This page lists some of the expertise of our research members. Contents are automatically generated from the central databases of the University of Antwerp. Contact the individual staff members for more info.

Baets Jonathan

Neurogenetics, molecular genetics, neuropathology, clinical neurology, clinical neurophysiology


molecular genetics, histopathology, clinical neurophysiology


neurologists, neuroscientists, geneticists


Hereditary neuropathies, Genetic disease, Neuro muscular diseases, Neuropathology, Pathomechanism

Boudewyns An

Research on congenital hearing loss in collaboration with the department of Medical Genetics of the University of Antwerp. Research on airway problems and sleep-related breathing disorders in children with Down syndrome in collaboration with the department of Pediatrics at the Antwerp University Hospital. Research on pediatric sleep disordered breathing in collaboration with the department of pediatrics of the Antwerp University Hospital and international collaboration with the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Pediatric Sleep Group.


sleep endoscopy and direct laryngoscopy polysomnography


pediatricians, ENT surgeons


Hereditary, Airway

Braem Marc

Dynamic / cyclic loading of mini-samples at low loads and evaluation of dental damage.


- Flexural fatigue - Micro-shear fatigue - Servo-hydraulic puls fatigue machine for heavy loads


- ENT: study of small hearing bones - Orthopedics: study of fixation material


Dental materials, Composites, Adhesive agent, Forensics, Dentistry, Fatigue

Ceulemans Berten

Epilepsy in children: clinical, genetic and treatment aspects. Fenfluramine as new anticonvulsive treatment. Dravet syndrome: clinical aspects.


Clinical. We do not do lab examinations.


Expertise in all aspecyts from epilepsies in children.


Genetics, Anticonvulsants, Child development, Epileptic encephalopathies, Epilepsy gene, Epilepsy

Cras Patrick

Neuropathology of human and animal nervous system, immunohistochemistry of nervous system specific proteins, immunodiagnosis of cerebrospinal fluid, enzyme linked immunoassay protein TAU and amyloid-beta, immunoblotting of 14-3-3.


- Light- and electronenmicroscopy - Histochemistry - Immunohistochemistry - Ultramicrotomy - Immunoblotting - Enzyme linked immunoassay - Chromatographic techniques


- Neuroscientists - Biomedical scientists - Biologists - Veterinarians - Medical doctors


Epidemiology, Immunocytochemistry, Neurology, Neuropathology, Enzymes, Parkinsons disease, Dementia, Prion disease, Electron microscopy

Crosiers David

Clinical neurology, neurogenetics, molecular genetics, movement disorders, neurodegenerative brain diseases, Parkinson's disease, dystonia, tremor


clinical research, molecular genetics


Physicians, paramedical professions, neurologists, neuroscientists, geneticists


Parkinsons disease, Genetics, Genotype-phenotype correlation, Neurology

De Groot Veva

Clinical glaucoma studies. Research concerning optic disc, and influence CSV on glaucoma


OCT visual field fundus exam visual acuity eye pressure


colleagues companies producing glaucoma medication


Genetic disease

Koppen Carina

The Antwerp Research Group for Ocular Science (ARGOS) focuses on translational research of the anterior segment of the eye using techniques of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. We conduct projects from bench to bed side by a unique combination of clinicians and basic researchers. Our focus is on the ocular surface with research lines on regeneration of the epithelium, stroma and endothelium of the cornea and conjunctiva. The approach is multidisciplinary thanks to local, national and international network connections. Our expertise includes the development and optimization of primary cell isolation and cell culture protocols without using animal products, designing biological and synthetic scaffolds, and testing their biocompatibility. Through our partnerships, we have the opportunity to work with 3D printing, micro-contact printing and with different types of hydrogels. Specifically, we successfully completed a phase I / II study in which limbal corneal epithelial stem cells were expanded ex vivo on an amniotic membrane for transplantation. We are further building on the acquired expertise: we are specifically focused on the development of a conjunctival substitute and smart scaffolds for endothelial transplantation. The latest project concerns cornea-on-chip in which a three-dimensional dynamic tissue environment is created to better model human physiology in a lab environment. The Visual Optics Lab Antwerp (VOLANTIS) studies the optical aspects of the human eye, with special attention to normal and pathological refractive development. To this end, we develop statistical and biomechanical models that innovatively describe normal eye growth, as well as the inter-individual differences that exist in the general population to better understand myopia and other refractive disorders. The unique collaboration between clinicians, optometrists, mathematicians, and physicists has already led to fundamental advances in the early detection of keratoconus and predicting the future course of the disease, allowing individualized treatment to be offered to the patient. Another line of research focuses on how glare from bright lights can affect daily functioning in tasks such as driving a vehicle safely. Finally, research is also being carried out on pediatric cataracts to gain more pathophysiological insight into this developmental disorder and the results of the surgical treatment.


