Parabolic flight campaign 2024-2025 (Brain-flight)
Ground-based spaceflight analogs have been developed by space agencies overtime to overcome the limits of researching astronauts going on missions to space. Parabolic flight is a spaceflight analog and is the only way to create true microgravity on Earth. It is a highly used platform to study acute consequences of microgravity. Resulting from a previous parabolic flight project by our group in 2015-2016, we found that the right angular gyrus of the brain exhibited altered functional connectivity within the brain after such a flight. This region is involved in spatial cognition, such as verticality perception.
We now aim to extend the previous study by (i) implementing a verticality detection task, and (ii) recording electroencephalography (EEG) data during flight, in addition to MRI acquisitions pre- and postflight. The goal is to verify and better understand the change occurring in the right angular gyrus and its relation to verticality perception.
Duration: 2024 - present
Parabolic flight
Brain flight