Every year, some of the PPG members complete their PhDs and become postdoctoral researchers. Throughout the past few years we were honoured to have many of these succesful PhD students in our research group.
Marsida Bandilli (November 2024), EU cross-border cooperation: stakeholders' mobilisation and funding acquisition (supervisor: prof. dr. Peter Bursens)
Sharon Belli (October 2024), Exploring the revolving door phenomenon among European interest groups: triggers, conditions, and potential benefits (supervisors: prof dr. Jan Beyers and prof dr. Peter Bursens)
Lea Kristin Kleinsorg (October, 2024), Machtstrukturen impolitischen Diskurs: Praktiken weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung im Deutschen Bundestag zwischen 1994 und 2021 (supervisor: prof. dr. Petra Meier)
Steven De Vadder (June 2024), Using Twitter as a public communication strategy: can ‘@NMBS’ improve the relationship between citizens and the National Railway Company of Belgium? (supervisors: prof. dr. Koen Verhoest, prof dr. Wouter Van Dooren and prof. dr. Jan Wynen)
Alberto Nicòtina (June 2024), Constitutional strategies in the face of multi-level governance: an empirical legal theory of EU integration (supervisors: prof. dr. Patricia Popelier and prof. dr. Peter Bursens)
Stéphanie Verlinden (June 2024), Does repeated change paradoxically undermine organizational adaptability? Essays on the impact of repeated organizational change on public organizations' capacity to adapt (supervisors: prof. dr. Jan Wynen, prof. dr. Koen Verhoest, prof. dr. Bjorn Kleizen)
Tom Langbroek (December 2023), Come together, right now: empirical studies on collaborative public sector innovation (supervisors: prof. dr. Peter Bursens, prof. dr. Koen Verhoest and prof. dr. Erik Hans Klijn)
Philipp Lausberg (June 2023), European fiscal policy reforms, banking union and public goods theory (supervisors: prof. dr. Dirk De Bièvre, prof. dr. Markus Jachtenfuchs and prof. dr. Peter Bursens)
Emmanuel Dockx (June 2023), Connecting the dots together: advancing public sector collaboration with a dissertation on antecedents, dynamics and outcomes (supervisor: prof. dr. Koen Verhoest)
Raden Murwantara (March 2023), Government support for enhancing public private partnerships (PPPs): comparing, explaining and studying the effects of variations across European countries (supervisors: prof. dr. Koen Verhoest and prof. dr. Steven Van Garsse)
Laura Cleton (September 2022), Deporting children: policy framing, legitimation and intersectional boundary work (supervisor: prof. dr. Petra Meier)
Chesney Callens (January 2022), Coevolving towards innovation: a configurational approach on conditions of collaborative innovation in public service delivery (supervisors: prof. dr. Koen Verhoest and prof. dr. Jan Boon)
Sarah Palinckx (October 2021), Blauwdruk voor een passende regeling van de collectieve arbeidsverhoudingen in de publieke sector (supervisor: prof. dr. Ria Janvier)
Bastiaan Thomas Redert (May 2021), Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Stakeholder Involvement as a Legitimation Strategy in European Union Agencies (supervisors: prof. dr. Peter Bursens and prof. dr. Jan Beyers)
Jolijn De Roover (April 2021), The players and the playing field: how local governments practise autonomy (supervisor: prof. dr. Wouter Van Dooren)
Lars Dorren (February 2021), Analysis as therapy: the therapeutic function of ex ante analyses in infrastructure policy processes (supervisors: prof. dr. Wouter Van Dooren and prof. dr. Koen Verhoest)
Bjorn Kleizen (February 2020), Legacies of the past: how structural reform histories can impact public organizations (supervisors: prof. dr. Koen Verhoest and prof. dr. Jan Wynen)
Veronika Valkovičová (August 2019), Indicators of gender: the Europeanisation of Slovak policies tackling 'violence against women' (supervisor: prof. dr. Oľga Gyárfášová and prof. dr. Petra Meier)
Shirley Kempeneer (August 2019), Breaking the bank? The regulatory implications of knowledge production through indicators (supervisor: prof. dr. Wouter Van Dooren)
Marlies Hueskes (July 2019), Beyond the rhetoric of strategic public procurement: a study on innovation and sustainability in public-private partnerships (supervisors: prof. dr. Koen Verhoest and prof. dr. Steven Van Garsse)
Dorothy Duchatelet (July 2019), "Yes I can! Can I?" At the heart of self-efficacy for negotiating in role-play simulations of political decision-making (supervisors: prof. dr. Peter Bursens, prof. dr. Vincent Donche and prof. dr. David Gijbels)
Lode De Waele (May 2019), Struggling between control, competition and collaboration: concepts about hybridity and its main antecedents and consequences (supervisor: prof. dr. Arjen van Witteloostuijn)
Åsa Margareta Ekvall (February 2019), Gender inequality, homophobia and violence: the three pillars of patriarchal norms and attitudes and their relations (supervisors: prof. dr. Petra Meier and prof. dr. Arjun Singh Bedi)
Wilhelmina Gerry Baller (December 2018), Versatile legislators: explaining how members of European Parliament amend and represent (supervisors: prof. dr. Peter Bursens and prof. dr. Jan Beyers)
Elisabeth Aerts (December 2018), Wijzigbaarheid van arbeidsrelaties in de publieke sector: lessen voor België vanuit Frankrijk en Denemarken (supervisor: Ria Janvier)