In 2019, the Radboud University’s Communication Scientists organised the annual Dutch-Flemish Communication Studies conference (Etmaal) in Nijmegen, NL (February 7-8, 2019). The following studies of MIOS researchers were presented at the conference:

Perceptions of a smart city and the need for citizen participation: a case-study of smart city Antwerp

by Sofie Mariën and Karolien Poels

Political microtargeting: the effects of personalitytailored ads on political persuasion on social networking sites

by Brahim Zarouali, Tom Dobber, Claes de Vreese

Is it unhealthy to work in a digital age? A structural equation modeling of the relations between teleworking, work-related telepressure in a social context, work-related digital stress, satisfaction with work-life balance, and burnout.

by Sarah Anrijs, Michel Walrave, Lieven De Marez, Koen Ponnet

A systematic Review and Meta -analysis of the Relation Between Media Food Marketing and Adolescent Nutrition

by Yara Qutteina, Tim Smits, Charlotte De Backer

Inducing eating pleasure through social cues: an opportunity to promote healthy eating among young adults?

by Katrien Maldoy, Charlotte De Backer, Karolien Poels

Correlations between food media consumption and food literacy among adolescents

by Yandisa Ngqangashe, Charlotte De Backer

‘Enkel voor het plezier?’: Een verkenning van betekenisvolle game-ervaringen bij jongeren

by Rowan Daneels, Heidi Vandebosch, Michel Walrave

Love Hurts: Addressing Hurtful Events Within Online Dating Environments

by Lara Hallam, Charlotte De Backer, Michel Walrave

“Mom, dad, stop being a sharent”: Adolescents’ protection behavior toward sharenting on Facebook

by Karen Verswijvel, Michel Walrave, Kris Hardies, Wannes Heirman

Sharenting: Parental Adoration or Public Humiliation? A Focus Group Study on Adolescents’ Experiences with Sharenting against the Background of their own Impression Management.

by Gaëlle Ouvrein, Karen Verswijvel

There is more to cybercrime than meets the eye: A quantitative content analysis of victims and coping strategies in online cybercrime news.

by Lies De Kimpe, Michel Walrave, Koen Ponnet

Self-disclosing negative news: The effects on investors’ judgement and decision making

by Fynn Gerken, Kris Hardies, An-Sofie Claeys

“Doing it yourself but pretending to be someone else”: An explorative study on hidden online selfpromotion and self-cyberbullying

Heidi Vandebosch, Sara Erreygers, Michelle Symons, Sara Pabian

A retrospective study on the impact of adolescent cyberbullying victimization on mental health and well-being during adulthood.

by Sara Pabian and Heidi Vandebosch

For more information about the studies, please contact the authors