Submissions for Ons Geestelijk Erf may be written in Dutch, English, German or French. All submissions must include an alphabetically organized bibliography and a summary in English.

The author may choose his/her own system of bibliographical references, which must be applied consistently. The titles of journals and series are to be written in full.

The manuscript can be sent to:

Each submission will be subjected to a double-blind peer review.

Purpose of the review procedure

  • Determine whether the subject of the contribution falls within the thematic scope of Ons Geestelijk Erf. The thematic scope of Ons Geestelijk Erf is the history of spirituality and religious life in the medieval and early modern Low Countries. It also includes the research history of this field. The journal has traditionally had a strong philological leaning, but does not want to limit itself to this.
  • Determine whether the contribution contains substantial, new research or new data.
  • Determine whether the research presented in the contribution
    • is methodologically sound
    • is adequately and validly argued
    • adequately reflects the current state of knowledge on the subject
  • Determine whether the contribution
    • is based on a clear research question
    • is an adequately elaboration of the research question
    • makes appropriate use of the sources
    • is stylistically and linguistically acceptable

The review procedure

The contribution is evaluated in a double-blind review procedure.

The Editorial Board reserves the right, following an initial evaluation, to withhold the contribution from being submitted for peer review by external reviewers.

The contribution will be reviewed by one or two Board Members and at least one external specialist.

The Board Member supervising the review process decides on the basis of the reviews whether the contribution can be accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected. The Board Member draws up a review synthesis to be sent to the author.

The decision to accept a contribution will often be accompanied by suggestions for certain changes.

The decision to accept a contribution with revisions implies that the author will be required to make some necessary changes.