Argos: cel culture, immunohisto-/cytochemistry, PCR and high throughput live cell imaging. Volantis: prospective and retrospective data collection in the clinic, statistical models and analysis, ray tracing, finite element modeling, machine learning.


Clinicians and researchers involved in ophthalmology, at home and abroad. Specifically for Argos: researchers interested in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.


Optical eye modelling, Corneal regeneration

Op de Beeck Sara

The expertise of Dr. Sara Op de Beeck is the use of advanced data-analysis techniques in a medical context. Her main expertise is the analysis and processing of data generated during a standard sleep study to predict pathophysiology and treatment outcome in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Furthermore, she has expertise in performing in performing gold standard measurements to assess breathing and collapse in these patients.


Advanced analysis techniques of sleep studies (polysomnography) using different softwares - Modelling to define pathophysiology of obstructive sleep apnea using clinically acquired data


Researchers interested in non-invasive endotyping of patients with sleep apnea.


Computational models, Data analysis, Data driven healthcare, Sleep apnea, Obstructive sleep apnea

Rozema Jos

In the coming years the VOLANTIS research group, plans to conduct several studies related to visual optics and ocular biomechanics. Overall, these studies may be grouped into three topics. The first is refractive development and eye modelling, which studies how the eye grows and how this can be described as a mathematical model. Such models will look at e.g. how during eye growth the different components of ocular biometry interact with each other to first bring the eye in focus ('emmetropia') and then maintain this condition as the eye continues to grow. Other studies look at what happens if such a balance is disrupted or how it is accomplished in pathological eyes (e.g. premature infants or infants operated for cataract). Within the European OBERON project, we will also develop a new type of model that combines the biomechanics of the eye with its optical function as a platform for testing new treatments in virtual clinical trials. This 'opto-biomechanical' model will need close interactions with our European partners. The next study topic is keratoconus, a disease that gradually deforms the cornea, leading to a considerable loss in visual quality. Early detection of the disease and its possible progression is very important in its management as it allows the patients to preserve a higher visual quality through timely treatment. To this end, we are working on machine learning systems that can tell ophthalmologists whether an eye has keratoconus and, if so, if it is in a progressive state. Another project looks at improving the popular 'crosslinking' treatment that increases corneal elasticity and stops the progression. To do this, we need to develop corneal elasticity maps that can inform ophthalmologists what areas of the cornea need treatment. Although the current methods to develop such maps are very computationally intensive, we will use new methods that have not yet been tried to speed up this process from several hours to minutes, making it clinically useful. Finally, we will study straylight and dark adaptation, which refers to being blinded by bright lights ('glare') and the time needed to recover afterwards. These phenomena can play a major role in traffic safety as drivers may be blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars. Since it is not yet understood at what level of glare the safety risks for safe driving become too high, we will organize a study to test the effect of a bright light source on performance in a driving simulator in a darkened room. The outcomes of these experiments will later be formulated as advice to legislative authorities to improve traffic safety.


Clinical eye measurements Eye modelling


Researchers, doctors, journalists


Eye modelling, Visual optics, Myopia

Van de Heyning Paul

Audiological/otoneurophysiologiccal investigations, vestibular testing of semicircular canal function and otolyth function and speech analysis.


