µNEURO Workshop PhD apps

About the workshop
In this workshop, we aim to foster exchange of knowledge about digital tools used at the University of Antwerp. Researchers will present the tools and software used in their group and introduce them to fellow researchers from a user-perspective.
Our main focus will be on tools for image and data analysis in life sciences. To foster a maximum of exchange between the different research fields, the sessions include a diverse mix of different (imaging) modalities: microscopy, MRI, PET, EEG, …
The day will start with a session about more generic digital tools (reference management, making scientific figures, …) and a lecture about research data management.
09:00 | Welcome Dr. Liesbeth Vanherp, µNEURO Research Centre of Excellence |
09:15 | Biorender, creating professional scientific figures Angela Sisto, Peripheral Neuropathies group |
09:25 | Github and git, code version management Vincenzo Anania, imec-Vision Lab |
09:35 | Endnote, reference management Dr. Elisabeth Jonckers, Bio-imaging Lab |
09:45 | Introduction to Data Management Plans Dr. Maja Sahadzic, Department of Research Affairs |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | PMOD, processing and modelling molecular imaging data Franziska Zajicek, Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp |
11:20 | MRTrix3, processing medical images with focus on MRI Dr. Ben Jeurissen, imec-Vision Lab |
11:40 | MicroManager (including NanoJFluidics) for microscopy image acquisition Dr. Bob Asselbergh, VIB-Center for Molecular Neurology |
12:00 | AMIRA, image processing of (3D) MRI Nicholas Vidas-Guscic, Bio-imaging Lab |
12:30 | Lunch |
13:30 | Social media for scientists TBA |
13:50 | SPM, (pre)-processing of fMRI data Christien Bowman, Bio-Imaging Lab |
14:10 | VICON, a human gait analysis system Dr. Ségolène De Waele, Translational Neurosciences |
14:30 | FIJI for visualisation of microscopy data and simple automation Hugo Steenberghen, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology |
14:50 | BART Toolbox, MR Image Reconstruction Banafshe Shafieizargar, imec – Vision Lab |
15:10 | Coffee break |
15:40 | Improving MATLAB performance on CalcUA Dr. Ignace van Spilbeeck, Bio-imaging Lab |
16:00 | Factorize!, a MATLAB algebraic toolbox Michele Nicastro, imec – Vision Lab |
16:20 | Trackmate, a Fiji plugin that provides the tools to perform single particle tracking Dr. Marlies Verschuuren, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology |
16:40 | Discussion and closing |
This event received support from an 'Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers (OJO)' grant of the Doctoral School of the University of Antwerp and the Flemish Government.