In 2016 Lien Van Laer graduated at the University of Ghent (Belgium) as a master in rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy. From 2016 until 2020 she was active as a physiotherapist in a rehabilitation center (Sint-Lievenspoort Ghent, Belgium) treating patients with vestibular disorders. In November 2020, she started a PhD at the University of Antwerp under supervision of prof. dr. Luc Vereeck, prof. dr. Ann Hallemans and prof. dr. Vincent Van Rompaey: “Unravelling risk factors for developing chronic dizziness after an acute unilateral vestibular deafferentation”. In this longitudinal follow-up study specific risk factors for chronic dizziness are investigated during the acute and subacute phase: the level of physical activity, presence of anxiety or avoidance behavior, visual dependence and level of central vestibular compensation