Health not only depends on our own efforts, but also on our spatial environment. If our city is more exercise-friendly, has sufficient open and green space, has sufficient healthy facilities within walking distance, it will be easier to live a healthy life. On the occasion of their 40th birthday and their expansion plans, Maarten Van Acker, at the request of Antwerp University Hospital, reflected on the way in which spatial design promotes the health of city residents and visitors. On the basis of recent work and a wide range of foreign best practices, he shows which instruments cities have today to stimulate the health of their residents.

Researcher(s): Maarten Van Acker
Commissioned by: Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
Period: 2020

The impact of a fine-meshed infrastructure network

A large audience of doctors and medical experts reflect on the impact of cities on our health

In debate with doctors and patients

International best practices of cities launching innovative projects in order to improve the health of theis citizens