Annemie Bogaerts

Plasma-based green H2 production from CH4 or NH3 cracking.
Invited online seminar (1.5h) in the “Green Hydrogen” international lecture series, organized by APEC & Port of Antwerp-Bruges, October 2, 2024.
Modeling and experiments for a better understanding of plasma catalysis.
Invited online seminar at Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, California, US, October 18, 2023.
Plasma catalysis: Complex chemical and physical mechanisms.
Invited online seminar at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Colorado, US, October 11, 2023.
Towards a sustainable future: Plasma-based CO2, CH4 and N2 conversion into value-added compounds or renewable fuels.
Invited online seminar in the Series 'Women in Natural Sciences and Bioengineering’, November 25, 2022, University of Rostock, Germany.
Plasma medicine: Applications in oncology & modeling for better insight.
Invited online seminar talk within the combined “International Online Plasma Seminar” (IOPS) and “Online Low-Temperature Plasma” (OLTP) seminar series, September 1, 2022.
The Hot Topic of Cold Plasma: A novel tool for green chemistry.
Invited online seminar at University of Padova, June 14, 2022
Catalytic and non-catalytic ammonia formation by N2/H2 plasma.
Invited online seminar at ASML, March 3, 2022
Plasma-based CO2 conversion: A hot topic of cold plasma!
A. Bogaerts.
Invited online seminar organized by the AIChE Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, August 31, 2021.
Plasma catalysis: A better understanding by modeling the plasma and plasma-catalyst interactions.
A. Bogaerts.
Invited online seminar talk organized by the journal Catalysts, April 18, 2021.


Van de zon tot plasma-TV: Plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven.
A. Bogaerts.
Semininar for the Observatory “Urania”, Hove, Belgium, January 12, 2021.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: State-of-the-art on reactor performance, and better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
A. Bogaerts.
Online Seminar at the "University of Delaware", Newark, Delaware, U.S.A., June 25, 2020.


Plasma-assisted CO2, N2 and CH4 conversion: Computer modeling for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
A. Bogaerts.
Online Seminar, organized by the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany (but attended by people from several places in Europe + US), April 16, 2020.


Van de zon tot plasma-TVs: Plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar for the organisation “Actueel Denken en Leven”, Antwerpen, December 2, 2019.


Plasma: het nieuwe wapen tegen klimaatopwarming.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at the “Seniorenuniversiteit Hasselt”, Hasselt, January 7, 2019.


Plasma-based greenhouse gas conversion: Modeling the plasma chemistry and plasma reactor design to improve the application.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at “Dalian University of Technology”, Dalian, China, October 24, 2018.


Plasma-based greenhouse gas conversion: Modeling the plasma chemistry and plasma reactor design to improve the application.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at “Beihang University”, Beijing, China, October 20, 2018.


Plasma catalysis for CO2 conversion: A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at the “University of Sevilla”, Sevilla, Spain, Febuary 16, 2018.


Computer modelling for a better understanding of plasma-based CO2 conversion.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at the “University of Clausthal”, Clausthal, Germany, November 22, 2017.


Plasma-based CO2 conversion: A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at the “University of Manchester”, Manchester, UK, October 2, 2017.


From the sun till plasma TVs: Plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at the “University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences”, Antwerp, October 21, 2016.


From the sun till plasma TVs: Plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at the “Youth Section of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society, Univerity of Ghent”, Ghent, April 27, 2016.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences, October 9, 2015, Antwerp, Belgium.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts.
Seminar at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, October 20, 2014, Antwerp, Belgium.


Van de zon tot plasma-TV: plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the “Studium Generale Lecture Cycle”, October 13, 2014, Antwerp, Belgium.


Plasma-based conversion of greenhouse gases: modeling and experiments.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Sheffield, June 19, 2014, Sheffuield, U.K.


Modelleren van plasma’s: fundamenteel onderzoek voor betere toepassingen.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Antwerp as Francqui Research Professor, Antwerp, February 13, 2014, Antwerp, Belgium.


