Prof. Roeland Samson's lab
Magnetic analyses
- Magnetiser & Minispin Magnetometer, Molspin Ltd
- LDA5 AF demagnetiser and PAM1 anhysteretic/pulse magnetiser, AGICO
- JR6 magnetometer, AGICO
- Susceptibility meter, Bartington, MS2
- Mobile susceptibility meter with soil probe, Bartington, MS2-D
- Gaussmeter, Hirst Magnetic Instruments, GM07
Photosynthesis, light and spectra
- Li-Cor Pyranometer 2m cable to measure light quantity
- Li-Cor Quantum par sensor 5m cable to measure par spectrum light quantity
- Chlorophyll content meter, Opti-sciences, CCM-200
- Chlorophyll content meter, Konica Minolta, SPAD
- LiCor 6400, LiCor Biosciences, 6400-3
- Agrispec, Analytical Spectral Devices, ASP 350-2500nm
- Fluowatt 4.0
- FieldSpec HandHeld 2, Analytical Spectral Devices, HH2 325-1075nm
- UV Transiluminator, Fisher Bioblock Scientific, ECX-20M
- Radiometer, Solar Light Co, PMA2100
- Chlorophyll fluorescence meter Handy Pea with Serial Quanum Sensor, Hansatech Instruments, SQS
Air pollution sensors and samplers
- Nova PM sensors
- Aethalometer microAeth AE51, TSI
- P trak ultrafine particle counter, TSI
- Dust trak aerosol monitor, TSI
- Spirometer Spirobank II, MIR
- IQAir sensors
- PQ100 Air sampling system, Reference method for PM10, BGI Inc.
Temperature, humidity and wind sensors and loggers
- Heat camera seek thermal reveal
- 4 x E+E EE060 humidity & temperature gauge and 5m cable
- 12 Thermocouple type K, 5meter cable to measure surface temperature
- Thermocouple datalogger PCE-T 1200
- Thies windspeed sensor 4.3518.20.700
- Hygrochron DS1923-F5# (humidity and temperature loggers)
- Novus automation fieldlogger with 8 analog and 8 digital portals
- Temperature and humidity data logger with USB Easylog EL-USB-2
- Soil moisture kit HH150, AT Delta-T Devices
- Diver groundwater dataloggers and barometer, SWS Technology
- Weather station (T, RH, wind speed & direction, PAR and red/far-red), Skye Instruments
- iButtons Thermochron temperature loggers
General lab and field equipment
- Leaf Area Meter Li-3100, LiCor Biosciences, Li-3100C
- Microcope, Olympus, CX41RF
- Balance, KERN CPB, 15KO.5
- Drying oven, Memmert
- Digital camera Canon EOS 550D with several lenses, incl. Fish Eye lens and Canon MP-E 65 mm micro lens
- Tree increment corer, Haglof
- Dendrometric measurement devices (Vertex height meter, tree caliper, measuring tape, ...)
- Vacuumpump, Vacuubrand, ME4RNT
- Pressure bomb, PMS Intrument Company, model 1000
-6 treetalkers with 2 TT+ cloud devices, with 14 batteries for TT+ and 2 batteries with solar panel (large) for TT+ cloud
- Ecopress 4 plant moisture measurement, Ecotechnics- Balance, Denver, S-234
- Soil corer and soil auger, Eijckelcamp
-20 audimoths
Common garden design incl. about 100 plant species
Prof. Sara Vicca's lab
- DIC analyzer (FormacsHT, SKALAR)
- EGM-5 infrared gas analyzer (PP-systems)
- Isotope and Gas Concentration Analyzer (CH4, CO2, δ13C for CO2) (G2131-i, Picarro)
- Soil temperature, moisture and electric conductivity sensors (CS616, Campbell Scientific)