The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: Low temperature plasma science and technology.
I. Adamovich, S. Agarwal, E. Ahedo, L.L. Alves, S. Baalrud, N. Babaeva, A. Bogaerts, A. Bourdon, P.J. Bruggeman, C. Canal, E.H. Choi, S. Coulombe, Z. Donkó, D.B. Graves, S. Hamaguchi, D. Hegemann, M. Hori, H.-H. Kim, G.M.W. Kroesen, M.J. Kushner, A. Laricchiuta, X. Li, T.E. Magin, S. Mededovic Thagard, V. Miller, A.B. Murphy, G.S. Oehrlein, N. Puac, R.M. Sankaran, S. Samukawa, M. Shiratani, M. Šimek, N. Tarasenko, K. Terashima, E. Thomas Jr., J. Trieschmann, S. Tsikata, M.M. Turner, I.J. van der Walt, M.C.M. van de Sanden and T. von Woedtke
Science popularization article: Plasma and plasma catalysis for sustainable chemistry. A. Bogaerts The Plasma Connection, March 2022
From the Birkeland–Eyde process towards energy-efficient plasma-based NOX synthesis: a techno-economic analysis. K.H.R. Rouwenhorst, F. Jardali, A. Bogaerts and L. Lefferts Energy Environ. Sci., 14, 2520 (2021)
Plasma-driven catalysis: green ammonia synthesis with intermittent electricity. K.H.R. Rouwenhorst, Y. Engelmann, K. van ‘t Veer, R.S. Postma, A. Bogaerts and L. Lefferts Green Chem., 22, 6258 (2020)
The 2020 plasma catalysis roadmap. A. Bogaerts, X. Tu., J.C. Whitehead, G. Centi, L. Lefferts, O. Guaitella, F. Azzolina-Jury, H. Kim, A.B. Murphy, W.F. Schneider, T. Nozaki, J.C. Hicks, A. Rousseau, F. Thevenet, A. Khacef and M. Carreon J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 53, 443001 (2020)
Plasma technology for CO2 conversion: A personal perspective on prospects and gaps. A. Bogaerts and G. Centi Front. Energy Res., 8, 111 (2020)
Plasma technology: An emerging technology for energy storage. A. Bogaerts and E.C. Neyts ACS Energy Lett., 3, 1013-1027 (2018)(Invited feature article and selected to be featured in ACS Editors' Choice + Free Open Access)
Plasma physics of liquids - A focused review. P. Vanraes and A. Bogaerts Appl. Phys. Rev., 5, 031103 (2018)(Featured article). Copyright (2018) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. Following article appeared in Applied Physics Reviews and may be found at:
Plasma nanoscience: from nano-solids in plasmas to nano-plasmas in solids. K. Ostrikov, E.C. Neyts and M. Meyyappan Adv. Phys., 62, 113-224 (2013)
PECVD growth of carbon nanotubes: from experiment to simulation. E.C. Neyts J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 30, 030803 (2012) (In 2014 this article is among the 10 most cited papers published in the journal in the period 2012-2013)
Gas discharge plasmas and their applications. A. Bogaerts, E. Neyts, R. Gijbels and J.J.A.M. van der Mullen Spectrochim. Acta B, 57, 609-658 (2002)(Invited review paper)
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