Annemie Bogaerts

Computational fluid dynamics simulations of plasma reactor design, for gas conversion applications.
Invited plenary lecture at the “21st International Conference of Flow Dynamics” (online), November 18-20, 2024, Sendai, Japan.
Plasma modelling: an overview.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “27th European Summer School “Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 6-10, 2024, Bad Honnef, Germany.
Women in Plasma Medicine – Personal experiences.
Invited presentation + panel discussion at the joint ICPM and IWPCT summer school, September 8-13, 2024, Portorož, Slovenia.
Modeling for a better understanding of plasma medicine.
Invited tutorial lecture at the joint ICPM and IWPCT summer school, September 8-13, 2024, Portorož, Slovenia.
Plasma catalysis: How to unravel the complex chemical and physical mechanisms?
Invited lecture at the 2024 International Symposium on Plasmas for Catalysis and Energy Materials” (ISPCEM-2024, July 10-12, 2024), Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
CO2 conversion by plasma technology: Basic research and Upscaling adventures.
Invited plenary lecture at the “21st International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU)” (online, June 17-21, 2024), Dalian City, P.R. China.
Experiencing the transition from science to industrialization.
Invited speaker at panel discussion at the FTI Supernova, March 21, 2024, Antwerp, Belgium.
Plasma technology for green chemistry – Showcasing spinoffs.
Invited lecture at the “PlasmaCatDesign Workshop”, February 19, 2024, Antwerp, Belgium.
Plasma als oplossing voor de klimaatopwarming?
Invited lecture (in Dutch) at the official Opening Event of “Belgium being EU Chair”, January 6, 2024, Mechelen, Belgium.
Plasma modelling: an overview.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “26th European Summer School “Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 1-5, 2023, Bad Honnef, Germany.
Electrification of chemical reactions: Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2.
Invited lecture at “The plasma road to sustainable chemical conversion workshop”, September, 3-5, 2023, Funchal, Madeira.
CO2 conversion and N2 fixation into value-added chemicals and fuels.
Invited general lecture at the “International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)”, July 9-14, 2023, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.
Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Challenges and opportunities.
Invited keynote lecture at the “20th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU)”, June 25-29, 2023, Bari, Italy.
Plasma-based green chemistry.
Invited lecture at the “International Plasma Chemistry Society Summer School”, May 20-21, 2023, Kyoto, Japan.
Plasma and plasma catalysis for sustainable chemistry: Examples of recent research.
Invited online lecture at the Workshop “Potential of plasma catalysis for a sustainable Australian future in energy and resources”, April 25, 2023.
Plasma for sustainable chemistry: A better understanding by modeling the plasma and plasma-catalyst interactions.
Invited lecture at the Heraeus Seminar on "Non-thermal plasmas for sustainable chemistry, April 23-27, 2023, Bad Honnef, Germany.
Electrification of chemical reactions: Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds or renewable fuels.
Invited (online) plenary closing lecture at the “International e-symposium on Plasma for Energy, December 5-6, 2022.158
Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds : Towards a sustainable future.
Invited (online) plenary lecture at the “4th Symposium on Plasma and Energy Conversion (ISPEC)”, November 26, 2022, Foshan, China.
Modeling of plasma-liquid interactions.
Invited (online) lecture at the “Joint ICRP-11 & Gasous Electronics Conference”, October 3-7, 2022, Sendai, Japan.
Plasma modelling: an overview.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “25th European Summer School “Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 2-6, 2022, Bad Honnef, Germany.
Plasma chemistry and reactor design: Modeling for improved performance.
Invited keynote lecture at the “2nd International Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors & Applications”, Leamington Spa, UK, September 21-23, 2022.
Towards a sustainable future: Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds or renewable fuels.
Invited lecture at the “Japan Society of Applied Physics Annual Meeting”, September 22, 2022.
Gas conversion by cold and warm plasmas: A hot topic !
Invited opening lecture at the “Workshop on Plasma(-catalysis) in gas conversion processes”, 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Erfurt, Germany, September 12 – 15, 2022.
Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Improving the performance by a post-plasma carbon bed.
Invited lecture at the “Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (CESPC)”, High Tatras, Slovakia, September 4-7, 2022.
Plasma and plasma catalysis for a sustainable future.
