Ten years ago, philosophers Dan Hutto and Erik Myin published their book Radicalizing Enactivism - a call to arms not just to once and for all overcome the cognitivist paradigm, but also to purge existing strains of enactive thinking from their - often implicit and vestigial - cognitivist commitment. 10 years have passed since that day, and so it is time to take stocks. Has Hutto and Myin’s call been effective? Did enactivism become more radical? Has the cognitivist paradigm been surmounted, or is it still in relatively good health?

Our workshop aims to answer these questions, and wants to offer a critical space for reflection on everything related to radical enactivism. To this aim, we are reserving four 40 minute spots (30 minutes talk + 10 minutes Q&A) for contributed talks.

If you are interested in participating in this event, please send us an anonymised abstract of max 500 words (references excluded) and a separate cover sheet with your contact information.

Keynote speakers

Daniel Hutto (University of Wollongong)

Erik Myin (University of Antwerp)

Call deadline

Submit your abstract by 15th of September 2024. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by the 20th of September.


Marco Facchin (UAntwerpen)

Farid Zahnoun (UAntwerpen)