Annemie Bogaerts
175 | Computational fluid dynamics simulations of plasma reactor design, for gas conversion applications. Invited plenary lecture at the “21st International Conference of Flow Dynamics” (online), November 18-20, 2024, Sendai, Japan. |
174 | Plasma modelling: an overview. Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “27th European Summer School “Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 6-10, 2024, Bad Honnef, Germany. |
173 | Women in Plasma Medicine – Personal experiences. Invited presentation + panel discussion at the joint ICPM and IWPCT summer school, September 8-13, 2024, Portorož, Slovenia. |
172 | Modeling for a better understanding of plasma medicine. Invited tutorial lecture at the joint ICPM and IWPCT summer school, September 8-13, 2024, Portorož, Slovenia. |
171 | Plasma catalysis: How to unravel the complex chemical and physical mechanisms? Invited lecture at the 2024 International Symposium on Plasmas for Catalysis and Energy Materials” (ISPCEM-2024, July 10-12, 2024), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. |
170 | CO2 conversion by plasma technology: Basic research and Upscaling adventures. Invited plenary lecture at the “21st International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU)” (online, June 17-21, 2024), Dalian City, P.R. China. |
169 | Experiencing the transition from science to industrialization. Invited speaker at panel discussion at the FTI Supernova, March 21, 2024, Antwerp, Belgium. |
168 | Plasma technology for green chemistry – Showcasing spinoffs. Invited lecture at the “PlasmaCatDesign Workshop”, February 19, 2024, Antwerp, Belgium. |
167 | Plasma als oplossing voor de klimaatopwarming? Invited lecture (in Dutch) at the official Opening Event of “Belgium being EU Chair”, January 6, 2024, Mechelen, Belgium. |
166 | Plasma modelling: an overview. Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “26th European Summer School “Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 1-5, 2023, Bad Honnef, Germany. |
165 | Electrification of chemical reactions: Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2. Invited lecture at “The plasma road to sustainable chemical conversion workshop”, September, 3-5, 2023, Funchal, Madeira. |
164 | CO2 conversion and N2 fixation into value-added chemicals and fuels. Invited general lecture at the “International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)”, July 9-14, 2023, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands. |
163 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Challenges and opportunities. Invited keynote lecture at the “20th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU)”, June 25-29, 2023, Bari, Italy. |
162 | Plasma-based green chemistry. Invited lecture at the “International Plasma Chemistry Society Summer School”, May 20-21, 2023, Kyoto, Japan. |
161 | Plasma and plasma catalysis for sustainable chemistry: Examples of recent research. Invited online lecture at the Workshop “Potential of plasma catalysis for a sustainable Australian future in energy and resources”, April 25, 2023. |
160 | Plasma for sustainable chemistry: A better understanding by modeling the plasma and plasma-catalyst interactions. Invited lecture at the Heraeus Seminar on "Non-thermal plasmas for sustainable chemistry, April 23-27, 2023, Bad Honnef, Germany. |
159 | Electrification of chemical reactions: Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds or renewable fuels. Invited (online) plenary closing lecture at the “International e-symposium on Plasma for Energy, December 5-6, 2022.158 |
158 | Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds : Towards a sustainable future. Invited (online) plenary lecture at the “4th Symposium on Plasma and Energy Conversion (ISPEC)”, November 26, 2022, Foshan, China. |
157 | Modeling of plasma-liquid interactions. Invited (online) lecture at the “Joint ICRP-11 & Gasous Electronics Conference”, October 3-7, 2022, Sendai, Japan. |
156 | Plasma modelling: an overview. Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “25th European Summer School “Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 2-6, 2022, Bad Honnef, Germany. |
155 | Plasma chemistry and reactor design: Modeling for improved performance. Invited keynote lecture at the “2nd International Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors & Applications”, Leamington Spa, UK, September 21-23, 2022. |