- Otlyth research - Cochlear function testing - MVDP speech and voice analysis


- Farmaceutical inustry - ENT specialists - Otoneurophysiologists - Aerospacial medicine - Sleeplaboratories


Upper airway, Speech, Balance disorders, Otophysiological research

Van den Bogerd Bert

The expertise of dr. Bert Van den Bogerd lies within the field of regenerative medicine and developing innovative cell therapies. Specifically, dr. Van den Bogerd has been investigating a new substrate to grow and transplant corneal endothelial cells on, which consist of poly-(D,L)-lactic acid. This development and characterization of this new materials has been done in collaboration with the University of Ghent.


- Immunocytochemistry - high-throughput live cell imaging - Primary corneal cell culture - Tissue engineering


People who are interested in biomaterials and tissue engineering the anterior segment of the eye are welcome to contact me.


Ophthalmic drugs, Corneal regeneration, Advanced materials

Van Nuffelen Gwen

My main research topics are related to 1) assessment and treatment of dysphagia in head and neck cancer patients and patients with neurological diseases 2) assessment and treatment of motor speech disorders including training algorithms and neural networks for that purpose 3) assessment and treatment of voice disorders


- profound experience in multidisciplinary and/or multicenter randomized, controlled trials & prospective cohort studies - thorough experience in prophylactic studies in HNC-patients treated with RT/C - objective measurements of tongue strength & strength of the suprahyoid muscles - instrumental evaluation of swallowing by means of FEES end VFES - instrumental analysis of vocal fold behavior and condition by means of stroboscopy - acoustic analysis of speech and voice - objective analysis of intelligibility - automated analysis of articulatory skills - standardized questionnaires to assess QoL and participation related to voice, swallowing and speech


Our research is direct towards - patients with head and neck cancer treated with CCRT or surgery - patients with neurological diseases - patients with voice disorders - patients with impairments that lead to swallowing, speech or voice disorders - groups that are vulnerable to swallowing disorders (e.g. men/women 65+) - professional (e.g.teachers) and elite (e.g. singers) vocal performers


Experimental study, Innovations, Communication, Motor speech disorders, Swallowing disorders, Voice disorders, Speech

Van Ombergen Angelique

Investigating the effect of spaceflight on the brain of astronauts and the effect of vestibular disorders on the brain of vestibular patients.


vestibular clinical testing brain scans (MRI)


media patients (vestibular) astronauts general audience children & youngsters


Otovestibular pathology, Spaceflight, Human vestibular research, Vestibular, Vestibular system, Neuroscience, Brain, Aerospace

Van Rompaey Vincent

Transgenic animal models for hereditary hearing loss and vestibular failure (DFNA9, COCH). Animal models for acquired hearing loss and vestibular failure. Measuring hearing by auditory brainstem recording, startle-reflex and distortion product oto-acoustic emissions. Measuring attention and tinnitus by prepulse-inhibition. Measuring balance by means of behavioral and reflex testing. Clinical audiovestibular evaluation/ Cognitive evaluation by means of the RBANS-H. Spatial navigation by means of the virtual Morris Water Task. Evaluation of tinnitus. Robotic-assisted cochlear implantation. Menière’s disease and bilateral vestibulopathy.


Rodent auditory brainstem recording and distortion product oto-acoustic emissions to test hearing, behavioral assessment of vestibular function, prepulse inhibition for tinnitus analysis, cochlear dissection. State-of-the-art auditory testing, incl. liminal audiometry, speech audiometry in quiet and in noise, auditory brainstem recording, cortical auditory-evoked (late) potentials, assessment of cognitive function adapted to a potentially hearing-impaired population. -Tinnitus analysis, incl. validated patient reported outcome measures, pitch matching, non-invasieve neuromodulation (hd-tDCS). -Vestibular evaluation, incl. electronystagmography, VEMP, 3D video head impulse testing, video-oculography, balance testing, spatial navigation (virtual Morris water Task).


Translational research into treating or preventing hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction.


