
Tine Segers is an architect-researcher with an interest in the profession of architecture and societal transformation. She obtained a PhD in Architecture entitled Shrinkage in Growth: a concept for spatial planning? in 2021. After graduating as an engineer-architect and before continuing into academia and teaching, she collaborated with Rotor and Architecture Workroom Brussels. Her interest lies in interdisciplinary and multi-scalar approaches of ‘making space’. Her focus lies on design methods that aim to enhance the built environment both from a long-term and inclusive perspective.

Favourite (interior) architecture project

Very few projects exceed expectations when visiting. Granby Winter Garden in Liverpool by Assemble and Granby Four Streets CLT is one them. The regeneration project combines a rich spatial gesture with a development process that becomes a model for social and environmental sustainability.

Contact & Links

Mutsaardstraat 31 - 2000 Antwerpen - België

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