154 | Towards a sustainable future: Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds or renewable fuels. Invited lecture at the “Japan Society of Applied Physics Annual Meeting”, September 22, 2022. |
153 | Gas conversion by cold and warm plasmas: A hot topic ! Invited opening lecture at the “Workshop on Plasma(-catalysis) in gas conversion processes”, 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Erfurt, Germany, September 12 – 15, 2022. |
152 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Improving the performance by a post-plasma carbon bed. Invited lecture at the “Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (CESPC)”, High Tatras, Slovakia, September 4-7, 2022. |
151 | Plasma and plasma catalysis for a sustainable future. Invited plenary lecture at the “15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC-15)”, Gyeongju, South Korea, August 21-26, 2022. |
150 | Post-plasma carbon bed to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product mix Invited lecture at the Symposium “Mechanisms and Kinetics of Reactions at Plasma-Catalyst Interfaces, 264th ACS National Meeting”, Chicago, August 21 - 25, 2022. |
149 | Plasma technology for electrification of chemical reactions. Invited lecture at the “48th Conference on Plasma Physics of the European Physical Society”, online, June 27 – July 1, 2022. |
148 | Towards a sustainable future: Plasma technology for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds or renewable fuels. Invited lecture at the “International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics-Science and Technology”, Bucharest, Romania, June 7-10, 2022. |
147 | Power-to-X : Plasma-based gas conversion to value-added compounds or renewable fuels. Invited lecture at the “Fusion Frontiers and Interfaces Workshop”, York, UK, 25-27 April, 2022. |
146 | Combined modeling and experiments for improving the performance of plasma and plasma-catalytic CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion. Invited lecture at the Symposium “Recent Advances in Plasma-Enhanced Catalysis, 263rd ACS National Meeting” San Diego, CA, March 20-24, 2022. |
145 | The Hot Topic of Cold Plasma: A novel tool for green chemistry. Invited lecture at the Australian Gaseous Electronics Meeting (GEM2022), Sydney, Australia, February 14-16, 2022. |
144 | Plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion: A hot topic of cold plasma ! A. Bogaerts. Invited plenary lecture at the 8th UK Catalysis Conference (UKCC2022), Loughborough, UK, January 5-7, 2022. |
143 | Molecular level modeling towards a better insight in plasma oncology. A. Bogaerts. Invited lecture at the online “11th International Symposium on Plasma Bioscience (ISPB11)”, Kwangwoon University, Korea, November 30 - December 1, 2021. |
142 | Plasma technology for electrification of chemical reactions. A. Bogaerts. Invited keynote lecture at the online Webinar on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology, November 25-26, 2021. |
141 | Plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion. A. Bogaerts. Invited keynote lecture at the online “1st International Conference on Energy Materials (ICEM) 2021”, Xiamen University, Malaysia, November 5-8, 2021. |
140 | Cold plasma technology for CO2 conversion: a hot topic ! A. Bogaerts. Invited keynote lecture at the ”5th G-STIC (Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community) conference (on Research & Policy perspectives on CO2 as a resource) & World Expo, Dubai, October 24-27, 2021. |
139 | Plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion: Experiments and modelling. A. Bogaerts. Invited keynote lecture at the virtual scientific symposium "Catalysis Across Borders" of the Leibniz Science Campus ComBioCat, October 18-19, 2021. |
138 | Plasma technology: a novel solution for CO2 conversion ? A. Bogaerts. Invited keynote lecture at the “Belgian Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Meeting”, October 14, 2021, Brussels, Belgium. |
137 | Atmospheric pressure plasmas for gas processing: N2 fixation and CO2 conversion into value-added compounds. A. Bogaerts. Invited talk at the online “240th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting”, October 10-14, 2021. |
136 | Plasma technology for CO2 conversion: Status and how to improve the performance. A. Bogaerts. Invited plenary talk at the online “Iberian Vacuum Meeting”, October 4-6, 2021. |
135 | Engineering of plasma-assisted reactions. A. Bogaerts. Invited plenary lecture at the online “ChemReactor Conference”, September 12-17, 2021. |
