Workshop "Oral History"
Architectural History & Theory Workshop – Oral History
10h Coffee and Welcome by Inge Bertels (University of Antwerp)
10.10h Amit Srivastava (University of Adelaide & visiting Research Fellow Faculty of Design Sciences UAntwerp) Migration and Innovation. Italian migrants in the South Australian Concrete Industry (10’ presentation + discussion)
10.30h Sarah Melsens (EU Marie Curie Fellowship - Centre for South Asian and Himalayan Studies at the EHESS in Paris and FLAME University in Pune) Omitted from History. How workers on India’s building sites mediated 20th-century modernity (20’ presentation + discussion)
11.10h Mari Moura (EU Marie Curie Fellowship - UAntwerp) Women Building Brazil: a history of architecture from the perspective of self-building sites (20’ presentation + discussion)
11.45h Closing discussionWith among others Janina Gossey (TUDelft), Lara Schrijver (UAntwerp) and Amit Srivastava (University of Adelaide)
Members and visitors of the Henry van de Velde Research Group
Welcome word by dean Inge Bertels
Presentation of Amit Srivastava
Presentation of Sarah Melsens
Presentation of Mari Moura