Invited plenary lecture at the “15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC-15)”, Gyeongju, South Korea, August 21-26, 2022.
Post-plasma carbon bed to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product mix
Invited lecture at the Symposium “Mechanisms and Kinetics of Reactions at Plasma-Catalyst Interfaces, 264th ACS National Meeting”, Chicago, August 21 - 25, 2022.
Plasma technology for electrification of chemical reactions.
Invited lecture at the “48th Conference on Plasma Physics of the European Physical Society”, online, June 27 – July 1, 2022.
Towards a sustainable future: Plasma technology for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds or renewable fuels.
Invited lecture at the “International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics-Science and Technology”, Bucharest, Romania, June 7-10, 2022.
Power-to-X : Plasma-based gas conversion to value-added compounds or renewable fuels.
Invited lecture at the “Fusion Frontiers and Interfaces Workshop”, York, UK, 25-27 April, 2022.
Combined modeling and experiments for improving the performance of plasma and plasma-catalytic CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion.
Invited lecture at the Symposium “Recent Advances in Plasma-Enhanced Catalysis, 263rd ACS National Meeting” San Diego, CA, March 20-24, 2022.
The Hot Topic of Cold Plasma: A novel tool for green chemistry.
Invited lecture at the Australian Gaseous Electronics Meeting (GEM2022), Sydney, Australia, February 14-16, 2022.
Plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion: A hot topic of cold plasma !
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary lecture at the 8th UK Catalysis Conference (UKCC2022), Loughborough, UK, January 5-7, 2022.
Molecular level modeling towards a better insight in plasma oncology.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the online “11th International Symposium on Plasma Bioscience (ISPB11)”, Kwangwoon University, Korea, November 30 - December 1, 2021.
Plasma technology for electrification of chemical reactions.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the online Webinar on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology, November 25-26, 2021.
Plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the online “1st International Conference on Energy Materials (ICEM) 2021”, Xiamen University, Malaysia, November 5-8, 2021.
Cold plasma technology for CO2 conversion: a hot topic !
A. Bogaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the ”5th G-STIC (Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community) conference (on Research & Policy perspectives on CO2 as a resource) & World Expo, Dubai, October 24-27, 2021.
Plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion: Experiments and modelling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the virtual scientific symposium "Catalysis Across Borders" of the Leibniz Science Campus ComBioCat, October 18-19, 2021.
Plasma technology: a novel solution for CO2 conversion ?
A. Bogaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the “Belgian Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Meeting”, October 14, 2021, Brussels, Belgium.
Atmospheric pressure plasmas for gas processing: N2 fixation and CO2 conversion into value-added compounds.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited talk at the online “240th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting”, October 10-14, 2021.
Plasma technology for CO2 conversion: Status and how to improve the performance.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary talk at the online “Iberian Vacuum Meeting”, October 4-6, 2021.
Engineering of plasma-assisted reactions.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary lecture at the online “ChemReactor Conference”, September 12-17, 2021.
Modeling for plasma medicine: What can we learn from it ?
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary lecture at the online “8th International Conference on Plasma Medicine” (ICPM 8) and “10th International Symposium on Plasma Bioscience” (ISPB 2020), August 1 - 6, 2021
CO2 conversion by cold plasma: a hot topic!
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary talk at the online “International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU)”, July 18-21, 2021.
Improving plasma-based CO2 conversion : Better insights by modeling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited talk at the online „MGK Kolloquium: Transient atmospheric plasmas: from plasmas to liquids to solids“, April 21-22, 2021, Wermelskirchen, Germany.
Plasma and surface modeling for a better understanding of plasma catalysis
A. Bogaerts.
Invited talk at the online “ACS Conference”, April 5-16, 2021.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Modelling for a better understanding.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary lecture at the hybrid/online "International Conference on Physics of Low Temperature Plasma" (PLTP 2020), November 9-13, 2020, Kazan, Russia.