134 | Modeling for plasma medicine: What can we learn from it ? A. Bogaerts. Invited plenary lecture at the online “8th International Conference on Plasma Medicine” (ICPM 8) and “10th International Symposium on Plasma Bioscience” (ISPB 2020), August 1 - 6, 2021 |
133 | CO2 conversion by cold plasma: a hot topic! A. Bogaerts. Invited plenary talk at the online “International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU)”, July 18-21, 2021. |
132 | Improving plasma-based CO2 conversion : Better insights by modeling. A. Bogaerts. Invited talk at the online „MGK Kolloquium: Transient atmospheric plasmas: from plasmas to liquids to solids“, April 21-22, 2021, Wermelskirchen, Germany. |
131 | Plasma and surface modeling for a better understanding of plasma catalysis A. Bogaerts. Invited talk at the online “ACS Conference”, April 5-16, 2021. |
130 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Modelling for a better understanding. |
129 | Plasma modelling: An overview. |
128 | The hot topic of cold plasma: CO2 conversion into value-added compounds. |
127 | Plasma-assisted CO2 conversion: Computer modeling for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. |
126 | Plasma modelling: An overview. |
125 | Computer modeling for answering burning questions in plasma catalysis. |
124 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Modeling the plasma chemistry and plasma reactor design. |
123 | NOx production in plasma – Targeting vibrational non-equilibrium. |
122 | Plasma for cancer treatment: Modeling for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. |
121 | Plasma technology: a novel solution for CO2 conversion? |
120 | Modeling for plasma oncology. |
119 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Modeling and experiments for a better understanding and improved application. |
118 | Burning questions of plasma catalysis: Answers by modeling. |
117 | Computer modeling for a better understanding of plasma catalysis. |
116 | Plasma modelling: An overview. |
115 | Modeling for a better understanding of plasma oncology. |
114 | Plasma-based greenhouse gas conversion: Modeling the plasma chemistry and plasma reactor design to improve the application. |
113 | Plasma-assisted CO2 conversion: A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms through computer modelling. |
112 | Modeling for a better understanding of plasma processes. |
111 | CO2 and CH4 conversion by plasma and plasma catalysis. |
110 | Plasma modelling: An overview. |
109 | CO2 conversion into new fuels by gas discharge plasma: Experiments and modelling. |
108 | Modeling for a better understanding of plasma medicine. |
107 | Modeling plasma-based CO2 conversion – from chemistry to plasma design. |
106 | Modeling and experiments for CO2 conversion by plasma and plasma catalysis: An overview of the Antwerp activities. |
105 | Plasma for cancer treatment: How can RONS penetrate through the cell membrane? |
104 | The plasma characteristics and sample behavior in the ICP revealed through computer modeling. |
103 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Better insights by modeling. |
102 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Chemical kinetics modeling. |
101 | ICP-MS: A better insight through computer modeling. |
100 | CO2 conversion into value-added chemicals by plasma and plasma catalysis. |
99 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Better insights by modeling. |
98 | Plasma catalysis: A better insight by computer modeling. |
97 | Plasma modelling: An overview. |
96 | Plasma-based CO2 conversion: A combined modeling and experimental study. |
95 | Plasma chemistry modeling for CO2 conversion: A better understanding of energy efficiency and product formation. |
94 | Modeling plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2 conversion. |
93 | Modeling of CO2 plasmas. |
92 | Challenges for plasma in environmental/energy applications. |
91 | Computer modeling of a microwave discharge used for CO2 splitting. |
90 | Plasma modeling: General overview. |
89 | Plasma modeling: Part I. |
88 | Modeling for ICP-MS: Recent progress and future prospects. |
87 | Plasma modeling. |
86 | Plasma conversion of greenhouse gases in value-added chemicals: a modeling point of view. |
85 | Combined plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions modeling for CO2 conversion by gas discharge plasmas. |
84 | Modeling of plasma-biomolecule interactions for a better understanding of plasma medicine. |
83 | Computer modeling for a better insight in ICP-MS. |
