In 2003, the Human Evolution and Behavior Network (HEBEN) was founded to meet the challenges posed by dramatic changes in our understanding of our own species. The Center is dedicated to advancing interdisciplinary research of human thinking and behaviour in the Low Countries. HEBEN organizes an annual conference with national and international speakers.
The Cognition, Behavior, & Evolution Network in the Low Countries (CBEN) was founded in 2015 to unite scholars working in the fields of evolutionary psychology, behavioral ecology, human biology, primatology, and cultural evolution. The aim of CBEN is to facilitate research and education in relation to the evolution of cognition and behavior. Its basis is in The Netherlands and Belgium, but scholars from other countries are invited to join as well
The main scope of this joint HEBEN/CBEN event (December 15-16, 2016). was to offer a platform for presentation and feedback to young researchers
Day 1: presentations
- Plenary Talk "The evolved psychology of social groups: Progress and next steps" by Dr. David Pietrazewski
- Session: Social categorization, coalitions and alliance
- Explaining violence around the world: A model of Climate, Aggression, and Self-control in Humans (CLASH). By Maria Isabella Rinderu
- Altruism and personal trust among Vyegwa-Gika Pygmies from Burundi: traces of cognitive traits. By Cristina Acedo Carmona:
- Asymmetric power and deterrence strategies in social dilemmas: Power leads to more (direct) punishment tactics. By Catherine Molho:
- Grooming each other with words: The effects of gossip in interactions between strangers. By Konrad Rudnicki
- Session: Cultural/Selective Social Learning
- Three misunderstandings of cultural attraction. By Stefaan Blancke
- The origins of supernatural beliefs: Mentalizing skills do not differentiate believers from non-believers but credibility-enhancing displays do. By Michiel van Elk
- The boundary conditions of the hyperactive agency detection device. By David Maij
- Emotional expressions and their perception in great apes. By Evy van Berlo
- Getting to the bottom of face processing.Species-specific inversion effects for faces and behinds in humans and chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes). By Mariska Kret:
- Plenary talk "The seeds of social learning" by Dr. Annie Wertz
Day 2: presentations
- Plenary Talk "Is Moral Judgment Designed to Deter?" by Prof. Dr. Rob Kurzban
- Presentation: The human moral sense
- General or targeted outgroup prejudice? The role of temporary and chronic pathogen avoidance motivation. By Tingting Ji
- Why does disgust relate to political attitudes: Evaluating coalition accounts. By Joshua Tybur
- Contamination, reputation and the role of disgust in morality. By Tom Kupfer
- Better than our nature? Evolution and moral realism, justification and progress. By Michael Vlerick
- Session: Partner Choice and Intrasexual Competition
- Do men take greater stock market risk when seeking a mate? By Stephen Billion
- Attractiveness and attention, memory and time perception: A united evolved cognitive system to enhance reproductive success? By André Silva
- Individual differences in attitudes towards online dating. By Lara Hallam
- Plenary Talk "Women's view of rivals within mating competition" by Prof. Dr. Maryanne Fisher