On 24 February 2022, the Russian government began a full-scale, senseless invasion of Ukraine that is causing a humanitarian catastrophe in Europe. Following this dramatic series of events, the Laboratory of Medical Microbiology of the University of Antwerp wants to take a stand and emphasize its full commitment to peace. At the LMM, we believe that collaboration, mutual understanding, and respect are key values we cannot neglect.

Our thoughts are with all Ukrainian children, families, scientists who must flee their homes to ensure their safety. Our support goes also to those Russian citizens taking a brave stand against the war, often at great personal risk.

For us, science means cooperation and respect. We therefore strongly condemn the aggression against Ukrainian sovereignty, and stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

We call on all our friends to support international organizations and donate to the humanitarian initiatives that are now working to protect the most vulnerable people: https://scienceforukraine.eu/