Plasma modelling: An overview.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the online “24th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 5-9, 2020, Bad Honnef, Germany.


The hot topic of cold plasma: CO2 conversion into value-added compounds.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the online “73rd Gaseous Electronics Conference” (GEC), October 5-9, 2020, San Diego, California, U.S.A.


Plasma-assisted CO2 conversion: Computer modeling for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the Kerogreen Workshop “Plasma Catalysis for Renewable Fuels”, November 15, 2019, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


Plasma modelling: An overview.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “23rd European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 6-11, 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Computer modeling for answering burning questions in plasma catalysis.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “10th International Symposium on Plasma Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” (iPlasmaNano X), September July 15-20, 2019, Porec, Croatia.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Modeling the plasma chemistry and plasma reactor design.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “International School of Quantum Electronics”, September 8-14, 2019, Erice, Sicily (Italy).


NOx production in plasma – Targeting vibrational non-equilibrium.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “PlasmaNOx Workshop”, August 21-22, 2019, Kongsberg, Norway.


Plasma for cancer treatment: Modeling for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “21st IVC Conference”, July 1-5, 2019, Malmö, Sweden.


Plasma technology: a novel solution for CO2 conversion?
A. Boagaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the “4th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference”, May 5-8, 2019, Dresden, Germany.


Modeling for plasma oncology.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment (IWPCT) Min-course”, April 1, 2019, Antwerp, Belgium.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Modeling and experiments for a better understanding and improved application.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the workshop “PREMiERE” (CO2 Plasmas: a fRiEndly MEdium for Renewable Energy), November 22-24, 2018, Ericeira, Portugal.


Burning questions of plasma catalysis: Answers by modeling.
A. Bogaerts, W. Wang, Q-Z. Zhang and Y-R. Zhang.
Invited lecture at the “Conference on Cold Plasma Sources and Applications 2018” (COPSA2018), November 19-23, 2018, Ypres, Belgium.


Computer modeling for a better understanding of plasma catalysis.
A. Bogaerts, W. Wang, Q-Z. Zhang and Y-R. Zhang.
Invited plenary lecture at the “2018 International Symposium on Plasmas for Catalyses and Energy Materials” (ISPCEM-2018), October 20-23, 2018, Tianjin, China.


Plasma modelling: An overview.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “22nd European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 8-13, 2018, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Modeling for a better understanding of plasma oncology.
A. Bogaerts, P. Heirman, W. Van Boxem, J. Van der Paal, C. Verlackt and M. Yusupov.
Invited keynote lecture at the “Workshop on Frontiers in Redox Biology and Medicine", September 23-26, 2018, Rostock, Germany.


Plasma-based greenhouse gas conversion: Modeling the plasma chemistry and plasma reactor design to improve the application.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary lecture at the “16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering - PSE 2018”, September 17-21, 2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.


Plasma-assisted CO2 conversion: A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms through computer modelling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “11th International Symposium on Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma Pollution Control Technology & Sustainable Energy” (ISNTP), July 1-5, 2018, Montegrotto Terme, Padova, Italy.


Modeling for a better understanding of plasma processes.
A. Bogaerts.
Plenary opening lecture at the “Workshop on Diagnostics and Modeling: Towards the industrial applications of plasma-based processes”, February 7-8, 2018, Mons, Belgium.


CO2 and CH4 conversion by plasma and plasma catalysis.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “NWO Meeting on Catalytic Methane Conversion”, November 17, 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


Plasma modelling: An overview.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “21st European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 7-12, 2017, Bad Honnef, Germany.


CO2 conversion into new fuels by gas discharge plasma: Experiments and modelling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “International Conference PLASMA-2017”, September 18-22, 2017, Warsaw, Poland.


Modeling for a better understanding of plasma medicine.
A. Bogaerts, W. Van Boxem, J. Van der Paal, C. Verlackt and M. Yusupov.
Invited lecture at the “25th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (ICNSP 2017)”, September 18-20, 2017, Leuven, Belgium.


Modeling plasma-based CO2 conversion – from chemistry to plasma design.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “From Chemistry Data to Plasma Design Workshop”, September 15, 2017, London, UK.


Modeling and experiments for CO2 conversion by plasma and plasma catalysis: An overview of the Antwerp activities.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “1st European Conference on Plasma Catalysis for CO2 Valorisation and Green Chemistry (CO2 ECPC1), September 5-7, 2017, Paris, France.


Plasma for cancer treatment: How can RONS penetrate through the cell membrane?
A. Bogaerts, M. Yusupov and J. Van der Paal.
Invited lecture at the “8th International Symposium on Plasma Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” (iPlasmaNano VIII), July 2-6, 2017, Antwerp, Belgium.


