The first NANOlab day took place in the T building of the Groeneborger campus on Sept 20th 2022 and consisted of contributions from all the NANOlab groups in the form of short talks and poster presentations. The main motivation behind this event was to foster collaborations between members of the NANOlab groups.

Short talks (room G.T.148)
14:00-14:15 "Alternating superconducting and charge density wave monolayers in a van der Waals heterostructure" by Jonas Bekaert (CMT)
14:15-14:30 "Fundamental understanding of core-shell nanoparticles and nanoparticle clusters in plasmonic photocatalysis" by Rajesh Ninakanti (DuEL/EMAT)
14:30-14:45 "Towards a better understanding of plasma-catalyst interactions" by Robin De Meyer (EMAT/PLASMANT)
14:45-15:00 "Wearable electrochemical sensors for health monitoring: from episodic to continuous healthcare" by Marc Parrila Pons (A-Sense Lab)
Poster presentations (T Hall)
15:00-17:00 Poster presentations from all groups.
- Karthick Raj Ag, DUEL
Sustainable Product Upscaling via Photoelectrochemical Oxidation - Alba Alvarez, AXIS
Mapping historical organic pigments by MALDI-MS imaging - Ine Arts, EMAT
Corrosion modelling of spent fuel: adsorption of O, O2, H2O and H2O2 on the UO2 surface - Ermanno Avranovich Clerici, AXIS
X-ray imaging of the pigments and their secondary products in frescoes of the Upper Basilica of Assisi - Kristof Bal, PLASMANT
Lessons for combining experiments with molecular modeling in plasma–material interactions: Plasma cleaning of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers as a case study - Deema Balalta, EMAT
Advanced ex and in situ TEM characterization of atomic cluster electrocatalysts - Simone Bassini, A-Sense Lab
A Novel Photoelectrochemical Biosensor for Cystic Fibrosis Detection - Joshua Claes, CMT
The DFT-1/2 method for defect excitations in the NV center - Fons Dingenen, DuEL
Long-term stable, solar active broadband photocatalysts based on plasmonic metal@polymer core-shell hybrids - Fahim Faraji, PLASMANT/CMT
Graphene nano-bubbles: scaling and indentation - Abhijit Gogoi, PLASMANT/CMT
Arresting Aqueous Swelling of Layered Graphene-Oxide Membranes with H3O+ and OH– Ions - Yansong Hao, EMAT
Quantification of electron beam damage in Lead-Phthalocyanine crystals - Daen Jannis, EMAT
Fast 4D STEM acquisition with event based electron detection - Bert Jorissen, CMT
Tight binding models for strain in TMDs - Safiyye Kavak, EMAT
3D Investigation of Metal-Organic Frameworks at Atomic Scale - Shangkun Li, PLASMANT
Selective oxidation of CH4 to CH3OH through plasma catalysis - Selma Mayda, EMAT
The degradation of CdS-based paints - Antony Charles Minja, DUEL
Photoelectrochemical Cell for Simultaneous VOC Abatement and Energy Generation - Parisa Nematollahi, PLASMANT
Durable Fe-N-C Catalyst for ORR in PEM Fuel Cells: The role of the functional ligand - Marc Parrilla, A-Sense lab
Wearable wristband-based electrochemical sensor for the detection of phenylalanine in biofluids - Romy Poppe, EMAT
Quantitative analysis of diffuse electron scattering - Denis Sabani, CMT
Disentangling magnetic interactions in 2D materials - Duygu Gizem Senturk, EMAT
Optimal experiment design for characterising structures containing multiple types of elements using 4D STEM - Cem Sevik, CMT
Materials Characterization via Machine Learning - Robin Smeyers, CMT
Strong gate-tunability of flat bands in bilayer graphene due to moiré encapsulation between hBN monolayers - Sensu Tunca, A-Sense Lab
Controlled Electrochemical Formation of Titania Nanotubes for Photoelectrochemical Detections - Ihtasham Ul haq, EMAT
Towards Microscopic Mechanisms of Amorphous to Crystalline Transition in Olivine at Earth’s Mantle - Robin Van Echelpoel, A-Sense Lab
Validated portable device for the qualitative and quantitative electrochemical detection of MDMA ready for on-site use - Daphne Vandemeulebroucke, EMAT
In-situ & Ex-situ Electron Microscopy Revealing Diverse Structural Transformations of LaxSr2-xMnO4-δ upon Gas Reduction - Frederik Vanmeert, AXIS
Capturing light and shadow - Vermeer's lead whites - Francisco Vega, EMAT
Can a Programmable Phase Plate serve as an Aberration Corrector in the TEM? - Evgenii Vlasov, EMAT
Secondary electron imaging in TEM: an alternative way for 3D visualization - Michal Wyszynski, CMT
Skyrmion-coupled vortex dynamics in a magnet-superconductor heterostructure - Chu-Ping Yu, EMAT
Real Time Integration Center of Mass Reconstruction for 4D-STEM