Every year the Ruusbroec Institute Library offers traineeships to students as part of their academic curriculum (e.g. library sciences, book history, literature, history, art history, etcetera). We offer professional traineeships as well as research traineeships, or a combination of both.
Are you interested in a traineeship at the Ruusbroec Institute Library, please contact Erna Van Looveren.
Some results of the traineeships can be seen on the page 'Collecties in beeld' on our Dutch website.
Some examples of traineeship subjects (all in Dutch):
- Marian devotion during the Counterreformation
- A passion for meditation: de perception of pain in words and images in the collections of the Ruusbroec Institute Library
- Structural impressions: a survey of structural elements in the lay out of old books
- Saint Jerome at the Ruusbroec Institute Library
- The relics in the collection of the Ruusbroec Institute Library
- Modern-day Hadewijch reception
- The monastery of Groenendaal
- Healing manuscripts