Understanding the underlying mechanisms of ICP-OES and ICP-MS.
M. Aghaei and A. Bogaerts
Web Seminar talk for “Spectroscopy Editorial Webcast”, January 29, 2014.  (audience of 485 registered participants)


Computer modeling of the plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions for improving environmental, medical and materials science applications.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at University of York, December 10, 2013, York, Great Britain.


Plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions modeling for environmental, medical and materials science applications.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at Eindhoven University of Technology, December 6, 2013, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, October 10, 2013, Antwerp, Belgium.


Computer simulations of plasmas and plasma-surface interactions.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar for the Scientific Interdisciplinary Seminar, April 10, 2013, Antwerp, Belgium.


Plasma: “ver van ons bed” of “deel van ons leven”?
A. Bogaerts
Seminar for the organisation Actueel Denken en Leven, March 4, 2013, Brasschaat, Belgium.


Van de zon tot plasma-TVs: plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar for the Centrum voor Naschoolse Opleiding, February 27, 2013, Antwerp, Belgium.


Van de zon tot plasma-TVs: plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar for the organisation De Koperen Passer, February 20, 2013, Zandvliet, Belgium.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, September 24, 2012, Antwerp, Belgium.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, October 5, 2011, Antwerp, Belgium.


Computer modeling for a better understanding of gas discharge plasmas and plasma-surface interactions.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Royal Military School, May 20, 2011, Brussels, Belgium.


Computer modeling for a better understanding of laser ablation, plume expansion and plasma formation.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Marseille, April 5, 2011, Marseille, France.


Plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Antwerp, in the framework of the “Dag van de Wetenschappen”, November 21, 2010, Antwerp, Belgium.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, October 20, 2010, Antwerp, Belgium.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Youth Section of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society, Univerity of Leuven, April 28, 2010, Leuven, Belgium.


Computer modeling of plasmas and plasma-surface interactions.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique, December 7, 2009, Palaiseau-Paris, France.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, December 1, 2009, Antwerp, Belgium.


Modeling of plasmas and plasma-surface interactions.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Contact Group on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, Université Libre de Bruxelles, October 13, 2009, Brussels, Belgium.


Modeling of laser ablation for ICP-MS.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at Agilent Technologies, October 8, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.


Modeling of laser ablation for ICP-MS.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at Kyoto University, October 6, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.


From the sun till plasma TV’s: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts), March 11, 2009, Brussels, Belgium.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Youth Section of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society, Hasselt University, November 12, 2008, Hasselt, Belgium.


From the sun till plasma TVs: plasmas in our daily life.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool, November 3, 2008, Antwerp, Belgium.


Modelling of plasmas, plasma-solid and laser-solid interactions.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Hamburg (GDCh-Kolloquium), May 22, 2008, Hamburg, Germany.


From the laser-solid interaction till the aerosol transport to the ICP: a simulation tour of laser ablation.
A. Bogaerts, D. Autrique and D. Bleiner
Seminar at the Institut für Analytische Chemie (ISAS), October 12, 2007, Dortmund, Germany.


Computersimulaties van plasma’s voor de depositie van dunne filmen.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at “Spectrum, seminar cycle for 55+ people”, University of Antwerp, February 8, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium.


Computer simulations of plasmas: what can we learn from it?
A. Bogaerts, K. De Bleecker, V. Georgieva, I. Kolev, M. Madani and E.C. Neyts
Seminar at the Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Centre (IMEC), February 24, 2006, Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium.


Van de zon tot plasma TV-schermen: plasma's in ons dagelijks leven.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at “Spectrum, seminar cycle for 55+ people”, University of Antwerp, May 12, 2005, Antwerp, Belgium.


Glimontladingsplasma's: kan modelleren ons helpen om 'het licht te zien'?
A. Bogaerts
"Inaugural lecture" at the University of Antwerp, Faculty of Sciences, May 14, 2004, Antwerp, Belgium.


Simulation of magnetron discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at Bekaert Technology Centre, June 4, 2003, Deerlijk, Belgium.


