Collaboration with academic institutes and industrial partners
NatuRAPT has collaborations with industrial partners and research institutes. Industrial collaboration concerns method development and validation on mainly food supplements and herbal medicines, and research for the development of traditional herbal medicinal products.
The NatuRAPT research group is interested in:
- Collaboration with other research groups and industrial partners
- Joint grant applications
- Contract research
If you are interested in collaboration, please contact Prof. Dr. Nina Hermans:
The laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy is pleased to provide different services to your company/organisation. We are looking forward to work together with you and create innovative solutions with added value.
Analysis services:
- Rheological behaviour of your samples
- Determination Zeta potential and Sizing
- Drop-point determination
- Dissolution and desintegration of tablets
- Hardness of tablets
Solution providing:
We are sure that our small but highly skilled and committed team can be an excellent partner for all your complex formulation problems, for developing new drug carriers and in testing and tweaking your concepts.
If you are interested in collaboration, please contact the laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy: Prof. Dr. Filip Kiekens –
Current collaborations with academic institutes
- Member and Workgroup leader in the EU Network COST Action 16112 - NutRedOX: Personalized Nutrition in aging society: redox control of major age-related diseases.
- Effect of a polyphenol-rich plant extract on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a randomised, double blind, placebo and active product controlled multicenter trial.
Collaboration with prof. dr. ir. HFJ Savelkoul (WUR - Wageningen University & Research, research group: Cell Biology & Immunology, NL),
- Prospective investigation of oxidative stress in West Nile virus Infection.
Collaboration with MD PhD Ralph Huits (Geosentinel) and ITG (Institute of Tropical Medicine, BE)
- Health effects & biotransformation of flavanols in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
Collaboration with prof. Patrick Calders (UGent - Ghent University, Rehabilitation science, BE)
European Cooperation in Science & Technology
Research on redox active compounds in food & impact on age related diseases.

Current collaborations with industrial partners
- Effect of a polyphenol-rich plant extract on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a randomised, double blind, placebo and active product controlled multicenter trial. Collaboration with Horphag research (Geneva, ZW)
- Olive polyphenols and cardiovascular health. Collaboration with Tilman (Baillonville, BE)