UCSIA/IJS-Chair 2015-2016: Prof. dr. Christine Hayes
Public lecture I
Thursday 17 March 2016 at 20h00 / Room R.008, Rodestraat 14, 2000 Antwerp
Divine Law
Prof. dr. Christine Hayes in dialogue with Prof. dr. Paula Fredriksen (Boston University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Lecture Prof. Hayes: What's Divine about Divine Law?
Lecture Prof. Fredriksen: Divine Law in the Latin West: Augustine on Paul
Lectures in English, followed by a reception.
Public lecture II
Monday 21 March 2016 at 20h00 / Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp
Moses: God's Partner or Adversary?
Prof. dr. Christine Hayes
Lecture in English.
Participation to these lectures is free. To register, click here.
Guest lecture by Prof. Hayes at the University of Antwerp
Wednesday 16 March 2016
Law and Virtue in Ancient Jewish Sources
course Judaism and Philosophy by Prof. dr. Vivian Liska and Drs. Dennis Baert (Faculty of Arts, Philosophy)
Room R.013 from 14h00 until 16h00
This guest lecture can be followed by anybody interested in the subject.
For more information and registration for the guest lecture, please contact the Institute of Jewish Studies: +32 3 265 52 43 – ijs@uantwerpen.be