About the Global Wales Funding Program for International Research Collaboration

Global Wales recently released a news item noting the success of universities in Wales in joining Scientific Research Networks (SRNs) funded by the FWO, bringing together universities from across Flanders and Europe. The Heritage Practice Communities in a Digitized World SRN was one of just two recently-awarded SRNs to benefit from the additional top-up funding available from Global Wales for such a collaboration, with the involvement of Swansea University in the Network.​

Two Welsh universities, Aberystwyth and Swansea, have secured Global Wales funding to advance joint research initiatives with European counterparts. This collaborative effort, facilitated through partnerships with Flemish institutions and universities across Ireland, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden, aims to drive excellence in scientific research. Projects range from exploring the environmental benefits of duckweed to understanding transnational perspectives on heritage-making. The funding, awarded as top-up grants from Global Wales, underscores the importance of international collaboration in fostering innovation and knowledge exchange across borders.

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