Awards by current PLASMANT members
Annemie Bogaerts
28 | March 2025 Francqui Chair at Mons University. |
27 | November 2024 Selected as one of the three candidates of Belgium, nominated for the International Frontiers Planet Prize 2024. |
26 | April 2024 AHA!-Award on Research Valorization (category “Achieved”) of VOKA (Kamer van Koophandel) and University of Antwerp (Award ceremony at the Antwerp Innovation Night). See movie (in Dutch, with English subtitles) and pictures. |
25 | July 2023 European Physical Society Plasma Innovation Award for our research on plasma-based CO2 conversion and the creation of a spinoff (together with G. Trenchev). |
24 | 2022 Plasma Medicine Award: This is the highest recognition awarded by the International Society for Plasma Medicine (ISPM) for lifetime achievements in the field of the Plasma Medicine. |
23 | May 2022 Selected as one of the 30 “Europe’s best chemistry professors” to recreate the iconic 1927 Solvay picture, and to help shape the future of chemical innovation in Europe, at the occasion of the Cefic 50th anniversary. |
22 | 2022 ERC Proof of Concept Grant PREPARE: Most prestigious European research grant (for building plasma reactors in real-life environment). |
21 | March 2022 One of the four finalists, nominated for the AHA Award on promising research valorization of the University of Antwerp. |
20 | September 2020 Educational Award of the Science Faculty. |
19 | 2019-2025 ERC Synergy Grant SCOPE with G. Centi, E. Rebrov and V. Hessel : Most prestigious European research grant (2.5 M€). |
18 | October 2013 Annemie Bogaerts has been awarded, by the Francqui Foundation, a mandate of “Francqui Research Professor” for the period September 2013 - September 2016. |
17 | February 2009 ‘European Award for Plasma Spectrochemistry’, for work on modelling of plasmas and laser ablation. |
16 | September 2008 ‘Lester W. Strock Award’ of the “New England Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy”, in recognition for “Outstanding contributions in the areas of plasma and surface modeling”. |
15 | March 2005 Spectrochimica Acta Atomic Spectroscopy Award 2003 for a research paper, “as the most significant contribution to spectroscopy, published in Spectrochim. Acta Part B, in 2003”. |
14 | December 2004 ‘Robert Oppenheimer’ Prize of the “Stichting Rosa Blanckaert”. |
13 | May 2004 ‘TOYP - The Outstanding Young Person’ Prize for 2004 of the “Junior Chamber of Belgium”, category 2: Innovations in science, technology and environment. |
12 | June 2003 Alumni Prize of the “Belgian-American Educational Foundation”. |
11 | December 2001 Laureate of the “Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten” (Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts), in the category Sciences. |
10 | December 1999 Prize of the “Association Francophone de Spectrométrie de Masse des Solides” (French Society for Solids Mass Spectrometry). |
9 | November 1999 Spectrochimica Acta Atomic Spectroscopy Award 1997 for a series of two papers, “as the most significant contributions to spectroscopy, published in Spectrochim. Acta Part B, in 1997”. |
8 | January 1999 Poster prize at the “1999 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 11-15, 1999, Pau, France (First prize for a total of about 400 posters). |
7 | June 1998 Prize of the “Research Council of the University of Antwerp (UIA)”, in the group Exact Sciences. |
6 | April 1998 ‘Bunsen-Kirchhoff’ Prize of the “Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Angewandte Spektroskopie (German Working Group for Applied Spectroscopy)”. |
5 | July 1997 Poster prize at the “International Conference of Phenomena in Ionized Gases XXIII” (2 poster prizes for a total of 500 posters). |
4 | December 1996 ‘J.S. Stas’ Prize of the “Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique”. |
3 | October 1996 Spectrochimica Acta Atomic Spectroscopy Award 1995 for a series of three papers, “as the most significant contributions to spectroscopy, published in Spectrochim. Acta Part B, in 1995”. |
2 | June 1996 DSM Prize for Chemistry and Technology: First prize for Flemish participants. |
1 | June 1993 Youth Prize of the “Flemish Royal Chemical Society” (KVCV). |
Robin De Meyer
2. | Eindhoven, The Netherlands: July 2024 |
1. | 08 February 2024 |
Abraham Lin
1. | December 2021 Price Robert Oppenheimer 2021 of the University of Antwerp Movie on youtube and Laudation. |
Björn Loenders
1. | Liverpool, UK, July 3-7 Best oral presentation award at the "5th International Symposium on Plasmas for Catalysis and Energy Materials (ISPCEM)". |
Filippo Manaigo
1 | Liverpool, UK, July 3-7 Best oral presentation award at the 5th International Symposium on Plasmas for Catalysis and Energy Materials (ISPCEM). |
Priyanka Shaw
2. | August 2021 Best Paper Award at the International Plasma Medicine Conference, Korea (online), August 3-6, 2021. |
1. | ![]() June 2019 Best poster award for the poster Synergistic effects of Bee venom and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species on the membrane fluitdity: A promising approach for cancer therapy presented at IFFM 2019, Gangneung Korea. |

Luc Van 't dack
2 |
May 2015 Recipient of the "EMAS Medal for Services to the Society" from the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS). |
1 |
May 2007 Honorary Member of the “European Microbeam Analysis Society” (EMAS). |
Ruben Verloy
1. | June 2021 Best poster award at the “International Workshop of Plasma for Cancer Treatment, Barcelona (online), June 29-30, 2021” presented poster: "Triple co-culture spheroid model of pancreatic cancer for plasma research". ![]() |
Hanne Verswyvel
1 | June 2022 Best student oral presentation award on the ICPM (International Plasma Medicine Conference). |
Awards by former PLASMANT members
Maryam Aghaei
1 | January 2014 Selected as a “Young Analytical Scientist” by Royal Society of Chemistry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. |
Eline Biscop
1 | June 2022 Best student oral presentation award on the ICPM (International Plasma Medicine Conference). |
Stijn Heijkers
1 |
November 2014 "Lierse Scriptieprijs - categorie Zimmer" for his MSc-thesis entitled: "Study of CO2/N2 plasma in a DBD- and microwavereactor". |
Amin Jafarzadeh
1. | November 2018 Student Travel Award at the The 71st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference Co-Located with the 60th Annual meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, Oregon (USA). |
Inne Michielsen
1 | September 2016 First prize at the 'SCOT Project Flash Presentation Prize' during the "14th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization", Sheffield, UK, 11-15 September, 2016. |
Marleen Ramakers
2 | May 2018 '2018 EOS Pipet Prize' for a promising young scientist and winner of the audience award for her contribution on transforming waste into primary resources. |
1 | August 2016 ‘Best oral presentation award’ at the "International Workshop on Plasmas for Energy and Environmental Applications (IWPEEA)", Liverpool, UK, 21-24 August 2016, for the contribution entitled: "Improving the energy efficiency of CO2 conversion by means of a gliding arc plasmatron". |
Ramses Snoeckx
1 |
August 2017 |
Georgi Trenchev
2 | July 2023 European Physical Society Plasma Innovation Award for our research on plasma-based CO2 conversion and the creation of a spinoff (together with A. Bogaerts). |
1 | July 2016 Qualified as a "GOLEM operator" during the Remote GOLEM operation workshop held in conjunction with the "7th International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics", Kiten, Bulgaria, June 26 - July 2, 2016. |
Jonas Van der Paal
1 | March 2017 Bob Barker Best Student Paper Award at the "4th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer treatment (IWPCT)", Paris, France, 27-28 March 2017, for the contribution entitled: “In search of the plasmaporation mechanism during plasma treatment of skin". |