
  • Temmerman, M., Moernout, R., Coesemans, R., & Mast, J. (2019). Post-truth and the political : constructions and distortions in representing political facts. Discourse, Context & Media, 27, 1–6.
  • Moernaut, R. M., Mast, J., & Temmerman, M. (2019). All climate stories worth telling : salience and positionality at the intersection of news values and frames. Discourse, Context & Media.
  • De Vries, P. (2018). Wat vraagt u voor uw stem?. Samenleving en politiek25(1), 29–34
  • Mast, J., Coesemans, R., & Temmerman, M. (2018). Constructive journalism : concepts, practices, and discourses. Journalism : Theory, Practice and Criticism, 20(4), 492–503.
  • Temmerman, M. (2018). Linguistic discourse analysis as a tool for analyzing political communication. Politics, Culture & Socialization, 7(2), 119–142.
  • Temmerman, M., Voorde, V. de ., & Coesemans, R. (2018). Looking for prince charming : a diachronic discourse analysis of love and relationships in Flemish womens magazines. CADAAD Journal, 10(1), 98–114.
  • De Vries, P. (2017). It’s all marketing, ... toch? Res Publica : Tijdschrift Voor Politieke Wetenschappen, 2, 217–231.
  • Mast, J., Coesemans, R., & Temmerman, M. (2017). Hybridity and the news: Blending genres and interaction patterns in new forms of journalism. Journalism, 18(1), 3-10. DOI: 10.1177/1464884916657520.
  • Brems, C., Temmerman, M., Graham, T., & Broersma, M. (2016). Personal Branding on Twitter: How employed and freelance journalists stage themselves on social media. Digital Journalism, 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2016.1176534
  • Polegky, A. (2016). Framing of European integration in Ukrainian Media Discourse. Central European Journal of Communication, 9(2), 80-196. 
  • Polegky, A. (2016). Soviet mythology and memory of WWII as an instruments of Russian propaganda. Warsaw East European Review, 6, 77-93. 
  • De Landtsheer, C. Political Extremism. Entry in : International Encyclopaedia of Political Communication (in press).
  • De Landtsheer, C., & De Vries, P. (2015). Branding the fox: the psychological profile of EU president Herman Van Rompuy. Journal of Political Marketing, 14
  • Temmerman, M., & Van de Voorde, M. (2015). Absent husbands and whispering voices: A critical analysis of the representation of men in two popular Flemish women's magazines. Journal of Gender Studies, 24(1), 3-17. issn 0958-9236.  DOI:10.1080/09589236.2013.790799
  • De Landtsheer, C., Farnen, R.F., German, D.B. , Dekker, H., Sünker, H., Yinfa, S., & Hongna, M. (Eds.) (2014). E-Political Socialization, the Press and Politics. The Media and Government in the USA, Europe and China. Series Labour, Education & Society, 32.
  • Kalkhoven, L. (2013). Populist Ideological Stances in Western Europe: Contemporary Populism in the Low Countries in the Light of the European Context. Politics, Culture and Socialization, 4(2), 230-250.
  • De Landtsheer, C. & Kalkhoven, L. (2012). The Smell of Crisis: Style and Rhetoric of Political Parties in and outside Crisis Situations in three Belgian cases. Politics, Culture and Socialization, 3(1-2), 131-154.
  • Deschouwer, K., & Temmerman, M. (2012). Elite behaviour and elite communication in a divided society: the Belgian federal coalition formation of 2007. Journal of Language and Politics, 11(4), 500-520. issn (printed): 1569-2159. issn (electronic): 1569-9862.
  • De Landtsheer, C., Kalkhoven,L., & Broen, L. (2011). De beeldspraak van Geert Wilders, een Tsunami over Nederland? Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 39(4), 5-20.
  • De Landtsheer, C., & Middelhoff, J. (2011). The role of personality in politics on the European Union example. Polis / Political Studies, (2), 25-35.
  • De Landtsheer, C., & Vertessen, D. (2011). Ideological variation in political style and emotive strategy of metaphor. Politics, Culture and Socialization, 2(1), 57-76.
  • Luyckx, A., & Kalkhoven, L. (2011). Visual Propaganda of the Taliban: A Combination of Camera Framing, Metaphors, Colors and Symbols of Nature. Politics, Culture and Socialization, 2(2), 137-154.