The plasma characteristics and sample behavior in the ICP revealed through computer modeling.
A. Bogaerts and M. Aghaei.
Invited plenary lecture at the “Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XL (CSI XL)”, June 11-16, 2017, Pisa, Italy.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Better insights by modeling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary lecture at the “German Physical Society Meeting”, March 13-17, 2017, Bremen, Germany.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Chemical kinetics modeling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the “Congress on Computational Chemistry for Combustion-Generated Pollutants Mitigation”, March 13-14, 2017, Paris, France.


ICP-MS: A better insight through computer modeling.
 A. Bogaerts and M. Aghaei.
Invited lecture at the “European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, February 19-24, 2017, Sankt Anton, Austria.


CO2 conversion into value-added chemicals by plasma and plasma catalysis.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the Symposium “Chemical Research in Flanders - CRF”, October 24-26, 2016, Blankenberge, Belgium.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Better insights by modeling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “Seventh International Symposium on Plasma Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (iPlasmaNano-VII)”, October 16-20, 2016, Attica, Greece.


Plasma catalysis: A better insight by computer modeling.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “Workshop on Plasma Catalysis”, October 13, 2016, Lille, France.


Plasma modelling: An overview.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture (Short Course) at the “20th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 1‑6, 2016, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: A combined modeling and experimental study.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry” (HAKONE), September 11 -16, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic.


Plasma chemistry modeling for CO2 conversion: A better understanding of energy efficiency and product formation.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “International Workshop on Plasmas for Energy and Environmental Applications”, August 21-24, 2016, Liverpool, U.K.


Modeling plasma and plasma catalysis for CO2 conversion.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited lecture at the “Conference: Quo vadis Complex Plasmas”, August 1-4, 2016, Hamburg, Germany.


Modeling of CO2 plasmas.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited plenary lecture at the “Eurosectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases” (ESCAMPIG), July 12-16, 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia.


Challenges for plasma in environmental/energy applications.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited keynote lecture at the “Workshop on the Future of Plasma Science”, February 15-18, 2016, Greifswald, Germany.


Computer modeling of a microwave discharge used for CO2 splitting.
A. Bogaerts, A. Berthelot, S. Heijkers and T. Kozak
Invited lecture at the “9th International Workshop on Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications”, September 7-11, 2015, Cordoba, Spain.


Plasma modeling: General overview.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture (short course) at the “ISPC Summer School: Plasma Processing Science and Technology”, July 2-4, 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


Plasma modeling: Part I.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture (short course) at the “20th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes”, June 1-5, 2015, Saint-Etienne, France.


Modeling for ICP-MS: Recent progress and future prospects.
A. Bogaerts and M. Aghaei
Invited lecture at the “2015 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, February 18-23, 2015, Münster, Germany.


Plasma modeling.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “19th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 5‑10, 2014, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Plasma conversion of greenhouse gases in value-added chemicals: a modeling point of view.
A. Bogaerts, R. Aerts, S. Kolev, T. Kozak, E. Neyts, R. Snoeckx, W. Somers and K. Van Laer
Invited lecture at the “Fifth International Symposium on Plasma Nanoscience (iPlasmaNano-V)”, September 28 – October 2, 2014, Torremolinos, Spain.


Combined plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions modeling for CO2 conversion by gas discharge plasmas.
A. Bogaerts, R. Aerts, S. Kolev, T. Kozak, E. Neyts, R. Snoeckx, W. Somers and K. Van Laer
Invited lecture at the “17th International Congress on Plasma Physics” (ICPP), September 15-19, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.


Modeling of plasma-biomolecule interactions for a better understanding of plasma medicine.
A. Bogaerts, M. Yusupov, J. Van der Paal, C. Verlackt and E. Neyts
Invited lecture at the “1st International Workshop on Plasma Cancer Treatment”, March 25-26, 2014, Washington DC, U.S.A.


Computer modeling for a better insight in ICP-MS.
A. Bogaerts and M. Aghaei
Invited lecture at the “2014 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 6-11, 2014, Amelia Island, Florida, U.S.A.


Plasma modeling.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “18th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 6‑10, 2013, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Laser-induced plasma formation: A better insight by computer simulations.
A. Bogaerts and D. Autrique
Invited lecture at the “7th Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (EMS-LIBS)”, September 16-20, 2013, Bari, Italy.


Improving environmental, medical and materials science applications by a combination of plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions modeling.
A. Bogaerts, E. Neyts, R. Snoeckx, W. Somers, J. van der Paal, W. Van Gaens, M. Yusupov
Invited lecture at the “5th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry”, August 25-29, 2013, Balatonkenese, Hungary.


