Mission LAMB

Our team shares a passion for beneficial microorganisms and their potential to enhance human and environmental health. We implement broad ecological and molecular-mechanistic approaches and focus on identifying microorganisms that can positively influence the health of their host, as well as the quality of the environment. We employ advanced microbiological, molecular, bioinformatic and immunological techniques to understand the crucial species, genes, molecules and host biomarkers involved in these beneficial mechanisms. While lactobacilli are a key focus of our research, our portfolio continues to expand, driven by the interests of our team and society. We aim for a wide range of research, from fundamental to applied, collaborating with academics, clinicians, and other stakeholders worldwide to create a positive impact on society. Additionally, we are dedicated to science communication and citizen science, with research on urban (health) issues, women's and children's health. This includes studying the microbiome in the vagina, upper respiratory tract, skin, (fermented) food, the urban and natural environment, and on agricultural crops and animals.

prof. dr. ir. Sarah Lebeer

Life on Earth would not be possible without bacteria: we need bacteria for our health, our food, and our environment. Yet, we know surprisingly little about the molecular benefits of bacteria: how can bacteria be beneficial? How do beneficial bacteria differ from pathogens? How can we use beneficial bacteria to improve health? 

With her team, Prof. Lebeer tries to answer these major biological questions. The primary research interests lie at the intersection of beneficial bacteria and microbiome studies, with a strong focus on exploring and leveraging the positive impacts of these microorganisms across various ecosystems. A central theme in Prof. Sarah Lebeer's research is the role of a particular group of beneficial bacteria known as lactobacilli. They are well-known probiotic bacteria, fermented food starter cultures, and members of the human (vagina, gut, skin, nose), plant, and insect microbiome. Lactobacilli not only thrive and even dominate in different environments but also contribute significantly to the well-being of these ecosystems. By employing similar methodologies to investigate their functions in different ecosystems, the team aims to draw meaningful parallels and identify unique differences across various settings. For this integrated approach, Sarah Lebeer was awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant, Lacto-Be. 

To identify beneficial bacteria and their modes of action, the team adopts a multidisciplinary approach. This involves integrating microbiome sequencing and comparative bacterial genomics with advanced techniques such as innovative culturomics, functional, modeling, immunological and metabolomic approaches, as well as citizen science approaches to promote interactions with laymen and encourage research adoption and sampling in the wild. The team has a particular interest in improving the health of women and children through microbiome and probiotics research, such as with the Isala citizen science project, considering that the human vagina is a major habitat for the beneficial functions of lactobacilli. The Isala project has many inclusive sisterhood projects across the world. 

To summarize, the joint research mission and ambition of the team is to perform fundamental and applied research on lactobacilli and related bacteria, to push the boundaries of understanding and application of beneficial bacteria, ultimately contributing to the development of sustainable solutions in health, agriculture, and environmental management. 

prof. dr. ir. Irina Spacova

Microbes are in and all around us, shaping our environment and health. The Biodiversity hypothesis suggests that contact with microorganisms from natural environments is crucial for immune balance and protection from inflammatory diseases. This is especially important in urban settings, where contact with natural microbial communities is reduced and physical and mental disorders are on the rise. 

The team of Prof. Irina Spacova studies how bacteria found at the boundary between the human body and the environment can affect human health in urban settings. This includes bacteria in the airways and on the skin, as well as in the air, soil, and plants. The first research line explores how contact with nature can boost our microbial communities and improve immune health, for example, at school playgrounds and in healthcare settings. Transfer of bacteria from the environment to human airways and skin is explored, and non-invasive analysis of immune biomarkers is performed. A citizen science approach is often used for sample collection and community engagement. 

The second research line studies how microbial communities in the respiratory tract affect viral infections and inflammation. Examples of studied diseases include respiratory syncytial virus disease and cystic fibrosis. Clinical microbiome studies in collaboration with expert clinicians are combined with laboratory assays to understand the immunological and (anti)pathogenic interactions of various bacteria. In addition to immune biomarker analysis, human reporter cell lines are used to understand how bacteria affect immune responses in the airways. The team has a particular interest in Toll-like receptor activation and the induction of related immune transcription factors. Also, fluorescence-based techniques are used to study how respiratory bacteria interact with invading viral and other pathogens.  