  • Temmerman, M. (2011). Vergadertijgers tegen wil en dank. Hoe maak je het beste van je vergadertijd. Ad Rem. Tijdschrift voor zakelijke communicatie, 25, 3-5. issn 0774-613X.
  • De Landtsheer, C., & Vertessen, D. (2010). Politici aan het woord. Politici en hun taalstijlen. Res Publica, 52(2). 
  • De Vries, P., De Landtsheer, C., Heirman, W., & Boudiny, K. (2010). The Ideal Mayor seen through the Eyes of Children. Politics, Culture and Socialization, 1(2).
  • Temmerman, M. (2010). 'Vol is vol’ en ‘Gegeven is gegeven’. De kracht van de schijnbaar overbodige bewering. Onze Taal, 79(12), 347
  • Temmerman, M. (2010). Naming and framing in Belgian politics. An analysis of the representation of politicians and the political state of affairs during the 2007 government formation period in the Belgian press. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 24, 120-138. issn 0774-5141
  • De Landtsheer, C. (2009). Persoonlijkheid bepaalt politiek. EOS Magazine, 42-45.
  • De Landtsheer, C. (2009). La personalité fait la politique. Eos Magazine.
  • Temmerman, M. (2009). Communicative aspects of definitions in classroom interaction: Learning to define in class for first and second language learners. Linguistics and Education, 20(2), 126-144. issn 0898-5898.
  • Temmerman, M., & Trioen, M. (2009). Idolatry versus authenticity: A lexical and systemic-functional analysis of the coverage of the World Youth Day 2005 in the Flemish press. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 2 (3), 183-202. issn 17519411.
  • De Landtsheer, C., De Vries, P., & Vertessen, D. (2008). Political impression management and Perception Politics in Belgium. Journal of Political Marketing, 7(4), 217-238.
  • Aalberts, C. (2008). Reddeloos verloren of hoop voor de toekomst? Een onderzoek naar initiatieven om jongeren bij de politiek te betrekken. Openbaar Bestuur, 16(9), 22-26.
  • Temmerman, M., & Sinardet, D. (2008). Same politicians, different journalists: political interviewing styles on Dutch-speaking and French-speaking public television in federal Belgium. Synergy, 4(1), 39-58.
  • De Landtsheer, C. (2007). Het vergiftigd geschenk van de perceptie. Samenleving en Politiek.
  • De Landtsheer, C. (2006). The microanalysis of political communication. Claptrap and ambiguity. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 25(3), 326-331.
  • Temmerman, M . (2006). Be neither in nor out: interviewing the jour nalist-politician . Lodz papers in pragmatics, 2(2), 133-159.
  • Aalberts, C., & van Zoonen, L. (2005). Televisie kijken in het digitale tijdperk. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap33(4), 347-365.
  • Neuner, C., & De Landtsheer, C. (2005). Towards a methodology for evaluating the quality of (public) websites. The IPSI BgDTransactions on Internet Research, 1(1), 57-64.
  • De Landtsheer, C., Van der Schaaf, W., & Immelman, A. (2004). Het persoonlijkheidsprofiel van de top van Paars II (Kok, Borst en Jorritsma) door de lens van de Nederlandse media. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 32(2), 162-187.
  • De Landtsheer, C., Palmer, J., & Middleton, D. (2003). Een "Framing" analyse over de Kosovo-oorlog in de Nederlandse pers (vergeleken met de Britse en Italiaanse pers). Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 23(3-4), 403-438.
  • Semetko, H., & Krasnoboka, N. (2003). The Political Role of the Internet in Societies in Transition: Russia and Ukraine Compared. Party Politics, 1, 77-104.
  • Saris, W., & Aalberts, C. (2003). Different explanations for correlated disturbance terms in MTMM studies. Structural Equation Modelling, 10(2), 193-213.
  • Corten, I., Saris, W., Coenders, G., Veld, W. van der, Aalberts, C., & Kornelis, C. (2002). Fit of different models for multitrait-multimethod experiments. Structural Equation Modelling, 9(2), 213-232.
  • De Landtsheer, C., Krasnoboka, N., & Neuner C. (2002). La Facilitad de utilización de los “web sites” de partidos políticos. Estudio de algunos países de Europa del Este y Occidental (1999). Cuadernos de Información y Communicación, (6), 107-140.