MAARTEN FRANCK: "The pragmatics of translation in journalism: An investigation into the nature of translation in the news room" (supervisors: Leona Van Vaerenbergh & Jef Verschueren)

2017, PETRA HEYSE: "Constructing images of "Russian brides": A case study of client-matchmaker interactions behind the screens of Russian transnational dating websites" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2016, VALERIA SINKEVICIUTE: "'It's never meant to be offensive…': An analysis of jocularity and (im)politeness in Australian and British cultural contexts" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2016, FRENS VOSSEN: "On the typology of the Jespersen cycles" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2016, KONUL HAJIYEVA: "Strategies for vocabulary development at the initial stages of academic acculturation" (supervisor: Kris Van de Poel)

2015, KAROLIEN JANSSENS: "The diachronic evolution of the mental state predicates in Dutch" (supervisor: Jan Nuyts)

2015, YUNLONG QIU: "Carriers of uncoded negation in modern Chinese: An investigation of usage conditions within the framework of linguistic adaptability" (supervisors: Jef Verschueren & Shaojie Zhang (joint PhD with Northeast Normal University)

2014,  JEROEN CLAES: "The pluralization of presentational haber in Caribbean Spanish. A study in Cognitive Construction Grammar and Comparative Sociolinguistics" (supervisors: Frank Brisard & Nicole Delbecque (KU Leuven))

2014, ASTRID DE WIT: "The Present Perfective Paradox across Languages" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2014, LAUREN VAN ALSENOY: "A new typology of negative pronous with a focus on negative indefinites" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2013, SARAH VAN HOOF: "Feiten en fictie: Een sociolinguïstuische analyse van het taalgebruik in fictieseries op de Vlaamse openbare omroep (1977-2012)" (supervisors: Jef Verschueren & Jürgen Jaspers)

2012, MATYLDA WEIDNER: "On the Organization of Polish Doctor-Patient Communication: Practices for Building Questions, Negotiating Knowledge, and Recommending Treatment" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2012, ROEL COESEMANS: "Interpreting News Discourse on Kenya's Post-Election Crisis: Context, Ideology, and the Pragmatics of National and International Press Coverage" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2012, NADA GBEGBLE: "The Expression of Modality in Ewe" (supervisor: Jan Nuyts)

2012, DEOGRATIAS NIZONKIZA: "The Relationship between Lexical Competence, Collocational Competence, and Second Language Proficiency" (supervisor: Kris Van de Poel)

2012, JAN ZIENKOWSKI: "Analysing political engagement: An interpretive and functionalist discourse analysis of evolving political subjectivities among public activists and intellectuals with a Moroccan background in Flanders" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2011, STEFANIE PEETERS: "Les banlieues explosent: Le fonctionnement discursif des métaphores dans la couverture de la crise des banlieues par la presse écrite française" (supervisor: Walter De Mulder)

2011, DANIËL VAN OLMEN: "The Imperative in English and Dutch - A Functional Analysis in Comparable and Parallel Corpora" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2010, LIESBET QUAEGHEBEUR: "A philosophy of everyday, face-to-face conversation" (supervisor: Walter De Mulder)

2010, KIM SLEURS: "Writing sources: A process view of preformulation in press releases" (supervisors: Jef Verschueren & Geert Jacobs)

2009, PIETER BYLOO: "Modality and Negation. A corpus-based study" (supervisor: Jan Nuyts)

2009, JESSE MORTELMANS: "Ledit en moyen français fonctionnement textuel et grammaticalisation" (supervisor: Walter De Mulder)

2009, ELINE VERSLUYS: "'Nous les Dakarois on a un Wolof coupé': La construction de l'identité sociale dans un contexte plurilingue" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2008, EVA PALMANS: "Médias et politiques en situation de crise: cas d'étude Burundi / Media en politiek in situaties van extreme crisis: Gevalsstudie Burundi" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2008, JONATHAN CLIFTON: "Doing leadership: A management team in action" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2008, ERIC CAERS: "A contrastive study of reporting in The Guardian and The Economist: Metaphors in the transition from Keynesian economics to monetarism" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2008, TINEKE BRUNFAUT: "Foreign Language Reading for Academic Purposes. Students of English (Native Speakers of Dutch) Reading English Academic Texts" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2008, EWA SCHALLEY: "Imperatives: a typological approach" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2007, CEYHAN TEMÜRCÜ: "A Semantic Framework for Analyzing Tense, Aspect and Mood: An Application to the Ranges of Polysemy of -Xr, -DIr, -Iyor and -Ø in Turkish" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2007, DIMITRY IDIATOV: "A typology of non-selective interrogative pronominals" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2006, MARTINE TAEYMANS: "An investigation into the emergence and development of the verb need from Old to Present-day English: a corpus-based approach" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2005, DORIEN VAN DE MIEROOP: "Identiteitsconstructie in informatieve speeches: Een multi-methodologische analyse" (supervisor: Pol Cuvelier)

2004, JÜRGEN JASPERS: "Tegenwerken, belachelijk doen. Talige sabotage van Marokkaanse jongens op een Antwerpse middelbare school. Een sociolinguïstische etnografie" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2004, LUTGARD LAMS: "Reporting the Hong Kong Handover: a Pragmatic Analysis of News Coverage in Comparative Taiwanese/Mainland Chinese Perspective" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2003, RENZHI LI: "Modality in Chinese and English: a typological perspective" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2003, GILBERTE LENAERTS: "Het Columberg-rapport in de Vlaamse media: Discours en de instandhouding van een identiteit" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2002, BERT BULTINCK: "Multiple meanings. The meaning of the English cardinals and the legacy of Paul Grice" (supervisor: Johan van der Auwera)

2002, HELGE DANIËLS: "Debating diversity in Arabic: Fusha versus Ammiyah" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

2000, SIGURD D'HONDT: "Conversation analysis and history: Practical and discursive understanding in quarrels among Dar es Salaam adolescents" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

1999, FRANK BRISARD: "A critique of localism in and about tense theory" (supervisors: Louis Goossens & Herman Parret)

1999, GINO EELEN: "Ideology in politeness: A critical analysis" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

1997, GEERT JACOBS: "Preformulating the news: An analysis of the metapragmatics of press releases" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

1997, MICHAEL MEEUWIS: "Constructing sociolinguistic consensus: A linguistic ethnography of the Zairian community in Antwerp, Belgium" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)

1991, JAN-PIET VERCKENS: "Een kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve benadering van taakgerichte communicatie in Vlaamse bedrijven" (supervisor: Jef Verschueren)