Politics and Public Governance is a busy research group with multiple scientific articles produced each year. Listed below, our most recent published work can be discovered. In addition to published academic contributions, several PhD dissertations are completed by our PhD students every year. 

Institutions, public opinion, and advocacy camps : how interest groups benefit from supportive alignments to gain agenda-setting influence

Journal of European public policy - ISSN 1350-1763-32:1 (2025) p. 264-295

The trade-off between political trust and political participation

Political studies review - ISSN 1478-9299- (2024) p.

How do elite core actors assess trust in national and EU authorities? The varying role of generalised trust at different governmental levels

Comparative European politics - ISSN 1472-4790- (2024) p.
    Moritz Kappler, Rahel Schomaker, Edoardo Guaschino, Koen Verhoest

(R)evolutie in het ontslagrecht voor ambtenaren

Tijdschrift voor gemeenterecht - ISSN 0775-3217-4 (2024) p. 211-233

Gezagsfuncties bij de Vlaamse overheid – Proeve tot afbakening

Tijdschrift voor sociaal recht - ISSN 0035-1113-3-4 (2024) p. 433-480

A Union of equality : a promising step forward or a missed opportunity to be truly intersectional?

Inequality and the European Union : new frontiers in political science and law / Brière, C. [edit.]; Crespy, A. [edit.]-p. 13-24

Performing policy conflict : a dramaturgical analysis of public participation in contentious urban planning projects

Policy sciences - ISSN 0032-2687-57 (2024) p. 761-785

The link above only lists the publications that were published after the merger in October 2018. To get a more complete overview and list of publications before and after 2018, please click on the following link. This bibliography consist of the previous research groups PA&M and CED as well as the new group PPG. However, it does not include the work of Peter Bursens who also joined our research group.