Gene therapy, Balance, Cognition, Hearing loss, Vestibular system

Verdoodt Dorien

Breeding and handling of transgenic animal models for hereditary hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction. Performing auditory brainstem response and distortion oto-acoustic emission measurements to assess hearing function in rodents. Investigating balance through measurement of the vestibular ocular reflex and observation of reflexes and behavior. Noise exposure in mice. Injection of molecules into the inner ear using the posterior semicircular canal approach in adult mice. Development of gene therapy to tackle hearing and vestibular loss in DFNA9 patients using a new humanized DFNA9 mouse model. Experience in immunohistochemistry (cryosections and whole mount) of the Organ of Corti and the spiral ligament to visualize different cell types, inner ear proteins and inner ear inflammation using specific antibodies. Molecular biology techniques involving RNA/DNA isolation, PCR, sequencing, ....


Measuring hearing function in rodents using Tucker-Davis Technologies to perform auditory brainstem responses and distortion oto-acoustic emissions. Assessing inner ear inflammation by performing immunohistochemistry of the organ of Corti and the spiral ligament and staining the immune cells using specific antibodies. Injection of molecules into the inner ear via the posterior semicircular canal approach using the Nanoliter 2020 device. Molecular techniques involving RNA/DNA isolation, PCR and sequencing.


Researchers that are interested in the generation and phenotyping of animal models for hereditary hearing loss and vestibular failure. Research into the inflammatory processes in the inner ear of mice.


Gene therapy, Deafness, Otolaryngology, Dfna9

Weckhuysen Sarah

The focus of my research group is the elucidation of the molecular basis of genetic epilepsies. State-of-the-art genetic strategies resulted in the identification of several novel disease genes, such as de novo KCNQ2 mutations in neonatal epileptic encephalopathy. Using non-neuronal and iPSC derived neuronal cel models, we further study the effect of mutations on normal gene functioning. We have a close connection with the Neurology department at the UZA Hospital, where the PI is responsible for the epilepsy clinic. In the last years we have grown from a genetic research lab to a lab that works from bed (deep phenotyping of patients) to bench (genetic diagnosis and functional characterization) and back to bedside (therapeutic strategies).


Gene identification studies, next generation sequencing analysis, disease modelling using iPSC derived 2D and 3D neuronal cultures


Clinicians caring for people with epilepsy, researchers interested in studying effects of variants in epilepsy (candidate) genes, companies interested in developing precision medicine approach for genetic epilepsies


Encephalopathy, Epilepsy, Human molecular genetics

Willekens Barbara

My research is driven by my clinical work as academic neurologist. Translational and clinical research in Multiple Sclerosis and rare neuroimmunological diseases of the CNS, incl. NMOSD, MOGAD, tumefactive demyelination and Susac syndrome). Overarching themes: (1) improve understanding of CNS neuroimmunological diseases, (2) develop and/or investigate novel care/treatment/monitoring approaches, including cellular immunotherapies. PI in academic and industry-led clinical trials in MS (phase I-IV). (Inter)national collaborations for real-world data collection and analysis of observational studies, eg MSBase, BELTRIMS, ACON


clinical trials, phase I-phase IV clinical research (observational, qualitative) translational research guidelines


Clinicians, epidemiologists, paramedics, nurses, fundamental researchers, industry


Neuroimmunology, Cohort study, Clinical trial, Multiple sclerosis, Susac syndrome, Nmosd (neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders), Mogad (mog antibody associated disease), Cell therapy

Yperzeele Laetitia

*Clinical stroke research focusing on prehospital diagnostics (telemedicine), wearables (HRV measurement) and predictors of outcome (gait analysis, DTI imaging techniques). *Participation in international databases and consortia (BEL-FMD, NOAC-ISP, SiFAP) *Prinical investigator / national coordinator for industry-led RCT's (eg. THALES, NAVIGATE-ESUS, ETNA-AF, RESTORE BRAIN, AXIOMATIC-SSP trial).


*clinical RCT's, Phase II /III/IV *prospective cohortstudies *qualitative research *epidemiological research


*clinical practitioners, stroke physicians, paramedics


Neurosurgery, Vascular research, Neuro-imaging, Stroke, Neuro mri, Neuronal microcircuits, Neuroplasticity, Neurotrauma