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Farnaz Takhsha wins 2nd price thesis price competition 2015

The first price of € 1000 in the category of  exact (bio)medical sciences was won by Yannick De  Vlaeminck for his thesis entitled "Dissecting the biology of tumor-associated macrophages using lentiviral vectors and nanobodies"
The second price (€ 500) went to Farnaz Sedigheh Takhsha for her thesis"Analyse van DNA-methylatieveranderingen in hormoontherapie gevoelige en resistente multipelmyeloom cellen".

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GLB-12, a globin in C. elegans  plays a major role in the reproduction.

GLB-12 is  a globin of C. elegans that forms an essential component of a redox signaling pathway. Our model shows that GLB-12 converts O2 to superoxide, after which this signal is modulated by an intracellular and an extracellular SOD, creating a redox signaling pathway. Moreover this redox pathway regulates multiple aspects in oogenesis, including germline apoptosis by signaling via both the p38 and JNK MAPK pathway.


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