Learner Language Network

The LeLaN research network brings together experts from various research groups at the University of Antwerp, including GaP, CliPS, TriCs, Didactica, and the Department of Management. The team’s core mission is to explore how learners acquire/process a foreign/second language. By integrating insights from linguistics, pedagogy, and applied research, LeLaN aims contribute to the scientific understanding of how languages are learned and mastered and drive innovations in language education/software development.

LeLaN's research spans several key areas of expertise:

  • Learner Corpus Research
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • AI-assisted language learning and development
  • Multilingual education
  • Pedagogical linguistics
  • Language learning for specific purposes
  • Software tool development for the analysis of learner interlanguage
  • Writing processes (keystroke logging)