82 | Plasma modeling. |
81 | Laser-induced plasma formation: A better insight by computer simulations. |
80 | Improving environmental, medical and materials science applications by a combination of plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions modeling. |
79 | Plasmas for greenhouse gas conversion. |
78 | Modelling of plasmas. |
77 | Computer modeling for gaining a better insight in plasma spectrochemistry. |
76 | Modeling of plasma and plasma-surface interactions for environmental, medical and nano applications. |
75 | Investigation of plasma-bacteria cell wall interaction by atomic-scale simulations. |
74 | Plasma meets nano(particles): Plasma catalysis for a sustainable society. |
73 | Plasma modeling. |
72 | Plasma modeling for various spectrochemistry applications. |
71 | Computer simulations of laser ablation, plume expansion and plasma formation. |
70 | From the sun till plasma TVs: Plasmas in our daily life. |
69 | Plasma modeling. |
68 | Modeling the effect of gaseous impurities in argon glow discharges: a comparative study of H2, N2 and O2. |
67 | Dielectric barrier discharges used for the conversion of greenhouse gases: Modeling the plasma chemistry by fluid simulations. |
66 | Computer modeling of plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions for various plasma processing applications. |
65 | Fluid modeling of dielectric barrier discharges for environmental applications. |
64 | Modeling approaches for a better insight in various low temperature plasma applications. |
63 | Modeling of low-temperature plasmas: Some case studies of different modeling approaches. |
62 | Modeling of laser ablation for ICP-MS. |
61 | Computer simulations for plasma etching applications. |
60 | Computer modeling for plasmas and plasma-surface interactions. |
59 | Computer modeling for predicting the effects of nitrogen addition to argon glow discharges. |
58 | Modeling of the plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions in reactive plasmas. |
57 | Plasma modelling. |
56 | Plasma assisted conversion of greenhouse gases to value-added chemicals. |
55 | Modelling laser ablation processes for plasma spectrochemistry: Different pieces of the puzzle. |
54 | Computer simulations of processing plasmas. |
53 | Overview of plasma modeling. |
52 | Modeling of plasmas, plasma-solid and laser-solid interaction. |
51 | Numerical modeling of laser induced vaporization, plume expansion and plasma formation. |
50 | Modeling of a dielectric barrier discharge used as a flowing chemical reactor. |
49 | Numerical modeling of plasmas and plasma-surface interactions. |
48 | Introduction to magnetron sputtering: basic physical processes and mechanisms. |
47 | Van de neonlamp tot de plasma-TV: plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven. |
46 | From the laser-solid interaction till the aerosol transport to the ICP: a simulation tour of laser ablation. |
45 | Modelling of analytical glow discharges. |
44 | Computer modelling of etch plasmas: capacitively coupled and inductively coupled rf discharges. |
43 | Computer simulations of gas discharges for a better understanding of the plasma behaviour. |
42 | Reaction mechanisms and thin a-C:H film growth from low energy hydrocarbon radicals. |
41 | Plasma modelling: the type of discharge dictates the best model to be used. |
40 | Laser ablation and sample transport: The heartbeat and blood circuit of LA-ICPMS. |
39 | Everything you always wanted to know about laser ablation setups, but were afraid to measure (…and thought to simulate). |
38 | IR laser ablation of water-rich targets at atmospheric pressure. |
37 | Frozen plumes and hot metals: A simulation tour to the heart of laser microanalysis. |
36 | Modelling of the synthesis and subsequent growth of nanoparticles in dusty plasmas. |
35 | Technological plasmas: principles and applications. |
34 | Computer modelling of fluorocarbon discharges in single- and dual-frequency plasma reactors. |
33 | Numerical modelling for laser ablation, followed by plume expansion and plasma formation. |
32 | Computer simulations of processing plasmas. |
31 | PIC-MC model for planar magnetron discharges. |
30 | Comprehensive PIC-MC modelling of a dc planar magnetron discharge, including simulation of gas heating and sputtering. |
29 | Laser ablatie: kan modelleren ons helpen om 'het licht te zien'? |
28 | Modeling of gas discharge plasmas: What can we learn from it? |
27 | Laser ablation: can modeling help us 'to see the light'? |
