Bogaerts Annemie

Combination of experimental and computational research on plasmas and plasma-surface interactions for various applications: 1) Plasma-based gas conversion and plasma catalysis for CO2 conversion into value-added chemicals and fuels, N2 fixation from the air to produce building blocks for our life (e.g. fertilizers), CH4 conversion into H2 (and value-added carbon) and into higher hydrocarbons (e.g., ethylene, acetylene) and oxygenates,... This includes experiments in various types of plasma reactors to improve the conversion, selectivity and energy efficiency, as well as modeling the plasma chemistry, plasma reactor design and plasma-surface interactions. 2) Plasma treatment of cancer cells: pancreatic cancer, melanoma, glioblastoma, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer,... Study of the mechanisms of selective cancer treatment by comparison with normal cells. In-vitro (on 2D but also 3D models, like spheroids and organoids, that more closely mimic tumors), in-ovo and in-vivo experiments, with various types of plasma sources. For cancer treatment, major focus is on the combination with immunotherapy, in collaboration with E. Smits (CORE). Besides cancer treatment, we also focus on virus killing. Besides experiments, we also perform computer modeling of the plasma chemistry in the various plasma sources, and of the interaction of plasma species with biomolecules. 3) Plasma-liquid interaction, for medical applications: Study of the behavior of plasma species in liquid. 4) Plasmas for analytical chemistry, materials science and micro-electronics applications: modeling the plasma chemistry for various gas mixtures and in various types of plasma reactors.


1) Various gliding arc plasma reactors, atmospheric pressure glow discharges, microwave plasmas and dielectric barrier discharge plasmas, as well as analysis equipment (GC, MS, non-dispersive IR/UR, optical sensors) for gas conversion. 2) Several plasma jets and DBD plasmas for direct treatment of cancer cells, or treatment of liquid media (plasma treated liquids, PTLs) to be used for treatment of cancer cells. Research in collaboration with Evelien Smits (Center for Oncological Research) and W. Vandenberghe (research group PPES, Biomedical Department) for cancer cell culture and characterization. 3) Various types of models: quasi-1D chemical reaction kinetics models, 2D/3D fluid dynamics simulations, Monte Carlo, particle-in-cell Monte Carlo, hybrid models, molecular dynamics, density functional theory simulations.


1) Chemical companies (interested in conversion of greenhouse gases and waste streams in value-added chemicals), Energy companies, Petrochemistry 2) Cancer researchers, hospitals 3) Microelectronics sector


Plasma catalysis, Co2 conversion, Chemical synthesis, Plasma, Cancer cells, Cancer treatment, Chemical process

Fedirchyk Igor

Experimental plasma-assisted conversion of ethanol into hydrogen.


Optical emission spectroscopy.


Hydrogen producers.


Plasma reactor, Plasma chemistry, Plasma physics

Gorbanev Yury

Investigation of the chemical reactions occurring in plasma-liquid systems. These include interface and bulk reactions. My specific expertise is in the analysis of the reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by cold plasmas, tailoring their output by plasmas, and related biomedical research. I also investigate possibilities of green chemical processes with cold plasma reactions, either radical initiation or direct sustainable synthesis.


Chemical analysis of plasma-liquid interactions, involving short- and long-lived reactive species generated by plasma in and in contact with liquids. Analytical methods include fluorimetry, UV-Vis spectrophotometry, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), etc.


Companies and individuals in food industry, manufacturers of biomedical plasma devices, plasma in industrial processes (catalysis, sustainable and green chemistry, etc.)


Plasma chemistry, Sustainable chemistry

Li Jiayin

His research activities comprise the study of plasma and plasma-surface interactions by means of experiments and machine learning, for various applications, mainly CO2 and CH4 conversion into value-added chemicals and fuels and plasma medicine.


He is proficient in laser diagnostics on plasma physics and machine learning method on plasma catalysis research.


Researchers in plasma physics and plasma catalsis could make good use of his expertise.


Co2 conversion, Plasma, Plasma diagnostics, Plasma catalysis

Lin Abraham

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Antwerp in the field of non-thermal plasma medicine. My research aims to understand plasma-cell interactions and develop non-thermal plasma systems for biomedical applications. Topics of Investigation: 1) Electrical and chemical characterization of plasma treatment regimes for biological applications (e.g. cancer immunotherapy, surface decontamination, neuroregeneration) 2) Development of plasma devices and systems for medical applications including robotics and neural network integration 3) Modulation of tumor-expressing immunosuppressive signals via wet lab experiments and computational modelling 4) Plasma-induced intracellular pathways for sensitivity and resistance development via cancer bioinformatics tools 5) Plasma effects on immunogenic cell death (ICD), tumor microenvironment (TME), epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), and metastasis 6) Combination cancer therapies with plasma 7) Plasma-induced cell death mechanisms


1) Non-thermal plasma device operations 2) Detection of reactive oxygen species using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, colorimetric assays, UV-Vis spectrophotometry. 3) Power measurements of high voltage plasma systems. 4) 2D (monolayer) and 3D cell culture using spheroids or the live avian egg model 5) In vitro wet lab work and assays including flow cytometry, tissue immunohistochemistry, and image-based analysis with the Incucyte and Tecan Spark Cyto 6) In vivo work with murine cancer models (FELAS C certified) 7) Cancer bioinformatics 8) Robotics development and control


1) Chemists 2) Plasma physicists 3) Oncologists and clinicians 4) Biomedical engineers 5) Medical device companies 6) Robotics and computer engineers


Biomedical engineering, Applied physics, Non-thermal plasma medicine, Plasma chemistry

Morais Eduardo

I have recently become a research manager for the sustainable research in PLASMANT. My research expertise is: plasma science, heterogeneous catalysis, spectroscopy, gas analysis and characterisation, material characterisation, kinetic modelling of gas-phase and surface systems. My research work in the group was focused on generation of renewable energy and conversion of greenhouse gases into useful and value-added chemicals. My research involves the physico-chemical characterisation of non-oxidative methane conversion under nano-second pulsed plasma discharges via quasi-1D modelling computational approach. Additionally, we aim to look at the role played by heterogenous catalysts following the plasma discharges and investigate reactor design to achieve optimum methane conversion rates. These aspects are also studied using computational and modelling approaches.


