About Sytze
Dr. Sytze Van Herck is the project lead for Madoc and Omeka S projects at the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities (GhentCDH) since 2024. She supports digital heritage projects, citizen science, user participation and virtual expositions. She is interested in digital research methods and enjoys building bridges between users and developers, between academia and a broader audience. She specializes in translating digital processes to human-centered language and prefers learning through experimenting.
GhentCDH helps researchers, teachers and students to create, manage and enrich their own digital collections and set up virtual exhibitions. Omeka S is an open-source content management system and web publication platform used by cultural heritage institutions worldwide. Madoc is an International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) driven environment to manage and enrich digital collections.
She previously worked on linking the Dutch Civil Registry as a postdoc for CLARIAH-NL (WP4, 2022-2024). Her PhD in Digital History (C2DH, University of Luxembourg, 2022) titled Re/constructing Computing Experiences combined media archaeology, user experience design, and visual discourse analysis. She taught the Recurated Museum course (2020) to the Master in Contemporary European History students together with Christopher Morse. Her interest in gender and technology stems from her MSc in Digital Humanities (KULeuven, 2017) with a thesis on Visualising Gender Balance. Before moving to contemporary history, she studied medieval marriage strategies in an urban context for her MA History (KULeuven, 2015).