X-band continuous wave EPR 

The lab has a Bruker ESP300 CW EPR spectrometer in the X-band (9.5 GHz) with additional implementation to perform electrically- or optically-detected magnetic resonance (EDMR and ODMR). Experiments can be performed from 2.5 K up to room temperature. In-situ light illumination is possible using a continuous light source (lamp) or using a laser system (large variety of laser sources available). 

Pulsed X-band EPR/ENDOR 

The Bruker E580 Elexsys instrument allows performing pulsed EPR and ENDOR (electron nuclear double resonance) in the X band (~9.7 GHz). Using an Oxford Instruments flow cryostat measurements can be done in the 4-298 K range. The set-up is unique in Belgium. This instrument was upgraded thanks to funding of the Hercules Foundation. The Hercules Foundation is a structural funding instrument for investments in research infrastructure for fundamental and strategic research in all scientific disciplines. Both BIMEF and ECM laboratories use this facility for scientific means, but perform also service measurements for third parties.  

W/X-band (95/9.5 GHz) continuous wave and pulsed EPR and ODMR setup 

The W-band (95 GHz) EPR spectrometer (Bruker bridge, Oxford superconducting magnet) is operational in continuous-wave and pulsed mode. Optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) is possible using either a Fabry-Perot cavity or a cylindrical cavity (1). PELDOR and pulsed ENDOR experiments are also possible. All EPR, ENDOR, PELDOR and ODMR measurements can be performed in the 1.5-300 K temperature range, with facilities for orientational studies of small single crystals. The basic W-band instrument was purchased for fundamental research in condensed matter thanks to support from the Fund for Scientific Research -Flanders (FWO). 

The W-band set-up has recently been extended to an X/W-band combined system thanks to an investment of the Hercules Foundation, allowing also for X-band pulsed EPR, PELDOR and pulsed ENDOR at variable temperature