Workshop "Oral History"

Architectural History & Theory Workshop – Oral History


10h Coffee and Welcome by Inge Bertels (University of Antwerp)

10.10h Amit Srivastava (University of Adelaide & visiting Research Fellow Faculty of Design Sciences UAntwerp) Migration and Innovation. Italian migrants in the South Australian Concrete Industry (10’ presentation + discussion)

10.30h Sarah Melsens (EU Marie Curie Fellowship - Centre for South Asian and Himalayan Studies at the EHESS in Paris and FLAME University in Pune) Omitted from History. How workers on India’s building sites mediated 20th-century modernity (20’ presentation + discussion) 

11.10h Mari Moura (EU Marie Curie Fellowship - UAntwerp) Women Building Brazil: a history of architecture from the perspective of self-building sites (20’ presentation + discussion) 

11.45h Closing discussionWith among others Janina Gossey (TUDelft), Lara Schrijver (UAntwerp) and Amit Srivastava (University of Adelaide)