Bachelor Courses
Current academic year
The courses mentioned below are part of the program Bachelor of Physics. As the program is largely in Dutch, all course notes are in Dutch.
- Statistical Physics (pdf - 9.12 kB) -compulsory course, 3rd Bachelor year, 1st semester, 3 ECTS (prof.dr. Jacques Tempere).
- Quantum mechanics (pdf - 2.59 MB) - compulsory course, 3rd Bachelor year, 2nd semester, 3 ECTS (prof.dr. Jacques Tempere).
Past courses
Here we provide textbooks for courses that are no longer taught, but that might still be of use to current students.
- Fundamental Mathematical Structures (pdf - 977 kB) - former optional course, 1st Bachelor year, 2nd semester, 3 ECTS (prof.dr. Jacques Tempere)
Master Courses
Current academic year
The courses mentioned below are part of the program Master of Physics. The language of the title of the course is the language of the course notes.
- Quantum field theory (pdf - 2.08 MB) - optional course (compulsary for research modules subatomic physics and theoretical physics), 2nd semester, 6 ECTS (prof. dr. Jacques Tempere).
- Solid State Physics (pdf - 1.39 MB) - optional course (compulsory for research module theoretical physics), 2nd semester, 6 ECTS (prof. dr. Jacques Tempere).
- Superconductivity and superfluidity (pdf - 3.46 MB) - optional course (compulsary for research module theoretical physics), 1st semester, 6 ECTS (prof. dr. Jacques Tempere).
- Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics (pdf - 2.52 MB) - optional course, 1st semester of every odd numbered year, 6 ECTS (prof. dr. Jacques Tempere).
- Path integrals for option prices (pdf - 1.52 MB) - optional course, 1st semester of every even numbered year, 6 ECTS (prof. dr. Jacques Tempere).
- Mathematical methods in theoretical physics - compulsory course, 1st semester, 6 ECTS (prof.dr. Michiel Wouters).
- Statistical and mathematical physics - compulsory course, 2sn semester, 6 ECTS (prof.dr. Michiel Wouters).
The course Padintegralen voor optieprijzen (Path integrals for option prices) is also an optional course for the program Master of Mathematics: Financial Mathematics.
Past courses
Here we provide course notes which we think might still be of use (especially to current students).
- Prof. dr. Jacques Tempere - Complexe analyse en speciale functies (pdf - 2.81 MB) (Complex analysis and special functions): Former compulsory course, 6 ECTS. Most of the content has been distributed among the courses Wiskundige methoden in theoretische fysica (Mathematical methods in theoretical physics) and Statistische en wiskundige natuurkunde (Statistical and mathematical physics).