The 69th annual conference of the International Communication Association was organised in Washington DC, USA (May 24-28, 2019). The following studies of MIOS researchers were presented at the conference:

When Taking Selfies Becomes Dangerous: Explaining Risky Selfies on Social Media among Adolescents

by Shuang Chen, Lara Schreurs, Sara Pabian, Laura Vandenbosch

Just for fun? Digital games’ potential for meaningful media experiences among adolescents

by Rowan Daneels, Heidi Vandebosch, Michel Walrave

A quantitative content analysis of topics, victims and coping strategies in online cybercrime news

by Lies De Kimpe, Michel Walrave, Koen Ponnet

Inducing eating pleasure through social cues: an opportunity to promote healthy eating among adolescents?

by Katrien Maldoy

Sharenting: Parental Adoration or Public Humiliation? A Focus Group Study on Adolescents’ Experiences with Sharenting against the Background of their own Impression Management

by Gaëlle Ouvrein, Karen Verswijvel

Consumer-to-consumer conflicts on brand fan pages on Facebook: How should the brand react?

by Sara Pabian 

The Role of Emotions in Advertising: A Call to Action

by Karolien Poels, Siegfried Dewitte

Celebrity bashing and empathy - intranasal oxytocin administration reduces the acceptance for online celebrity bashing

by Konrad Rudnicki, Gaëlle Ouvrein, Charlotte De Backer

“Mom, dad, stop being a sharent”: Adolescents’ protection behavior toward sharenting on Facebook

by Karen Verswijvel, Michel Walrave, Kris Hardies, Wannes Heirman

Sharenting, is it familiarizing or embarrassing? Understanding how adolescents think and feel about sharenting

by Karen Verswijvel, Michel Walrave, Kris Hardies, Wannes Heirman

For more information about the studies, please contact the authors