Elementary Particle Physics
The Particle Physics group at the University of Antwerp has a long and outstanding tradition in experimental and phenomenological research concerning particle collisions as conducted by the largest particle accelerators in the world. Our research focuses on the study of quantumchromodynamics, the search for Higgs boson and the search for extra dimensions of space.
The Particle Physics group participates in the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerfull particle accelerator in the world.
The LHC is situated at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland.
Recently the Particle Physics Group is also turning it's attention to the next big thing: sterile neutrinos. With the help of French and British colleagues, we are using a revolutionary technology to record evidence that these particles exist. A European consortium of two French, two British and three Flemish universities and one federal research institute (UAntwerp, UGent, VUB and SCK•CEN in Mol) joined forces in early 2013. Together, they have developed a ‘neutrino experiment’. The project is named SOLID, which stands for "Search for Oscillations with a Lithium6 Detector".