Limnospira indica PCC 8005 supplementation prevents pelvic irradiation-induced dysbiosis but not acute inflammation in mice
Segers, Charlotte; Mysara, Mohamed; Coolkens, Amelie; Wouters, Shari; Baatout, Sarah; Leys, Natalie; Lebeer, Sarah , Verslegers, Mieke; Mastroleo, Felice
Antioxidants - ISSN 2076-3921 - 12(2023), p.1-17

Antibacterial and immunostimulatory activity of potential probiotic lactic acid bacteria isolated from Ethiopian fermented dairy products
Gizachew, Seyoum; Van Beeck, Wannes; Spacova, Irina; Dekeukeleire, Max; Alemu, Ashenafi; Woldemedhin, Wude Mihret; Mariam, Solomon H.; Lebeer, Sarah , Engidawork, Ephrem
Fermentation - ISSN 2311-5637 - 9(2023), p.1-21

Antimicrobial potential of known and novel probiotics on in vitro periodontitis biofilms
Van Holm, Wannes; Carvalho, Rita; Delanghe, Lize; Eilers, Tom; Zayed, Naiera; Mermans, Fabian; Bernaerts, Kristel; Boon, Nico; Claes, Ingmar; Lebeer, Sarah , Teughels, Wim
npj biofilms and microbiomes - ISSN 2055-5008 - 9(2023), p.1-12

Development of a live biotherapeutic throat spray with lactobacilli targeting respiratory viral infections.
Spacova, Irina; De Boeck, Ilke; Cauwenberghs, Eline; Delanghe, Lize; Bron, Peter A.; Henkens, Tim; Simons, Alix; Gamgami, Imane; Persoons, Leentje; Claes, Ingmar; van den Broek, Marianne; Schols, Dominique; Delputte, Peter; Coenen, Samuel; Verhoeven, Veronique; Lebeer, Sarah
Microbial biotechnology - ISSN 1751-7915 - 16(2023), p.99-115

Mucin-microbiome signatures shape the tumor microenvironment in gastric cancer
Oosterlinck, Baptiste; Ceuleers, Hannah; Arras, Wout; de Man, Joris; Geboes, Karen; de Schepper, Heiko; Peeters, Marc; Lebeer, Sarah , Skieceviciene, Jurgita; Hold, Georgina L.; Kupcinskas, Juozas; Link, Alexander; De Winter, Benedicte; Smet, Annemieke
Microbiome - ISSN 2049-2618 - 11(2023), p.1-18

Neuroendocrine and psychophysiological investigation of the evolutionary roots of gossip
Rudnicki, Konrad; Spacova, Irina; De Backer, Charlotte; Dricot, Caroline; Lebeer, Sarah , Poels, Karolien
Scientific reports - ISSN 2045-2322 - 13(2023), p.1-11

Influence of biotic interventions on the immune response to vaccines in young and older adults
Spacova, Irina; Patusco, Rachael; Lebeer, Sarah , Jensen, Morten Georg
Clinical nutrition - ISSN 0261-5614 - 42(2023), p.216-226

A citizen-science-enabled catalogue of the vaginal microbiome and associated factors
Lebeer Sarah, Ahannach Sarah, Gehrmann Thies, Wittouck Stijn, Eilers Tom, Oerlemans Eline, Condori Sandra, Dillen Jelle, Spacova Irina, Vander Donck Leonore, Masquillier Caroline, Allonsius Camille, Bron Peter A., Van Beeck Wannes, De Backer Charlotte, Donders Gilbert, Verhoeven Veronique
Nature microbiology - ISSN 2058-5276 - 8(2023), p. 2183-2195

Characterization of potential probiotic starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Ethiopian fermented cereal beverages, Naaqe, and Cheka
Gizachew Seyoum, Van Beeck Wannes, Spacova Irina, Dekeukeleire Max, Alemu Ashenafi, Mihret Wude, Lebeer Sarah, Engidawork Ephrem
The journal of applied microbiology - ISSN 1365-2672 - 134:11(2023), lxad237

Human intestinal organoids and microphysiological systems for modeling radiotoxicity and assessing radioprotective agents
Bouges Eloïse, Segers Charlotte, Leys Natalie, Lebeer Sarah, Zhang Jianbo, Mastroleo Felice
Cancers - ISSN 2072-6694 - Basel, Mdpi, 15:24(2023), 5859

Lactiplantibacillus carotarum AMBF275T sp. nov. isolated from carrot juice fermentation
Eilers Tom, Dillen Jelle, Van de Vliet Nele, Wittouck Stijn, Lebeer Sarah
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology - ISSN 1466-5034 - 73:7(2023), 005976

Lactobacillus isalae sp. nov., isolated from the female reproductive tract
Eilers Tom, Dillen Jelle, Ahannach Sarah, Vander Donck Leonore, Van de Vliet Nele, Wittouck Stijn, Lebeer Sarah
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology - ISSN 1466-5034 - 73:10(2023), 006038

Postbiotics in the medical field under the perspective of the ISAPP definition : scientific, regulatory, and marketing considerations
Vinderola Gabriel, Druart Celine, Gosalbez Luis, Salminen Seppo, Vinot Nina, Lebeer Sarah
Frontiers in pharmacology - ISSN 1663-9812 - 14(2023), 1239745

Questioning the fetal microbiome illustrates pitfalls of low-biomass microbial studies
Kennedy Katherine M., de Goffau Marcus C., Perez-Munoz Maria Elisa, Arrieta Marie-Claire, Backhed Fredrik, Bork Peer, Braun Thorsten, Bushman Frederic D., Dore Joel, de Vos Willem M., Earl Ashlee M., Eisen Jonathan A., Elovitz Michal A., Ganal-Vonarburg Stephanie C., Ganzle Michael G., Garrett Wendy S., Hall Lindsay J., Hornef Mathias W., Huttenhower Curtis, Konnikova Liza, ...
Nature - ISSN 0028-0836 - 613:7945(2023), p. 639-649

Salivary microbiome of healthy women of reproductive age
Cauwenberghs Eline, Oerlemans Eline, Wittouck Stijn, Allonsius Camille, Gehrmann Thies, Ahannach Sarah, De Boeck Ilke, Spacova Irina, Bron Peter A., Donders Gilbert, Verhoeven Veronique, Lebeer Sarah
mBio / American Society for Microbiology - ISSN 2150-7511 - 14:5(2023), e00300-23

The biocontrol agent Lactiplantibacillus plantarum AMBP214 is dispersible to plants via bumblebees
Temmermans Jari, Legein Marie, Zhao Yijie, Kiekens Filip, Smagghe Guy, de Coninck Barbara, Lebeer Sarah
Applied and environmental microbiology - ISSN 1098-5336 - Washington, Amer soc microbiology, (2023), p. 1-17