Plasmas for greenhouse gas conversion.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “6th International Congress of Chemistry and Environment (ICCE)", July 8-10, 2013, Antwerp, Belgium.


Modelling of plasmas.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “17th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 6-13, 2012, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Computer modeling for gaining a better insight in plasma spectrochemistry.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies - SciX2012 Conference”, September 28 - October 5, 2012, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.


Modeling of plasma and plasma-surface interactions for environmental, medical and nano applications.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “26th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG)”, August 27-31, 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia.


Investigation of plasma-bacteria cell wall interaction by atomic-scale simulations.
A. Bogaerts, M. Yusupov and E.C. Neyts
Invited lecture at the “12th European Plasma Conference (High Tech Plasma Processes Conference; HTPP-12)”, June 24-29, 2012, Bologna, Italy.


Plasma meets nano(particles): Plasma catalysis for a sustainable society.
A. Bogaerts, C. De Bie, E.C. Neyts and W. Somers
Invited lecture at the “Third International Symposium on Plasma Nanoscience (iPlasmaNano-III)”, February 27 - March 1, 2012, Malaysia.


Plasma modeling.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “16th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 9-15, 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Plasma modeling for various spectrochemistry applications.
A. Bogaerts, H. Lindner, M. Aghaei, D. Autrique and T. Martens
Invited lecture at the “2011 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 30 - February 4, 2011, Zaragoza, Spain.


Computer simulations of laser ablation, plume expansion and plasma formation.
A. Bogaerts, M. Aghaei, D. Autrique, H. Lindner, Z. Chen and W. Wendelen
Invited plenary lecture at the “International Conference on Laser and Plasma Applications in Materials Science (LAPAMS’10)”, November 29 - December 2, 2010, Algiers, Algeria.


From the sun till plasma TVs: Plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Vlaams Congres van Leraars Wetenschappen”, November 20, 2010, Antwerp, Belgium.


Plasma modeling.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “15th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, October 10-15, 2010, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Modeling the effect of gaseous impurities in argon glow discharges: a comparative study of H2, N2 and O2.
A. Bogaerts
Invited keynote lecture at the “International Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Symposium 2010”, August 22-25, 2010, Albi, France.


Dielectric barrier discharges used for the conversion of greenhouse gases: Modeling the plasma chemistry by fluid simulations.
A. Bogaerts, C. De Bie, T. Martens, J. van Dijk, S. Paulussen and B. Verheyde
Invited lecture at the “20th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG XX)”, July 13-17, 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia.


Computer modeling of plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions for various plasma processing applications.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science”, July 11-16, 2010, New London, New Hampshire, U.S.A.


Fluid modeling of dielectric barrier discharges for environmental applications.
A. Bogaerts, C. De Bie, T. Martens, J. van Dijk, S. Paulussen and B. Verheyde
Invited lecture at the “High Technology Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP11)”, June 27 - July 3, 2010, Brussels, Belgium.


Modeling approaches for a better insight in various low temperature plasma applications.
A. Bogaerts, E. Bultinck, C. De Bie, M. Eckert, T. Martens, S. Tinck
Invited lecture at the “Joint Belgian and Dutch Physical Society Meeting”, April 23, 2010, Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Modeling of low-temperature plasmas: Some case studies of different modeling approaches.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Kinetic Modeling Workshop of the 62nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC)”, October 19-23, 2009, Saratoga Springs, New York, U.S.A.


Modeling of laser ablation for ICP-MS.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Symposium of the Discussion Group for Plasma Spectrochemistry in Japan”, October 9, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.


Computer simulations for plasma etching applications.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Micro- and Nano-Engineering (MNE) Conference”, September 28 - October 1, 2009, Ghent, Belgium.


Computer modeling for plasmas and plasma-surface interactions.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Workshop on Plasma and Plasma Simulation Softwares”, September 1-2, 2009, Namur, Belgium.


Computer modeling for predicting the effects of nitrogen addition to argon glow discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Keynote lecture at the “Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVI”, August 31 - September 3, 2009, Budapest, Hungary.


Modeling of the plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions in reactive plasmas.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 19)”, July 26-31, 2009, Bochum, Germany.


Plasma modelling.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “14th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, July 22-25, 2009, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Plasma assisted conversion of greenhouse gases to value-added chemicals.
S. Paulussen and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “29th International Conference on Physics of Ionized Gases (ICPIG)”, July 12-17, 2009, Cancun, Mexico.


