Running PhD's

Tobe Vorsselmans
Unraveling the surface chemistry of icy dust particles in the interstellar medium

Krithika Ganesan
Molecular scale modeling of Grignard surface modification of metal oxide surfaces

Fahim Faraji (joint with Milorad Milosevic, CMT)
Transport and Dielectric Properties of Water Confined between Graphene-Oxide Nanochannels

Shangkun Li (joint with Annemie Bogaerts, PLASMANT)
​Plasma-driven direct CH4 conversion to high value-added products: experiment and modelling

Defended PhD's

Attila Kovac (23/03/2023) - with Pieter Billen, FTI
A structured methodology for natural deep eutectic solvent selection and formulation for enzymatic reactions

Yannick Engelmann (12/01/2021) - with Annemie Bogaerts, PLASMANT
Unlocking the Potential of Plasma Catalysis

Amin Jafarzadeh (18/12/2020) - with Annemie Bogaerts, PLASMANT
First-Principle Studies of Plasma-Catalyst Interactions for Greenhouse Gas Conversion

Parisa Nematollahi (27/05/2020)
Density functional theory calculations for understanding gas conversion reactions on single metal atom embedded carbon-based nanocatalysts

Charlotte Vets (10/01/2020)
Growth properties of carbon nanomaterials: towards tuning for electronic applications

Sotheara Chuon (Orleans) (11/12/2019) - joint PhD with Université d'Orléans
Simulation numérique multi-échelles du procédé de dépôt par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron

Jonas Vanderpaal (26/09/2019) - with Annemie Bogaerts, PLASMANT
Generation, transport and molecular interactions of reactive species in plasma medicine

Markus Heyne (19/09/2019) - joint PhD with IMEC/KULeuven
Chemistry and plasma physics challenges for 2D materials technology

Irina Grubova (23/04/2019) - joint PhD with TPU Tomsk
Density functional theory study of interface interactions in hydroxyapatite / rutile composites for biomedical applications

Kristof Bal (18/10/2018)
New ways to bridge the gap between microscopic simulations and macroscopic chemistry

Christof Verlackt (05/03/2018) - with Annemie Bogaerts, PLASMANT
The behavior of plasma-generated reactive species in plasma medicine

Samira Dabaghmanesh (12/10/2017) - with Bart Partoens, Physics, CMT
Atomistic modeling of the structural and electronic properties of Cr-based oxides and their potential application as TCO materials

Stijn Huygh (29/05/2017)
Towards a fundamental understanding of plasma - TiO2 catalyst interaction for greenhouse gas conversion

Wesley Somers (15/09/2015)
Atomic scale simulations of the interactions of plasma species on nickel catalyst surfaces

Maksudbek Yusupov (01/07/2014) - with Annemie Bogaerts, PLASMANT
Atomic scale simulations for a better insight in plasma medicine

Umedjon Khalilov (26/02/2013)
New perspectives on thermal and hyperthermal oxidation of Si surfaces