An important aim is to develop sustainable microbial solutions that will help solve health challenges related to increasing global urbanization

prof. dr. ir. Dieter Vandenheuvel

Microorganisms are incredibly powerful organisms that can be found all around us. Although commonly associated with disease, their abundant beneficial potential is often overlooked. They provide us with fermented food and beverages, produce a wide range of antimicrobial drugs, help us to digest food, and are crucial for our health. Surprisingly, the genetic background and molecular mechanisms behind these beneficial traits is often still a mystery. Only a fraction of the total gene content of most microorganisms has a predictable function, and there are even fewer genes with a known function. This undiscovered genetic richness is called the ‘genetic dark matter’ of microorganisms. One of professor Vandenheuvel’s passions in research is to delve into these unexplored regions of microorganisms to unlock the full biotechnological potential of microorganisms. Using well thought out genetic engineering and constructing intricate genetic circuits, he tries to give microorganisms a genetic “upgrade”, making them widely applicable in biotechnology.

As a geneticist, he is interested in discovering novel gene clusters that play a cental role in the breakdown of pollutants and the possibility of improving these genes using genetic engineering. The bioremediation potential of bacteria is well-known to clean up waste water, but can also be employed for polluted soil after oil spills or industrial activity, contaminants in the air due to exhausts from traffic and factories, and even help to break down unpleasant smells of new furniture and fabrics or to clean up delicate artwork.  

Furthermore, he will explore the use of bacteriophages, viruses that specifically infect bacteria, as a signature for the general health of a population within a city or urbanized area. This unique combination of sensor technology and biology could create new possibilities in monitoring bacterial presence in urban environments going from wastewater to food processing streams. 

Prof. Vandenheuvel is also interested in the processing of microorganisms to improve their application as biotherapeutics and extend their shelf life. Using a unique combination of bioreactors and spray drying, biomass of microorganisms (for example, cell fractions, cellular biomass, as well as living cells) can be produced on pilot scale and subsequently processed into a dry particulate powder. As this drying process is accomplished in milliseconds, the natural structure of biomass (for example, proteins, membranes, whole living cells) is integrally maintained, leading to a dry product with natural activity, advantageous powder properties, and improved shelf life, often without the need for refridgeration or freezing. 


prof. dr. ir. Arno Wouters

Prof. dr. ir. Arno Wouters is assistant professor in Food Chemistry at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry (LFCB) at KU Leuven. From 2022 onwards, he was appointed visiting professor at the University of Antwerp where he teaches a course on Food Chemistry. On a research level, he is interested in further exploiting the potential of various plant protein sources, with emphasis on cereal proteins, for structuring food. The transition from animal towards alternative protein sources in the global food system is one of the key challenges now and in years to come. To achieve such transition, establishing in-depth structure-function relationships on various plant-based protein materials as well as developing novel strategies for improving plant protein functionality are necessary. An important focus points is the use of plant proteins for the stabilization of food dispersions, such as plant-based dairy alternatives.

prof. dr. Lidia Casas (M.D.)

The current global trend toward urbanization brings about significant changes in our living environments. While living in cities offers multiple health and wellbeing benefits, urban areas also concentrate a number of environmental conditions that can threaten our health, a situation that may be exacerbated by the changing climate. 

The team of Lidia Casas conducts epidemiological studies to investigate the health effects of urbanization-related environmental factors including the environmental microbiome; outdoor air pollution, ambient temperature, pollen and green spaces. The team focuses on the following three interconnected research lines. 

  • Developmental health effects of the early life (urban) indoor microbial environment: the microbial environment during early life plays a crucial role in the development of the immune system. An appropriate development can, not only reduce the risk of the development of asthma and allergies, but also contribute to a better brain and cardio vascular development. 

  • Health effects of urban air quality and ambient temperature: Air pollution remains a significant concern in urban areas, contributing to a wide range of adverse health effects. Additionally, non-optimal ambient temperatures can significantly contribute to the burden of disease. The heat island effect in urban areas can intensify the negative health impacts of air pollution and extreme temperatures, with stronger impacts in vulnerable populations. The team explores both short- and long-term effects to understand how these environmental factors contribute to public health challenges. 

  • Health effects of urban green spaces and pollen: green spaces in urban areas are recognized for their multiple health benefits and are considered urban climate shelters. They have potential to improve air quality by reducing air pollution, to rewild the urban environmental microbiome, as well as to lower ambient temperature in and around these areas. However, green spaces can also increase pollen levels, which may aggravate allergies and have even stronger adverse effects when combined with air pollution. 


In their research, the team employs advanced epidemiological methods and interdisciplinary approaches to unravel the complex interactions between urban environmental factors and health. The team utilizes diverse population data sources, including data from new studies like the COOLSCHOOLS, but also data from registers, and from two ongoing cohorts with participants that are followed up since the 1990’s: the PIPO birth cohort and ECRHS adult’s cohort. The research is conducted in collaboration with partners at the Faculty of Medicine, as well as with other national and international universities and research institutes.