Catalysis Plasma ZDPlasKin Surface modelling Python coding Python COMSOL X-Ray diffraction FTIR UV-Visible spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy XPS


Plasma science Material Scientists Catalyst Scientists Spectroscopists Kinetic modelling Surface modelling Fluid modelling


Sustainability, Modelling, Catalysis, Energy and environment, Energy storage, Energy, Spectroscopy, Plasma

Privat Maldonado Angela

Application of low-temperature plasmas for cancer research using 3-dimensional in vitro models and in ovo TUM-CAM model Study of the effect of plasma-generated reactive species in the tumor microenvironment, pancreatic cancer cells and stellate cells, with specific emphasis on the role of stellate cells in the migration of cancer cells upon treatment Live imaging of 3D spheroids, assessment of viability, cell death. Analysis of proliferative markers, extracellular matrix components, hypoxia by immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence Multi-arrays for 3~D spheroids in paraffin, cryosectioning


• Cell culture • Light & fluorescence microscopy • 3D in vitro tumor models • Evaluation of vaccine candidates in vitro • IHC/IF, tissue processing • Method development • In ovo TUM-CAM model • Microbiological techniques


Any group willing to work with 3D spheroids in vitro, TUM-CAM model for angiogenesis and cancer research, use of low-temperature plasmas for biomedical purposes


Atmospheric plasma, Live cell imaging, In vitro culture, Microscopy (fluorescence), Anticancer agents, Cancer research, Immunohistochemistry, 3d spheroid model, Chicken chorioallantoic membrane model

Smith Gregory

Development of fluid models of methane plasma for the investigation of methods to increase the selectivity of methane products. This work is part of the Flanders moonshot project: Power-to-Olefins


Utilisation of the fluid model software, COMSOL and the inclusion of work using the global plasma models such as ZDPlasKin and BOLSIG+.


Groups who require models of systems that can use fluid approximations. Other groups may include those who require chemical reaction models.


Fluid models, Theoretical study

Trenchev Georgi

I am an expert in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), plasma physics, and multi-physics modeling. More specifically, I have focused on fluid turbulence, fluid plasma modeling and plasma reactor design. I have experience in designing and constructing various plasma reactors for gas conversion applications. Additionally, I have experience in analog electronics and electromagnetic simulations (for antennas and radio-frequency elements).


My research techniques include computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling using COMSOL and OpenFOAM. I also use COMSOL for multi-physics modeling, and Ansys HFSS for electromagnetic modeling. I have carried out various electrical measurements for high voltage (in plasma reactors), and have analysed gases by the means of gas chromatography. I also use LTspice for analog electronics design.


Companies and institutions involved in: green chemistry, fluid dynamics, plasma sources, chemical reactors, combustion, energy storage, renewable energy, surface coating, surface sterilization, metallurgy, gas analysis, electromagnetic design, analog electronics.


Plasma modeling, Physical chemistry, Fluid dynamics, Plasma reactor, Physics, Heat exchange, Electronics

Vanraes Patrick

My research expertise covers the following subdomains of physics and chemistry: - physics of liquid matter (liquid structure, equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics) - physics of phase transitions - physics of the gas-liquid interface - plasma-liquid interaction - plasma-solid interaction (plasma etching) - plasma formation in the liquid phase - dense plasmas - gas chemistry of plasmas - advanced oxidation technology - LC-MS analysis


Experimental: - plasma diagnostics (optical emission spectroscopy, ICCD imaging, electrical analysis) - chemical analysis (HPLC-MS, GC-MS, UV-vis-IR absorption spectroscopy, chemical probes) Simulations: - kinetic modelling of plasma gas chemistry - Monte Carlo simulation of surface chemistry - hybrid plasma equipment model (HPEM) for plasma etching Theoretical research and literature study


The first "fundamental focus group" encompasses everyone who is interested in the fundamental behavior of liquids, gas-liquid interfaces, plasma-matter interaction and electrical breakdown in the condensed phase. The second "application focus group" concerns everyone who wants to appeal to related methods, such as simulations and experimental research of the above phenomena, particularly with an eye on biomedical en agricultural applications, green chemistry, water treatment and surface treatment or plasma etching.


Plasma diagnostics, Plasma physics, Plasma etching, Physics of liquid matter, Plasma-astrophysics, Phase transitions, Liquids, Plasma modeling, Condensed matter physics, Plasma chemistry

Vertongen Rani

Plasma-based CO2 and CH4 conversion to value-added chemicals and fuels. Focus on experiments in gliding arcs for improving reactor design, simple process design, quenching, and adsorption materials in plasma.


Oscilloscope, NDIR, FTIR, GC, humidity meter.


Plasma researchers and companies interested in electrified gas conversion for sustainable applications.


Plasma, Reactors, Plasma chemistry, Increased atmoshperic co2, Experimental study