Modelling laser ablation processes for plasma spectrochemistry: Different pieces of the puzzle.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “2009 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, February 15-20, 2009, Graz, Austria.


Computer simulations of processing plasmas.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “2008 American Vacuum Society (AVS) Conference - Plasma Science and Technology Division”, October 19-24, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


Overview of plasma modeling.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “13th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Master Class Physical Vapour Deposition”, October 5-11, 2008, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Modeling of plasmas, plasma-solid and laser-solid interaction.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “35th Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) Conference”, September 28 - October 2, 2008, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.


Numerical modeling of laser induced vaporization, plume expansion and plasma formation.
A. Bogaerts, D. Autrique, W. Wendelen and M. Marinkovic
Invited lecture at the “5th International Conference on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy”, September 22-26, 2008, Berlin, Germany.


Modeling of a dielectric barrier discharge used as a flowing chemical reactor.
D. Petrovic, T. Martens, J. Van Dijk, W.J.M. Brok and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “24th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases”, August 25-29, 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia.


Numerical modeling of plasmas and plasma-surface interactions.
A. Bogaerts and E.C. Neyts
Invited lecture at the “10th High Temperature Plasma Physics Conference (HTPP-10)”, July 7-11, 2008, Patras, Greece.


Introduction to magnetron sputtering: basic physical processes and mechanisms.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “12th European Summer School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Master Class Physical Vapour Deposition”, October 6-13, 2007, Bad Honnef, Germany.


Van de neonlamp tot de plasma-TV: plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Centre for Post-academic Education (“Centrum voor Naschoolse Opleiding, CNO”)”, October 3, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium.


From the laser-solid interaction till the aerosol transport to the ICP: a simulation tour of laser ablation.
A. Bogaerts, D. Bleiner and D. Autrique
Invited lecture at the ”Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXV“, September 23-27, 2007, Xiamen, P.R. China.


Modelling of analytical glow discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “GLADNET Training Course” (in framework of a European Marie Curie Research Training Network), September 11, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium.


Computer modelling of etch plasmas: capacitively coupled and inductively coupled rf discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Plasma Etch and Strip in Microelectronics Workshop”, September 10-11, 2007, Leuven, Belgium.


Computer simulations of gas discharges for a better understanding of the plasma behaviour.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Annual Plasma Physics Conference”, April 2-4, 2007, Dublin, Ireland.


Reaction mechanisms and thin a-C:H film growth from low energy hydrocarbon radicals.
E.C. Neyts and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “5th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing: Radicals and Non-Equilibrium Processes in Low-Temperature Plasmas”, March 7-9, 2007, Belgrade, Serbia.


Plasma modelling: the type of discharge dictates the best model to be used.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “19th Symposium on Plasma Physics & Radiation Technology”, March 7-8, 2007, Lunteren, The Netherlands.


Laser ablation and sample transport: The heartbeat and blood circuit of LA-ICPMS.
A. Bogaerts, D. Bleiner and D. Autrique
Invited lecture at the “2007 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, February 18-23, 2007, Taormina, Italy.


Everything you always wanted to know about laser ablation setups, but were afraid to measure (…and thought to simulate).
D. Bleiner and A. Bogaerts
Invited opening lecture at the “8th European Workshop on Laser Ablation in Elemental Analysis”, July 19-21, 2006, Zürich, Switzerland.


IR laser ablation of water-rich targets at atmospheric pressure.
Z. Chen, A. Bogaerts and A. Vertes
Invited lecture at the “Symposium on Numerical Modelling of the Interactions of Laser Pulses with a Solid and with Plasma”, June 19, 2006, Antwerp, Belgium.


Frozen plumes and hot metals: A simulation tour to the heart of laser microanalysis.
D. Bleiner, D. Autrique, Z. Chen and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Symposium on Numerical Modelling of the Interactions of Laser Pulses with a Solid and with Plasma”, June 19, 2006, Antwerp, Belgium.


Modelling of the synthesis and subsequent growth of nanoparticles in dusty plasmas.
K. De Bleecker and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “High Technology Plasma Processes 2006 Symposium”, May 29 - June 4, 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia.


Technological plasmas: principles and applications.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “International Scientific Meeting of the Belgian and Dutch Physical Societies”, April 28, 2006, Leiden, The Netherlands.


