• Researchers from University of Antwerp publish new study on antibiotic resistance genes. Read here
  • Prof Sandra Van Puyvelde new co-chair of Young Academy. Read here
  • AmReSu interview with Dr. Arjana Tambic Andrasevic. Read here
  • ​Treatment with Monoclonal Antibodies can cause SARS-CoV-2 mutations - ORCHESTRA Researchers develop score identifying patients at risk. Read here.
  • AmReSu interview with Dr. Antonio Oliver. Read here.
  • ECCMID 2023 recap. Read here
  • Global study highlights deaths from neonatal sepsis & steps to improve treatment. Read here
  • Interview with Lab Manager Christine Lammens for LAB-Net. Read here.
  • Interview with RECOVER Work Package 4 Lead Emeritus Professor Greet Ieven. Read here
  • Testimonial with PhD student Juan Pablo Rodriguez Ruiz. Read here
  • Professor Sandra Van Puyvelde on the Universiteit van Vlaanderen podcast. Read here
  • A critical eye on European clinical research response during COVID-19 pandemic. Read here.
  • VERDI prioritizes women and children in the research on new coronavirus variants. Read here.
  • LMM expresses concern and support for all those who are affected by the war in Ukraine. Read here.
  • Interview with researcher Ferran Pujol. Read here.
  • Rapid evolution and host immunity drive the rise and fall of antibiotic resistance during acute infection. Read here.
  • LMM researchers identify biomarkers predictive of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). Read here
  • ECRAID-Base launches European Clinical Research Alliance. Read here.
  • LMM will strengthen the innovation capacity in AMR surveillance in Croatia and Hungary: the EU-funded AmReSu project. Read here
  • BAPCOC developed comic on correct use of antibiotics. Read here
  • LMM researchers identified biomarkers predictive of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). Read here.
  • LMM is involved in the new EU-funded AmReSu project on strengthening antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Croatia and Hungary. Read here.
  • Herman Goossens, Coordinator of LMM, is one of the most-cited scientists around the world. Read here.​
  • The University of Antwerp has launched Rapid European COVID-19 Emergency Research response (RECOVER).  
  • The EU project PREPARE is responding to COVID-19 by rapidly assessing Europe’s preparedness and deploying vital clinical research. Read the full article
  • Check the leaflet on the ESCMID Technical Workshops "Colistin: Resistance mechanisms, susceptibility testing methods and PK/PD approaches" (5-7 July 2021, Antwerp, Belgium) 
  • Check the first edition of the LAB-Net Newsletter here
  • VALUE-Dx new website is live! 
  • Prof Herman Goossens calls up in Nature to communicate more effectively on the benefits on the European Union. 
  • LMM researchers have succeeded in providing proof of the impact of antibiotic use on emergence and persistence of antibiotic resistance. Read the article here. 
  • The LMM is coordinating the Global-PPS on Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance. First preliminary worldwide results were presented at the 5th edition of the World HAI Resistance Forum in June 2015. For more information: www.global-pps.com