26 | Numerical modelling for a better understanding of gas discharge plasmas. |
25 | Laser ablation: Can modeling help us 'to see the light'? |
24 | Plasma modelling: Overview of activities. |
23 | Plasma simulations for analytical chemistry and technological applications. |
22 | Study of magnetron discharges: Modelling of the plasma behaviour and of the reactive ion-solid interaction. |
21 | Modelling of glow discharges: From basic understanding towards applications. |
20 | Modelling of glow discharges: dc, rf and pulsed operation: possibilities and limitations. |
19 | Modelling of glow discharges for spectrochemical and laser applications. |
18 | Modelling calculations for the effect of hydrogen in argon glow discharges. |
17 | Modelling of magnetron discharges. |
16 | Hybrid modelling network for glow discharges with copper cathode sputtering. |
15 | Plasma spectrochemical methods for accurate chemical analysis. |
14 | Modelling of glow discharges for atomic spectrometry. |
13 | Computer modelling of gas discharges for technological applications. |
12 | Modelling of glow discharges. |
11 | Modelling of analytical glow discharge plasmas. |
10 | Numerical modelling of glow discharge mass spectrometry. |
9 | Model network for argon glow discharge plasmas: The output cannot be better than the input data. |
8 | Glow discharge models: What can we learn from them? |
7 | Modelling of glow discharges - What can we learn from it? |
6 | Modelling of argon glow discharges: Comparison of direct current and radio frequency discharges. |
5 | The glow discharge: An exciting plasma! |
4 | Computer simulation of dc glow discharge plasmas and comparison with experiments. |
3 | New developments and applications in GDMS. |
2 | Comprehensive modelling network for dc glow discharges in argon. |
1 | Modelling of glow discharges. |
Omar Biondo
1 | Towards a fundamental understanding of energy-efficient, plasma-based CO2 conversion. Invited lecture at the "Torino International Conference on Fundamental Plasma Physics", Torino, Italy, June 21-23, 2023. |
Yury Gorbanev
5 | Nitrogen fixation with a pulsed plasma jet: From the low energy cost to the role of water vapour. Invited lecture at the “GEC International Online Plasma Seminar” (IOPS), January 5, 2023. |
4 | Plasma-liquid interactions: The role of liquid. Invited lecture “9th International Conference on Plasma Medicine” (ICPM), Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 27 - July 1, 2022. |
3 | Invited lecture at the “GEC International Online Plasma Seminar” (IOPS), 2019. |
2 | Biomedical and agricultural applications of plasma. Invited lecture at the “Gordon Research Seminar: Understanding and controlling plasmas for future industries”, Smithfield, RI, U.S.A., August 4-5, 2018. |
1 | Analysis of plasma-exposed aqueous solutions: Reactive plasma regions as sources of RONS. Invited lecture at the “4th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment” (IWPCT), Paris, France, March 27-28, 2017. |
Maria Cecilia Oliveira
2 | Translocation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species across nitrated membranes: a molecular dynamics study. Invited online seminar at the "VIII International Conference on Laser & Plasma Researches and Technologies" (LaPlas-2022), Moscow, Russia, March 23, 2022. |
1 | How lipid aldehydes are distributed in phase-separated membranes: insights from computer simulations. Invited online seminar at the "VIII International Conference on Laser & Plasma Researches and Technologies" (LaPlas-2022), Moscow, Russia, March 23, 2022. |
Angela Privat Maldonado
4 | Plasma-induced cellular changes – cancer cells versus. normal cells. Invited lecture at the "Minicourse at 8th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment" (IWPCT), Raleigh, NC, U.S.A., March 13-15, 2023. |
3 | The effect of non-thermal plasma on epithelial-mesenchymal transition of melanoma and pancreatic cancer cells in the 3D chicken chorioallantoic membrane model. Invited lecture at the "1st International CAM Conference" (online), February 7-8, 2022. |
2 | Understanding the response of solid tumours to cold atmospheric plasma using 3-dimensional models. Invited lecture at the "6th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment" (IWPCT), Antwerp, Belgium, April 1-3, 2019. |
1 | Plasma chemistry in health care. Invited lecture at the Events in Flanders Focusing on Engineering and Chemical Technology (eFFECT) – Chemical Technology & Health, Ghent, Belgium, April 20, 2017. |