There was a first national meeting on 21 May 2019 at 10:30 at the University of Antwerp (see below), followed by an international meeting 27-29 January 2020 (see Meeting January 2020 for more information). Unfortunately, the covid pandemic had a significant impact on our activities. Just a few weeks after our first international meeting, all activities came to a hold, as networking events, research visits or workshops were no more possible.

At the end of 2021, nearly two years later we could finally(!!) re-start our activities.

The 28th of October 2021 Luc Lens, Eric Stienen, Peter Desmet and Wendt Müller participated at first LifeWatch Biodiversity Day (VAC, Ghent, Belgium) on the theme of "biologging & camera tracking". Luc Lens and Wendt Müller gave a keynote lecture entitled A bird’s eye view onto GPS tracking - a decade of gull tagging along the Flemish and Dutch coast

8 Feburary Wendt Müller gave a talk entitled A bird’s eye view onto GPS tracking: a decade of gull research along the Flemish and Dutch coast at Wageningen University, where recently significant efforts were made to advance animal tracking research (e.g. via MOTUS Wildlife Tracking Systems and e-Track - EGNOS Enhanced Tracking of Animal Movement and Behaviour)

​21-25 February 2022 we organised a workshop on social network analysis, which we identified as one of the key forthcoming topics in the context of animal tracking. We started with an introductory day to inform each other about our research activities and to identify the benefits of social network analyses. This was followed by 4 half-day teaching session, and opportunities for hands-on sessions and networking in the afternoon. The course was provided by Greg Albery (Georgetown University, US).

Program Kick-Off Meeting

Kick-Off Meeting Next Generation Animal Tracking – deciphering the ecological code

1. Introduction of the LBB consortium (UAntwerpen/UGent/INBO)

UAntwerpen/UGent (Müller/Baert/Lens) Tracked around the clock (20 min)

  • Brief overview of our research on lesser black-backed gulls
  • Past and perspectives
  • Main challenges

UAntwerpen/UGent (Müller/Baert/Lens) Why starting a WOG? The ideas behind it (10 min)

  • Best practices to extract ecological information given our data structure – an interdisciplinary approach?
  • How to combine various data streams?
  • The ecological perspectives – from individual decisions to population level consequences

Time for questions (10 min)

2. Short introductory presentation by all national partner institutes (10 minutes each)

UGent (Van de Weghe)/INBO (Desmedt)/VLIZ (Reubens)/UHasselt (Neyens)/UAntwerpen (Matthysen)


3. Open discussion (30-60 min) UAntwerpen/UGent (Müller/Baert/Lens)

  • Can we identify the most important themes and areas of common interest
  • Where are our strengths, what can we learn from each other and how to join forces?
  • Setting the stage for a successful WOG

Inaugural Speech (pdf)