Information for academic year 2024-25: Mainly online classes will be combined with on-campus classes.
Aaron Malinsky
University of Antwerp - City Campus & online
Room R.005 - Rodestraat 14 - 2000 Antwerp
(within walking distance from central station and bus station Rooseveltplaats)
Level 1: on Mondays from 18.00 until 19.30 PM
first class 2nd semester: 10 February 2025
Level 2: on Mondays from 19.45 until 21.15 PM
first class 2nd semester: 10 February 2025
Registration by using the registration form which you can fill out on this website. The course fee should be transferred to the following account: 735-0085315-40 (Instituut voor Joodse Studies UA p.a. Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen) mentioning "course name + your name".
For international transfers: IBAN BE02 7350 0853 1540 / BIC KREDBEBB
The course fee for the Hebrew language course is EUR 150,- (EUR 90,-)* for the entire academic year.
If you register for both Hebrew and Yiddish classes you only pay EUR 200,- (EUR 120,-)* in total.
*Qualify for the reduced course fee (amount in brackets): UA personnel, students (with student card), persons in search of employment (with certificate from the Flemish Department of Employment Agency/the Social Service Department), disabled persons with allowance (with certificate from social security service), 60+