Modelling of glow discharges for analytical and technological applications.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Department of Experimental Physics and Gas Electronics, June 15, 2001, Bochum, Germany.


Numerical modelling of gas discharge plasmas.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Ghent University, Institute for Subatomic and Radiation Physics, May 10, 2001, Gent, Belgium.


Hybrid modelling network for argon glow discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Antwerp, Department of Physics, Research group: Theory of Condensed Matter, February 14, 2001, Antwerp, Belgium.


Modelling of glow discharge plasmas.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, November 14, 2000, Brussels, Belgium.


Modelling of glow discharges and comparison with experiment.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the University of Essen, Institute of Laser and Plasma Physics, June 11, 1999, Essen, Germany.


Modelling of analytical glow discharges.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Indiana University, Department of Chemistry, May 26, 1999, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.


Modelling of glow discharges: What can we learn from it?
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Royal Military School, Plasma Physics Department, February 12, 1999, Brussels, Belgium.


Computer simulation of glow discharge plasmas: What can we learn from it?
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Centre (IMEC), December 15, 1998, Leuven, Belgium.


Modelling network for an argon glow discharge.
A. Bogaerts
Seminar at the Von Karman Institute, September 2, 1998, St. Genesius-Rode, Belgium.


Monte Carlo, fluid and collisional-radiative modelling for the various species in an argon glow discharge.
A. Bogaerts and R. Gijbels
Seminar at Catholic University of Leuven, Institute for Nuclear and Radiation Physics, June 9, 1998, Leuven, Belgium.


Wiskundige simulaties van een gelijkstroom glimontlading in argon.
A. Bogaerts and R. Gijbels
Seminar at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), December 16, 1996, Mol, Belgium.


Mathematical modelling of a direct current glow discharge in argon.
A. Bogaerts and R. Gijbels
Seminar at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physics, September 2, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic.


Modelling of a direct current glow discharge in argon.
A. Bogaerts and R. Gijbels
Seminar at the Université Mons-Hainaut, Département des Matériaux, June 21, 1995, Mons, Belgium.

Yury Gorbanev

Plasma-liquid interactions.
Invited presentation at "Utrecht University", Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2022.
Good practices in research dissemination: How to write a good paper.
Invited presentation at the “COST CA20114 1st training school: Fundamental aspects on plasma medicine”, Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, February 14- 16, 2022.
Are all APPJs made equal? The COST APPJ: A unique tool for fundamental and applied research.
Invited presentation at the "Ruhr-Universität Bochum", Bochum, Germany, 2019.
The Hot Topic of Cold Plasma: A new tool in green chemistry and biomedicine.
Invited presentation at the "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia", Lima, Peru, 2019.
Detection of short-lived species induced in liquids by non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma.
Invited presentation at the “COST TD1208 3rd training school: Advanced diagnostics of discharges with liquids and plasma treated liquid phase”, Zenum, Belgrade, Serbia, September 24-28, 2016.

Maria Cecilia Oliveira

Effect of plasma-induced lipid oxidation on the permeability of hemichannels for treating cancer cells.
Invited presentation at the "2nd Annual Meeting of COST Action - Therapeutical applications of cold plasmas" (PlasTHER), Bologna, Italy, September 06, 2023.
Molecular simulations to improve plasma-based cancer therapy.
Invited lecture seminar at "Utrecht University", Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 31, 2022.
How to improve the understanding about plasma-based cancer therapy by means of computer simulations?
Invited lecture at the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Uzbekistan, February 22, 2022.

Angela Privat Maldonado

Plasma-cell interactions: basic facts from the RONS perspective.
Invited presentation at the "1st Training School - Fundamental aspects on Plasma Medicine”, COST Action CA20114 “Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas” (PlasTHER), Lisbon, Portugal, February 14-16, 2022.
The hot topic of cold plasma, a new tool in green Chemistry and biomedicine.
Invited presentation at the "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia", Lima, Peru, 2019.

Invited presentation at the "University Research Day", University of Antwerp, Belgium, 2018..