Redox homeostasis in the rice leaf growth zone plays a key role in cold tolerance
Gázquez, Ayelén; Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Baggerman, Geert; Van Raemdonck, Geert; Asard, Han; Maiale, Santiago Javier; Rodríguez, Andrés Alberto; Beemster, Gerrit
Journal of experimental botany - ISSN 0022-0957 - 71(2020), p.1053-1066

Biomarkers for grain yield stability in rice under drought stress
Melandri, Giovanni; Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Riewe, David; Hageman, Jos A.; Asard, Han; Beemster, Gerrit , Kadam, Niteen; Jagadish, Krishna; Altmann, Thomas; Ruyter-Spira, Carolien; Bouwmeester, Harro
Journal of experimental botany - ISSN 0022-0957 - 71(2020), p.669-683

Ribosome assembly factor Adenylate Kinase 6 maintains cell proliferation and cell size homeostasis during root growth
Slovak, Radka; Setzer, Claudia; Roiuk, Mykola; Bertels, Jonas; Gölschl, Christian; Jandrasits, Katharina; Beemster, Gerrit , Busch, Wolfgang
New phytologist - ISSN 0028-646X - 225(2020), p.2064-2076

How grass keeps growing : an integrated analysis of hormonal crosstalk in the maize leaf growth zone
De Vos, Dirk; Nelissen, Hilde; Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Prinsen, Els; Broeckhove, Jan; Inzé, Dirk; Beemster, Gerrit , Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Inze, Dirk
New phytologist - ISSN 0028-646X - 225(2020), p.2513-2525

Oocyte maturation under lipotoxic conditions induces carryover transcriptomic and functional alterations during posthatching development of good-quality blastocysts : novel insights from a bovine embryo-transfer model
Desmet, Karolien; Marei, Waleed; Richard, Christophe; Sprangers, Katrien; Beemster, Gerrit , Meysman, Pieter; Laukens, Kris; Declerck, Ken; Vanden Berghe, Wim; Bols, Peter; Hue, Isabelle; Leroy, Jo
Human reproduction - ISSN 0268-1161 - 35(2020), p.293-307

Maize roots and shoots show distinct profiles of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense under heavy metal toxicity
Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Zinta, Gaurav; Hamed, Badreldin A.; Selim, Samy; Beemster, Gerrit , Hozzein, Wael N.; Wadaan, Mohammed A. M.; Asard, Han; Abuelsoud, Walid
Environmental pollution - ISSN 0269-7491 - 258(2020), p. -

Osmotic stress inhibits leaf growth of **Arabidopsis thaliana** by enhancing ARF mediated auxin responses
Kalve, Shweta; Sizani, Bulelani; Markakis, Marios Nektarios; Helsmoortel, Céline; van de Weyer, Geert; Laukens, Kris; Sommen, Manou; Naulaerts, Stefan; Vissenberg, Kris; Prinsen, Els; Beemster, Gerrit , Vandeweyer, Geert
New phytologist - ISSN 0028-646X - 226(2020), p.1766-1780

Ocean acidification affects biological activities of seaweeds: A case study of Sargassum vulgare from Ischia volcanic CO₂ vents
Kumar, Amit; Buia, Maria Cristina; Palumbo, Anna; Mohany, Mohamed; Wadaan, Mohammed A. M.; Hozzein, Wael N.; Beemster, Gerrit , Abd Elgawad, Hamada
Environmental pollution - ISSN 0269-7491 - 259(2020), p.1-10

Starch biosynthesis contributes to the maintenance of photosynthesis and leaf growth under drought stress in maize
Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Avramova, Viktoriya; Baggerman, Geert; Van Raemdonck, Geert; Valkenborg, Dirk; van Ostade, Xaveer; Guisez, Yves; Prinsen, Els; Asard, Han; Van den Ende, Wim; Beemster, Gerrit
Plant, cell and environment - ISSN 0140-7791 - 43(2020), p.2254-2271

Impacts of selective logging on the oxidative status of tropical understorey birds
Messina, Simone; Edwards, David P.; Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Beemster, Gerrit , Tomassi, Suzanne; Benedick, Suzan; Eens, Marcel; Costantini, David
The journal of animal ecology - ISSN 0021-8790 - 89(2020), p.2222-2234

Spatial analysis of the rice leaf growth zone under controlled and cadmium-exposed conditions
Huybrechts, Michiel; Hendrix, Sophie; Bertels, Jonas; Beemster, Gerrit , Vandamme, Dries; Cuypers, Ann
Environmental and experimental botany - ISSN 0098-8472 - 177(2020), p.1-11

Gibberellin enhances the anisotropy of cell expansion in the growth zone of the maize leaf
Sprangers, Katrien; Thys, Sofie; van Dusschoten, Dagmar; Beemster, Gerrit
Frontiers in plant science - ISSN 1664-462X - 11(2020), p. -

Al exposure increases proline levels by different pathways in an Al-sensitive and an Al-tolerant rye genotype
De Sousa, Alexandra; Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Fidalgo, Fernanda; Teixeira, Jorge; Matos, Manuela; Hamed, Badreldin A.; Selim, Samy; Hozzein, Wael N.; Beemster, Gerrit , Asard, Han
Scientific reports - ISSN 2045-2322 - 10(2020), p. -

Salinity stress enhances the antioxidant capacity of Bacillus and Planococcus species isolated from Saline Lake environment
Hassan, Abdelrahim H.A.; Alkhalifah, Dalal Hussien M.; Al Yousef, Sulaiman A.; Beemster, Gerrit , Mousa, Ahmed S. M.; Hozzein, Wael N.; AbdElgawad, Hamada
Frontiers in microbiology - ISSN 1664-302X - 11(2020), p. -

Molecular interactions at the bovine embryo-endometrial epithelium interface
Sponchiado, Mariana; Marei, Waleed; Beemster, Gerrit , Bols, Peter; Binelli, Mario; Leroy, Jo
Reproduction - ISSN 1470-1626 - 160(2020), p.887-903

Cadmium inhibits cell cycle progression and specifically accumulates in the maize leaf meristem
Bertels, Jonas; Huybrechts, Michiel; Hendrix, Sophie; Bervoets, Lieven; Cuypers, Ann; Beemster, Gerrit
Journal of experimental botany - ISSN 0022-0957 - 71(2020), p.6418-6428