Computer modelling of fluorocarbon discharges in single- and dual-frequency plasma reactors.
V. Georgieva and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “6th International Workshop on Fluorocarbon Plasmas”, March 19-23, 2006, Villard-de-Lans, France.


Numerical modelling for laser ablation, followed by plume expansion and plasma formation.
A. Bogaerts, Z. Chen and D. Bleiner
Invited lecture at the “32nd Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) Conference”, October 9-13, 2005, Quebec City, Canada.


Computer simulations of processing plasmas.
A. Bogaerts, K. De Bleecker, V. Georgieva, I. Kolev, M. Madani and E.C. Neyts
Invited lecture at the “14th International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies”, September 12-16, 2005, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria.


PIC-MC model for planar magnetron discharges.
A. Bogaerts and I. Kolev
Invited lecture at the “Summer Workshop: Nonlocal, Collisionless Electron Transport in Plasmas”, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, August 9-11, 2005, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.


Comprehensive PIC-MC modelling of a dc planar magnetron discharge, including simulation of gas heating and sputtering.
A. Bogaerts and I. Kolev
Invited lecture at the “8th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes”, June 8-10, 2005, Kanazawa, Japan.


Laser ablatie: kan modelleren ons helpen om 'het licht te zien'?
A. Bogaerts and Z. Chen
Invited lecture at the “Atomic Spectrometry Meeting” of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society, November 25, 2004, Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Modeling of gas discharge plasmas: What can we learn from it?
A. Bogaerts, K. De Bleecker, I. Kolev, M. Madani and E.C. Neyts
Invited lecture at the “9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering”, September 13-17, 2004, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.


Laser ablation: can modeling help us 'to see the light'?
A. Bogaerts and Z. Chen
Invited lecture at the “2nd International Workshop on Characterization and Exploitation of Particle-Induced Desorption Mechanisms”, June 7-8, 2004, Leuven, Belgium.


Numerical modelling for a better understanding of gas discharge plasmas.
A. Bogaerts, K. De Bleecker, V. Georgieva, D. Herrebout, I. Kolev, M. Madani and E.C. Neyts
Invited lecture at the “European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting” - symposium "High Tech Plasma Processes", May 24-28, 2004, Strasbourg, France.


Laser ablation: Can modeling help us 'to see the light'?
A. Bogaerts and Z. Chen
Invited lecture at the “2004 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 5-10, 2004, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.


Plasma modelling: Overview of activities.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Joint EU-Japan Symposium on Plasma Processing”, July 21-22, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden.


Plasma simulations for analytical chemistry and technological applications.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “5th Workshop on the Exploration of Low Temperature Plasma Physics”, November 28-29, 2002, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.


Study of magnetron discharges: Modelling of the plasma behaviour and of the reactive ion-solid interaction.
A. Bogaerts, I. Kolev and Z. Chen
Invited lecture at the ”Symposium on Reactive Sputtering and Related Phenomena IV”, November 21-22, 2002, Ghent, Belgium.


Modelling of glow discharges: From basic understanding towards applications.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “International Symposium on GD-OES for Surface Analysis”, November 19-21, 2002, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan.


Modelling of glow discharges: dc, rf and pulsed operation: possibilities and limitations.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “29th Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) Conference”, October 13-17, 2002, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.


Modelling of glow discharges for spectrochemical and laser applications.
A. Bogaerts and R. Gijbels
Invited lecture at the “34th European Group of Atomic Spectroscopy (EGAS) Conference”, July 9-12, 2002, Sofia, Bulgaria.


Modelling calculations for the effect of hydrogen in argon glow discharges.
A. Bogaerts and R. Gijbels
Invited lecture at the “2002 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 6-12, 2002, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.


Modelling of magnetron discharges.
A. Bogaerts and I. Kolev
Invited lecture at the “Symposium on Magnetron and Arc Discharges for Thin Layer Deposition”, November 14-15, 2001, Orsay, France.


Hybrid modelling network for glow discharges with copper cathode sputtering.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “54th Gaseous Electronics Conference”, October 9-12, 2001, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


Plasma spectrochemical methods for accurate chemical analysis.
F. Adams and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “28th Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACCS) Conference”, October 5-12, 2001, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.


Modelling of glow discharges for atomic spectrometry.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “28th Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACCS) Conference”, October 5-12, 2001, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.


