1. Reference Books and Compilations:
Written by members of Translational Neurosciences, or to which they contributed as co-authors.
📕 Marijke Dieltjens, Marc Braem
Syntax & Grammar of Dental Sleep Medicine
Ebook ISBN: 9789082837308 - ©2018
---> This comprehensive study guide offers the state of the art knowledge on dental sleep medicine and stimulates the reader to explore relevant topics of the clinical practice of dental sleep medicine via relevant literature.
📕 Vincent Van Rompaey:
Landmark Papers in Otolaryngology
Editors: John S. Phillips, Sally Erskine
ISBN-13: 978-0198834281 - ©2018
---> An invaluable reference to the most influential publications in the field of otolaryngology, summarised and critiqued for easy access to key information.
📕 Vincent Van Rompaey:
Ménière’s disease
Scott-Brown's Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery 8th edition.
Section editor: Doris-Eva Bamiou (University College London)
ISBN-13: 978-1444175899 - ©2018
ISBN-10: 1444175890
---> With over 100 chapters and numerous illustrations, this specialist volume contains authoritative and cutting edge information from some of the world's outstanding clinicians. It will be a constant companion through the specialty training years and beyond.
2. Scientific Publications:
Below you find a handfull of our most recent scientific publications. This list is automatically generated from the central databases. The full list of our publications can be consulted in the electronic libraries via this list of publications of Translational Neurosciences (opens in new window), or via the link at the bottom of this page.
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