Develop a methodology for assessing the perception of space in interior architecture through 3D digital tools

Promotor: Sara Eloy

Co-promotor: Jouke Verlinden

The built environment influences occupants' satisfaction and well-being through space perception. When architectural solutions fail to meet user needs, dissatisfaction can arise, potentially leading to costly and time-consuming reconstruction. Addressing how indoor environments can better satisfy users is a social challenge. Therefore, the study aims to develop a methodology for digitally assessing users' spatial perception of interior architecture, ensuring practical application during the design process to promote user-centric architectural design. The research comprises subjective analysis through questionnaires and observation, and objective analysis through biometric sensors. It will begin with classifying indoor environmental characteristics (e.g. geometry, light, acoustics) and link them to methods for spatial perception assessment. After identifying 3D digital tools, a methodology will be developed to help designers evaluate their designs' impact on user satisfaction before construction through biometric sensors, such as eye-tracking, electrocardiogram (ECG), and electrodermal activity (EDA) to collecting data on the physiological responses of users. The development of the proposed tool will have a significant impact on the scientific community and the design sector because of its practical applicability and will have a social impact by promoting user-centered architectural design.

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