Computer modelling of gas discharges for technological applications.
R. Gijbels and A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “12th Int. School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies”, September 17-21, 2001, Varna, Bulgaria.


Modelling of glow discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “13th Symposium on Applications of Plasma Processes”, January 15-21, 2001, Tale, Slovakia.


Modelling of analytical glow discharge plasmas.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Analytica Conference 2000”, April 11-14, 2000, Munich, Germany.


Numerical modelling of glow discharge mass spectrometry.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “2nd Meeting on Crossing Borders in Mass Spectrometry”, April 5, 2000, Antwerp, Belgium.


Model network for argon glow discharge plasmas: The output cannot be better than the input data.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “International Conference on Atomic & Molecular Data and Their Applications”, March 26-30, 2000, Oxford, U.K.


Glow discharge models: What can we learn from them?
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “2000 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 10-15, 2000, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.


Modelling of glow discharges - What can we learn from it?
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Symposium on Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry”, November 5, 1999, Mol, Belgium.


Modelling of argon glow discharges: Comparison of direct current and radio frequency discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “XXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases”, July 12-16, 1999, Warsaw, Poland.


The glow discharge: An exciting plasma!
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “1999 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 11-15, 1999, Pau, France.


Computer simulation of dc glow discharge plasmas and comparison with experiments.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “Symposium about New Trends in Plasma Deposition”, November 20, 1998, Mol, Belgium.


New developments and applications in GDMS.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “4. Symposiums über Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse”, September 28 - October 1, 1998, Mainz, Germany.


Comprehensive modelling network for dc glow discharges in argon.
A. Bogaerts
Invited lecture at the “XIVth Europhysics Conference on Atomic & Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases”, August 26-29, 1998, Dublin, Ireland.


Modelling of glow discharges.
A. Bogaerts and R. Gijbels
Invited lecture at the “1998 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry”, January 5-10, 1998, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.

Omar Biondo

Towards a fundamental understanding of energy-efficient, plasma-based CO2 conversion.
Invited lecture at the "Torino International Conference on Fundamental Plasma Physics", Torino, Italy, June 21-23, 2023.

Yury Gorbanev

Nitrogen fixation with a pulsed plasma jet: From the low energy cost to the role of water vapour.
Invited lecture at the “GEC International Online Plasma Seminar” (IOPS), January 5, 2023.
Plasma-liquid interactions: The role of liquid.
Invited lecture “9th International Conference on Plasma Medicine” (ICPM), Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 27 - July 1, 2022.

Invited lecture at the “GEC International Online Plasma Seminar” (IOPS), 2019.
Biomedical and agricultural applications of plasma.
Invited lecture at the “Gordon Research Seminar: Understanding and controlling plasmas for future industries”, Smithfield, RI, U.S.A., August 4-5, 2018.
Analysis of plasma-exposed aqueous solutions: Reactive plasma regions as sources of RONS.
Invited lecture at the “4th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment” (IWPCT), Paris, France, March 27-28, 2017.

Maria Cecilia Oliveira

Translocation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species across nitrated membranes: a molecular dynamics study.
Invited online seminar at the "VIII International Conference on Laser & Plasma Researches and Technologies" (LaPlas-2022), Moscow, Russia, March 23, 2022.
How lipid aldehydes are distributed in phase-separated membranes: insights from computer simulations.
Invited online seminar at the "VIII International Conference on Laser & Plasma Researches and Technologies" (LaPlas-2022), Moscow, Russia, March 23, 2022.

Angela Privat Maldonado

Plasma-induced cellular changes – cancer cells versus. normal cells.
Invited lecture at the "Minicourse at 8th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment" (IWPCT),  Raleigh, NC, U.S.A., March 13-15, 2023.
The effect of non-thermal plasma on epithelial-mesenchymal transition of melanoma and pancreatic cancer cells in the 3D chicken chorioallantoic membrane model.
Invited lecture at the "1st International CAM Conference" (online), February 7-8, 2022.
Understanding the response of solid tumours to cold atmospheric plasma using 3-dimensional models.
Invited lecture at the "6th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment" (IWPCT), Antwerp, Belgium, April 1-3, 2019.
Plasma chemistry in health care.
Invited lecture at the Events in Flanders Focusing on Engineering and Chemical Technology (eFFECT) – Chemical Technology & Health, Ghent, Belgium, April 20, 2017.