Localising human rights working paper series
Localising human rights working paper series:
The Localizing Human Rights Working Paper Series consists of studies on the local relevance of human rights, particularly but not exclusively in non-Western contexts. They form part of a long-term interdisciplinary project, combining insights from law, political and social sciences. The localizing human rights research programme is coordinated by the Law and Development Research Group at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). General Editors of the Series are Professor Koen De Feyter, Chair of International Law at the University of Antwerp, and dr. Ellen Desmet, University of Antwerp and Ghent University.
In the Localizing Human Rights Working Paper Series (open access):

No. 1: Vandenbogaerde, Arne. (2015). The Human Rights Council from Below. A Case Study of the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants.

No. 2: Destrooper, Tine. (2015). An Analysis of the Human Rights-Based Approach to Development. UNICEF’s Role in the Villages Assainis Program in the Bas-Congo.